7.15 Other Recommendations and Guidelines

This section contains various recommendations and other information related to SPARQL queries.

7.15.1 BOUND or !BOUND Instead of EXISTS or NOT EXISTS

For better performance, use BOUND or !BOUND instead of EXISTS or NOT EXISTS.

7.15.2 SPARQL 1.1 SELECT Expressions

You can use SPARQL 1.1 SELECT expressions without any significant performance overhead, even if the function is not currently supported within Oracle Database. Examples include the following:

-- Query using SHA1 function
PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
PREFIX xsd:  <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
PREFIX eg:   <http://biometrics.example/ns#>
SELECT ?name ?email (sha1(?email) as ?sha1) 
  ?x foaf:name  ?name ; eg:email ?email .

-- Query using CONCAT function
PREFIX foaf:   <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
SELECT ( CONCAT(?G, " ", ?S) AS ?name )
  ?P foaf:givenName ?G ; foaf:surname ?S 

7.15.3 Syntax Involving Bnodes (Blank Nodes)

Syntax involving bnodes can be used freely in query patterns. For example, the following bnode-related syntax is supported at the parser level, so each is equivalent to its full triple-query-pattern-based version.

:x :q [ :p "v" ] .
(1 ?x 3 4) :p "w" .
(1 [:p :q] ( 2 ) ) .

7.15.4 Limit in the SERVICE Clause

When writing a SPARQL 1.1 federated query, you can set a limit on returned rows in the subquery inside the SERVICE clause. This can effectively constrain the amount of data to be transported between the local repository and the remote SPARQL endpoint.

For example, the following query specifies limit 100 in the subquery in the SERVICE clause:

PREFIX : <http://example.com/>
SELECT ?s ?o 
       ?s :name "CA"  
             select ?s  ?o 
                 {?s :info ?o} 
              limit 100 

7.15.5 OracleGraphWrapperForOntModel Class for Better Performance

The Jena OntModel class lets you create, modify, and analyze an ontology stored in a Jena model. However, the OntModel implementation is not optimized for RDF data stored in a database. This results in suboptimal performance when using OntModel with an Oracle model. Therefore, the class OracleGraphWrapperForOntModel has been created to alleviate this performance issue.

The OracleGraphWrapperForOntModel class implements the Jena Graph interface and represents a graph backed by an Oracle RDF/OWL graph that is meant for use with the Jena OntModel API. The OracleGraphWrapperForOntModel class uses two RDF stores in a hybrid approach for persisting changes and responding to queries. Both RDF stores contain the same data, but one resides in memory while the other resides in the Oracle database.

When queried through OntModel, the OracleGraphWrapperForOntModel graph runs the queries against the in-memory store to improve performance. However, the OracleGraphWrapperForOntModel class persists changes made through OntModel, such as adding or removing classes, by applying changes to both stores.

Due to its hybrid approach, an OracleGraphWrapperForOntModel graph requires that sufficient memory be allocated to the JVM to store a copy of the ontology in memory. In internal experiments, it was found that an ontology with approximately 3 million triples requires 6 or more GB of physical memory.

Example 7-15 Using OntModel with Ontology Stored in Oracle Database

Example 7-15 shows how to use the OntModel APIs with an existing ontology stored in an Oracle model.

// Set up connection to Oracle RDF store and the Oracle model
// containing the ontology
Oracle oracle = new Oracle(szJdbcURL, szUser, szPasswd);
GraphOracleSem oracleGraph = new GraphOracleSem(oracle, szModelName);
// Create a new hybrid graph using the oracle graph to persist
// changes.  This method will copy all the data from the oracle graph
// into an in-memory graph, which may significantly increase JVM memory
// usage.
Graph hybridGraph = OracleGraphWrapperForOntModel.getInstance(oracleGraph);
// Build a model around the hybrid graph and wrap the model with Jena's
// OntModel
Model model = ModelFactory.createModelForGraph(hybridGraph);
OntModel ontModel = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(ontModelSpec, model);
// Perform operations on the ontology
OntClass personClass = ontModel.createClass("<http://someuri/person>");
// Close resources (will also close oracleGraph)!

Note that any OntModel object created using OracleGraphWrapperForOntModel will not reflect changes made to the underlying Oracle model by another process, through a separate OntModel, or through a separate Oracle graph referencing the same underlying model. All changes to an ontology should go through a single OntModel object and its underlying OracleGraphWrapperForOntModel graph until the graph have been closed.

Example 7-16 Using a Custom In-Memory Graph

If the default in-memory RDF store used by OracleGraphWrapperForOntModel is not sufficient for an ontology and system, the class provides an interface for specifying a custom graph to use as the in-memory store. Example 7-16 shows how to create an OracleGraphWrapperForOntModel that uses a custom in-memory graph to answer queries from OntModel.

// Set up connection to Oracle RDF store and the Oracle model
// containing the ontology
Oracle oracle = new Oracle(szJdbcURL, szUser, szPasswd);
GraphOracleSem oracleGraph = new GraphOracleSem(oracle, szModelName);
// Create a custom in-memory graph to use instead of the default
// Jena in-memory graph for quickly answering OntModel queries.
// Note that this graph does not *need* to be in-memory, but in-memory
// is preferred.
GraphBase queryGraph = new CustomInMemoryGraphImpl();
// Create a new hybrid graph using the oracle graph to persist
// changes and the custom in-memory graph to answer queries. 
// Also set the degree of parallelism to use when copying data from
// the oracle graph to the querying graph.
int degreeOfParallelism = 4;
Graph hybridGraph = OracleGraphWrapperForOntModel.getInstance(oracleGraph, queryGraph, degreeOfParallelism);
// Build a model and wrap the model with Jena's OntModel
Model model = ModelFactory.createModelForGraph(hybridGraph);
OntModel ontModel = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(ontModelSpec, model);
// Perform operations on the ontology
// ...
// Close resources (will close oracleGraph and queryGraph)!