Reviewing the SQL Access Advisor Recommendations: Recommendations

The Recommendations subpage ranks the SQL Access Advisor recommendations by cost improvement. You can also view details about each recommendation.

To review recommendation details:

  1. Access the Results for Task page, as described in "Reviewing the SQL Access Advisor Recommendations".

  2. Click Recommendations.

    The Recommendations subpage appears.

  3. Use the Recommendations by Cost Improvement chart to view recommendations ordered by the cost improvement.

    Under Select Recommendations for Implementation, each recommendation is listed with its implementation status, recommendation ID, cost improvement, space consumption, and the number of affected SQL statements for each recommendation. Implementing the top recommendation has the biggest benefit to the total performance of the workload.

  4. To view details for a particular recommendation, select the recommendation and click Recommendation Details.

    The Recommendation Details page appears. For space reasons, the following screenshot does not show the rightmost columns of the Actions table. The columns not shown are Tablespace and Estimated Space Used (MB).

    The Recommendation Details page displays all actions for the specified recommendation.

    Under Actions, you can choose to specify the schema or the tablespace for all actions. For some actions you can modify the object name, tablespace, and schema. To view the SQL text of an action, click the link in the Action column for the specified action.

    Under SQL Affected by Recommendation, the SQL text of the SQL statement and cost improvement information are displayed.

  5. Click OK.

    The Recommendations subpage appears.

  6. To view the SQL text of a recommendation, select the recommendation and click Show SQL.

    The Show SQL page for the selected recommendation appears.