










The SQL/JSON function JSON_TABLE creates a relational view of JSON data. It maps the result of a JSON data evaluation into relational rows and columns. You can query the result returned by the function as a virtual relational table using SQL. The main purpose of JSON_TABLE is to create a row of relational data for each object inside a JSON array and output JSON values from within that object as individual SQL column values.

You must specify JSON_TABLE only in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement. The function first applies a path expression, called a SQL/JSON row path expression, to the supplied JSON data. The JSON value that matches the row path expression is called a row source in that it generates a row of relational data. The COLUMNS clause evaluates the row source, finds specific JSON values within the row source, and returns those JSON values as SQL values in individual columns of a row of relational data.

The COLUMNS clause enables you to search for JSON values in different ways by using the following clauses:

  • JSON_exists_column - Evaluates JSON data in the same manner as the JSON_EXISTS condition, that is, determines if a specified JSON value exists, and returns either a VARCHAR2 column of values 'true' or 'false', or a NUMBER column of values 1 or 0.

  • JSON_query_column - Evaluates JSON data in the same manner as the JSON_QUERY function, that is, finds one or more specified JSON values, and returns a column of character strings that contain those JSON values.

  • JSON_value_column - Evaluates JSON data in the same manner as the JSON_VALUE function, that is, finds a specified scalar JSON value, and returns a column of those JSON values as SQL values.

  • JSON_nested_path - Allows you to flatten JSON values in a nested JSON object or JSON array into individual columns in a single row along with JSON values from the parent object or array. You can use this clause recursively to project data from multiple layers of nested objects or arrays into a single row.

  • ordinality_column - Returns a column of generated row numbers.

The column definition clauses allow you to specify a name for each column of data that they return. You can reference these column names elsewhere in the SELECT statement, such as in the SELECT list and the WHERE clause.

See Also:

Appendix C in Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide for the collation derivation rules, which define the collation assigned to each character data type column in the table generated by JSON_TABLE


Use this clause to specify the JSON data to be evaluated. For expr, specify an expression that evaluates to a text literal. If expr is a column, then the column must be of data type VARCHAR2, CLOB, or BLOB. If expr is null, then the function returns null.

If expr is not a text literal of well-formed JSON data using strict or lax syntax, then the function returns null by default. You can use the JSON_table_on_error_clause to override this default behavior. Refer to JSON_table_on_error_clause.


You must specify FORMAT JSON if expr is a column of data type BLOB.


Use the PATH clause to delineate a portion of the row that you want to use as the column content. The absence of the PATH clause does not change the behavior with a path of '$.<column-name>', where <column-name> is the column name. The name of the object field that is targeted is taken implicitly as the column name. See Oracle Database JSON Developer's Guide for the full semantics of PATH.


The JSON_basic_path_expression is a text literal. See Oracle Database JSON Developer's Guide for the full semantics of this clause.


Specify this row path expression to enable simple dot notation. The value of JSON_relative_object_access is evaluated as a JSON/Path expression relative to the current row item.

For more information on the JSON_object_key clause, refer to JSON Object Access Expressions .


Use this clause to specify the value returned by the function when errors occur:


    • If the input is not well-formed JSON text, no more rows will be returned as soon as the error is detected. Note that since JSON_TABLE supports streaming evaluation, rows may be returned prior to encountering the portion of the input with the error.

    • If no match is found when the row path expression is evaluated, no rows are returned.

    • Sets the default error behavior for all column expressions to NULL ON ERROR


    • If the input is not well-formed JSON text, an error will be raised.

    • If no match is found when the row path expression is evaluated, an error will be raised

    • Sets the default error behavior for all column expressions to ERROR ON ERROR


Use this clause to specify the value returned by this function if no match is found when the JSON data is evaluated using the SQL/JSON path expression. This clause allows you to specify a different outcome for this type of error than the outcome specified with the JSON_table_on_error_clause.

You can specify the following clauses:

  • NULL ON EMPTY - Returns null when no match is found.

  • ERROR ON EMPTY - Returns the appropriate Oracle error when no match is found.

  • DEFAULT literal ON EMPTY - Returns literal when no match is found. The data type of literal must match the data type of the value returned by this function.

If you omit this clause, then the JSON_table_on_error_clause determines the value returned when no match is found.


Use the COLUMNS clause to define the columns in the virtual relational table returned by the JSON_TABLE function.


