The Top SQL section of the report describes the top SQL statements of the sampled session activity. Use this information to identify high-load SQL statements that may be the cause of the transient performance problem. The Top SQL with Top Events subsection lists the SQL statements that accounted for the highest percentages of sampled session activity. The Sampled # of Executions column shows how many distinct executions of a particular SQL statement were sampled. To view the text of the SQL statements, click the SQL ID link.

Figure 8-4 shows that over half of DB time is consumed by three DML statements. These statements were run in the SQL*Plus module shown in Figure 8-3. The Top Sessions section should be analyzed to identify the sessions running these statements.

Figure 8-4 Top SQL with Top Events

Description of Figure 8-4 follows
Description of "Figure 8-4 Top SQL with Top Events"

See Also: