8 RDF Graph Support for Eclipse RDF4J

Oracle RDF Graph Adapter for Eclipse RDF4J utilizes the popular Eclipse RDF4J framework to provide Java developers support to use the RDF graph feature of Oracle Database.


This feature was previously referred to as the Sesame Adapter for Oracle Database and the Sesame Adapter.

The Eclipse RDF4J is a powerful Java framework for processing and handling RDF data. This includes creating, parsing, scalable storage, reasoning and querying with RDF and Linked Data. See https://rdf4j.org for more information.

This chapter assumes that you are familiar with major concepts explained in RDF Graph Overview and OWL Concepts . It also assumes that you are familiar with the overall capabilities and use of the Eclipse RDF4J Java framework. See https://rdf4j.org for more information.

The Oracle RDF Graph Adapter for Eclipse RDF4J extends the RDF data management capabilities of Oracle Database RDF/OWL by providing a popular standards based API for Java developers.