This clause evaluates JSON data in the same manner as the JSON_EXISTS condition, that is, it determines if a specified JSON value exists. It returns either a VARCHAR2 column of values 'true' or 'false', or a NUMBER column of values 1 or 0.

A value of 'true' or 1 indicates that the JSON value exists and a value of 'false' or 0 indicates that the JSON value does not exist.

You can use the JSON_value_return_type clause to control the data type of the returned column. If you omit this clause, then the data type is VARCHAR2(4000). Use column_name to specify the name of the returned column. The rest of the clauses of JSON_exists_column have the same semantics here as they have for the JSON_EXISTS condition. For full information on these clauses, refer to "JSON_EXISTS Condition". Also see "Using JSON_exists_column: Examples" for an example.


This clause evaluates JSON data in the same manner as the JSON_QUERY function, that is, it finds one or more specified JSON values, and returns a column of character strings that contain those JSON values.

Use column_name to specify the name of the returned column. The rest of the clauses of JSON_query_column have the same semantics here as they have for the JSON_QUERY function. For full information on these clauses, refer to JSON_QUERY. Also see "Using JSON_query_column: Examples" for an example.


This clause evaluates JSON data in the same manner as the JSON_VALUE function, that is, it finds a specified scalar JSON value, and returns a column of those JSON values as SQL values.

Use column_name to specify the name of the returned column. The rest of the clauses of JSON_value_column have the same semantics here as they have for the JSON_VALUE function. For full information on these clauses, refer to JSON_VALUE. Also see "Using JSON_value_column: Examples" for an example.


Use this clause to flatten JSON values in a nested JSON object or JSON array into individual columns in a single row along with JSON values from the parent object or array. You can use this clause recursively to project data from multiple layers of nested objects or arrays into a single row.

Specify the JSON_basic_path_expression clause to match the nested object or array. This path expression is relative to the SQL/JSON row path expression specified in the JSON_TABLE function.

Use the COLUMNS clause to define the columns of the nested object or array to be returned. This clause is recursive—you can specify the JSON_nested_path clause within another JSON_nested_path clause. Also see "Using JSON_nested_path: Examples" for an example.


This clause returns a column of generated row numbers of data type NUMBER. You can specify at most one ordinality_column. Also see "Using JSON_value_column: Examples" for an example of using the ordinality_column clause.


Use the nested_clause as a short-hand syntax for mapping JSON values to relational columns. It reuses the syntax of the JSON_TABLE columns clause and is essentially equivalent to a left-outer ANSI join with JSON_TABLE.

Example 1 using the nested_clause is equivalent to Example 2 using the left-outer join with JSON_TABLE .

Example 1 Nested_Clause

FROM j_purchaseOrder
NESTED po_document COLUMNS(PONumber, Reference, Requestor) t;
--------------- ------------------------------ -----------------------------
1600 ABULL-20140421 Alexis Bull

Example 2 Left-Outer Join With JSON_TABLE

FROM j_purchaseOrder LEFT OUTER JOIN
JSON_TABLE(po_document COLUMNS(PONumber, Reference, Requestor)) t ON 1=1;

When using the nested_clause, the JSON column name following the NESTED keyword will not be included in SELECT * expansion. For example:

FROM j_purchaseOrder
NESTED po_document.LineItems[*]
COLUMNS(ItemNumber, Quantity NUMBER);
------------------------ ---------------------------------------- ------- -----------
6C5589E9A9156… 16-MAY-18 AM -07:00 1 9
6C5589E9A9156… 16-MAY-18 AM -07:00 2 5

The result does not include the JSON column name po_document as one of the columns in the result.

When unnesting JSON column data, the recommendation is to use LEFT OUTER JOIN semantics, so that JSON columns that produce no rows will not filter other non-JSON data from the result. For example,a j_purchaseOrder row with a NULL po_document column will not filter the possibly non-null relational columns id and date_loaded from the result.

The columns clause supports all the same features defined for JSON_TABLE including nested columns. For example:

FROM j_purchaseorder 
NESTED po_document COLUMNS(PONumber, Reference,
NESTED LineItems[*] COLUMNS(ItemNumber, Quantity)
) t
--------------- ------------------------------ ----- ------------
1600 ABULL-20140421 1 9
1600 ABULL-20140421 2 5


Creating a Table That Contains a JSON Document: Example

This example shows how to create and populate table j_purchaseorder, which is used in the rest of the JSON_TABLE examples in this section.

The following statement creates table j_purchaseorder. Column po_document is for storing JSON data and, therefore, has an IS JSON check constraint to ensure that only well-formed JSON is stored in the column.

CREATE TABLE j_purchaseorder
  (id RAW (16) NOT NULL,
   date_loaded TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE,
   po_document CLOB CONSTRAINT ensure_json CHECK (po_document IS JSON));

The following statement inserts one row, or one JSON document, into table j_purchaseorder:

INSERT INTO j_purchaseorder
    '{"PONumber"              : 1600,
      "Reference"             : "ABULL-20140421",
       "Requestor"            : "Alexis Bull",
       "User"                 : "ABULL",
       "CostCenter"           : "A50",
       "ShippingInstructions" : {"name"   : "Alexis Bull",
                                 "Address": {"street"   : "200 Sporting Green",
                                              "city"    : "South San Francisco",
                                              "state"   : "CA",
                                              "zipCode" : 99236,
                                              "country" : "United States of America"},
                                 "Phone" : [{"type" : "Office", "number" : "909-555-7307"},
                                            {"type" : "Mobile", "number" : "415-555-1234"}]},
       "Special Instructions" : null,
       "AllowPartialShipment" : true,
       "LineItems" : [{"ItemNumber" : 1,
                       "Part" : {"Description" : "One Magic Christmas",
                                 "UnitPrice"   : 19.95,
                                 "UPCCode"     : 13131092899},
                       "Quantity" : 9.0},
                      {"ItemNumber" : 2,
                       "Part" : {"Description" : "Lethal Weapon",
                                 "UnitPrice"   : 19.95,
                                 "UPCCode"     : 85391628927},
                       "Quantity" : 5.0}]}');

Using JSON_query_column: Examples

The statement in this example queries JSON data for a specific JSON property using the JSON_query_column clause, and returns the property value in a column.

The statement first applies a SQL/JSON row path expression to column po_document, which results in a match to the ShippingInstructions property. The COLUMNS clause then uses the JSON_query_column clause to return the Phone property value in a VARCHAR2(100) column.

SELECT jt.phones
FROM j_purchaseorder,
JSON_TABLE(po_document, '$.ShippingInstructions'
  (phones VARCHAR2(100) FORMAT JSON PATH '$.Phone')) AS jt;

Using JSON_value_column: Examples

The statement in this example refines the statement in the previous example by querying JSON data for specific JSON values using the JSON_value_column clause, and returns the JSON values as SQL values in relational rows and columns.

The statement first applies a SQL/JSON row path expression to column po_document, which results in a match to the elements in the JSON array Phone. These elements are JSON objects that contain two members named type and number. The statement uses the COLUMNS clause to return the type value for each object in a VARCHAR2(10) column called phone_type, and the number value for each object in a VARCHAR2(20) column called phone_num. The statement also returns an ordinal column named row_number.

FROM j_purchaseorder,
JSON_TABLE(po_document, '$.ShippingInstructions.Phone[*]'
         phone_type VARCHAR2(10) PATH '$.type',
         phone_num VARCHAR2(20) PATH '$.number'))
AS jt;

---------- ---------- --------------------
         1 Office     909-555-7307
         2 Mobile     415-555-1234

Using JSON_exists_column: Examples

The statements in this example test whether a JSON value exists in JSON data using the JSON_exists_column clause. The first example returns the result of the test as a 'true' or 'false' value in a column. The second example uses the result of the test in the WHERE clause.

The following statement first applies a SQL/JSON row path expression to column po_document, which results in a match to the entire context item, or JSON document. It then uses the COLUMNS clause to return the requestor's name and a string value of 'true' or 'false' indicating whether the JSON data for that requestor contains a zip code. The COLUMNS clause first uses the JSON_value_column clause to return the Requestor value in a VARCHAR2(32) column called requestor. It then uses the JSON_exists_column clause to determine if the zipCode object exists and returns the result in a VARCHAR2(5) column called has_zip.

