7.9 SPARQL Update Support

RDF Graph support for Apache Jena supports SPARQL Update (http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-update/), also referred to as SPARUL.

The primary programming APIs involve the Jena class org.apache.jena.update.UpdateAction and RDF Graph support for Apache Jena classes GraphOracleSem and DatasetGraphOracleSem. Example 7-4 shows a SPARQL Update operation removes all triples in named graph <http://example/graph> from the relevant RDF graph stored in the database.

Example 7-4 Simple SPARQL Update

GraphOracleSem graphOracleSem = .... ;
DatasetGraphOracleSem dsgos = DatasetGraphOracleSem.createFrom(graphOracleSem);
// SPARQL Update operation
String szUpdateAction = "DROP GRAPH <http://example/graph>";
// Execute the Update against a DatasetGraph instance (can be a Jena Model as well)
UpdateAction.parseExecute(szUpdateAction, dsgos);

Note that Oracle Database does not keep any information about an empty named graph. This implies if you invoke CREATE GRAPH <graph_name> without adding any triples into this graph, then no additional rows in the application table or the underlying RDF_LINK$ table will be created. To an Oracle database, you can safely skip the CREATE GRAPH step, as is the case in Example 7-4.

Example 7-5 SPARQL Update with Insert and Delete Operations

Example 7-5 shows a SPARQL Update operation (from ARQ 2.8.8) involving multiple insert and delete operations.

PREFIX : <http://example/>
CREATE GRAPH <http://example/graph> ;
INSERT DATA { :r :p 123 } ;
INSERT DATA { :r :p 1066 } ;
DELETE DATA { :r :p 1066 } ;
  GRAPH <http://example/graph> { :r :p 123 . :r :p 1066 }
} ;
  GRAPH <http://example/graph>  { :r :p 123 }

After running the update operation in Example 7-5 against an empty DatasetGraphOracleSem, running the SPARQL query SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE {?s ?p ?o} generates the following response:

| s                  | p                  | o                                                 |
| <http://example/r> | <http://example/p> | "123"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal> |

Using the same data, running the SPARQL query SELECT ?g ?s ?p ?o where {GRAPH ?g {?s ?p ?o}} generates the following response:

| g                      | s                  | p                  | o                                                  |
| <http://example/graph> | <http://example/r> | <http://example/p> | "1066"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal> |