Reviewing the SQL Access Advisor Recommendations

SQL Access Advisor graphically displays the recommendations and provides links so that you can quickly see which SQL statements benefit from a recommendation. Each recommendation produced by the SQL Access Advisor is linked to the SQL statement it benefits.

To review the SQL Access Advisor recommendations:

  1. Run SQL Access Advisor to make the recommendations, as described in "Running SQL Access Advisor".

  2. Access the Database Home page.

    See "Accessing the Database Home Page" for more information.

  3. From the Performance menu, select Advisors Home.

    If the Database Login page appears, then log in as a user with administrator privileges. The Advisor Central page appears.

  4. Select the SQL Access Advisor task for review and click View Result.

    If the task is not displayed, then you may need to refresh the screen. The Results for Task page appears.

  5. Review the Summary subpage, which provides an overview of the SQL Access Advisor analysis, as described in "Reviewing the SQL Access Advisor Recommendations: Summary".

  6. Review the Recommendations subpage, which enables you to view the recommendations ranked by cost improvement, as described in "Reviewing the SQL Access Advisor Recommendations: Recommendations".

  7. Review the SQL statements analyzed in the workload, as described in "Reviewing the SQL Access Advisor Recommendations: SQL Statements".

  8. Review the details of the workload, task options, and the SQL Access Advisor task, as described in "Reviewing the SQL Access Advisor Recommendations: Details".