SELECT requestor, has_zip
FROM j_purchaseorder,
JSON_TABLE(po_document, '$'
  (requestor VARCHAR2(32) PATH '$.Requestor',
   has_zip VARCHAR2(5) EXISTS PATH '$.ShippingInstructions.Address.zipCode'));

REQUESTOR                        HAS_ZIP
-------------------------------- -------
Alexis Bull                      true

The following statement is similar to the previous statement, except that it uses the value of has_zip in the WHERE clause to determine whether to return the Requestor value:

SELECT requestor
FROM j_purchaseorder,
JSON_TABLE(po_document, '$'
  (requestor VARCHAR2(32) PATH '$.Requestor',
   has_zip VARCHAR2(5) EXISTS PATH '$.ShippingInstructions.Address.zipCode'))
WHERE (has_zip = 'true');

Alexis Bull

Using JSON_nested_path: Examples

The following two simple statements demonstrate the functionality of the JSON_nested_path clause. They operate on a simple JSON array that contains three elements. The first two elements are numbers. The third element is a nested JSON array that contains two string value elements.

The following statement does not use the JSON_nested_path clause. It returns the three elements in the array in a single row. The nested array is returned in its entirety.

FROM JSON_TABLE('[1,2,["a","b"]]', '$'
COLUMNS (outer_value_0 NUMBER PATH '$[0]',
         outer_value_1 NUMBER PATH '$[1]', 
         outer_value_2 VARCHAR2(20) FORMAT JSON PATH '$[2]'));

------------- ------------- --------------------
            1             2 ["a","b"]

The following statement is different from the previous statement because it uses the JSON_nested_path clause to return the individual elements of the nested array in individual columns in a single row along with the parent array elements.

FROM JSON_TABLE('[1,2,["a","b"]]', '$'
COLUMNS (outer_value_0 NUMBER PATH '$[0]',
         outer_value_1 NUMBER PATH '$[1]',
         NESTED PATH '$[2]'
         COLUMNS (nested_value_0 VARCHAR2(1) PATH '$[0]',
                  nested_value_1 VARCHAR2(1) PATH '$[1]')));

------------- ------------- -------------- --------------
            1             2 a              b

The previous example shows how to use JSON_nested_path with a nested JSON array. The following example shows how to use the JSON_nested_path clause with a nested JSON object by returning the individual elements of the nested object in individual columns in a single row along with the parent object elements.

FROM JSON_TABLE('{a:100, b:200, c:{d:300, e:400}}', '$'
COLUMNS (outer_value_0 NUMBER PATH '$.a',
         outer_value_1 NUMBER PATH '$.b',
         NESTED PATH '$.c'
         COLUMNS (nested_value_0 NUMBER PATH '$.d',
                  nested_value_1 NUMBER PATH '$.e')));

------------- ------------- -------------- --------------
          100           200            300            400

The following statement uses the JSON_nested_path clause when querying the j_purchaseorder table. It first applies a row path expression to column po_document, which results in a match to the entire context item, or JSON document. It then uses the COLUMNS clause to return the Requestor value in a VARCHAR2(32) column called requestor. It then uses the JSON_nested_path clause to return the property values of the individual objects in each member of the nested Phone array. Note that a row is generated for each member of the nested array, and each row contains the corresponding Requestor value.

FROM j_purchaseorder,
JSON_TABLE(po_document, '$'
  (requestor VARCHAR2(32) PATH '$.Requestor',
   NESTED PATH '$.ShippingInstructions.Phone[*]'
     COLUMNS (phone_type VARCHAR2(32) PATH '$.type',
              phone_num VARCHAR2(20) PATH '$.number')))
AS jt;
-------------------- -------------------- ---------------
Alexis Bull          Office               909-555-7307
Alexis Bull          Mobile               415-555-1234

The following example shows the use of simple dot-notation in JSON_nested_path and its equivalent without dot notation.

FROM customer t,
id, name, phone, address,
updated, status,
NESTED lineitems[*] COLUMNS(
description, quantity NUMBER, price NUMBER
)) c;

The above statement in dot notation is equivalent to the following one without dot notation:

FROM customer t,
id PATH '$.id',
name PATH '$.name',
phone PATH '$.phone',
address PATH '$.address',
NESTED PATH '$.orders[*]' COLUMNS(
updated PATH '$.updated',
status PATH '$.status',
NESTED PATH '$.lineitems[*]' COLUMNS(
description PATH '$.description',
quantity NUMBER PATH '$.quantity',
price NUMBER PATH '$.price'
)) c;