14.2.2 Using Datetime Data Types

This section explains in detail working of datetime data types such as date, time and timestamp.

Overview of Datetime Data Types in Graph Server (PGX)

Table 14-3 presents the overview of the five datetime data types supported by PGX along with example values.


PGX also supports custom format specification when loading data into PGX.

Table 14-3 Overview of Datetime Data Types in PGX

Data Type Loading and Storing PGX Java API PGQL and Filter Expression Example Value-1 Example Value-1
date local_date LocalDate DATE 2001-01-29 2018-10-08
time time LocalTime TIME 10:15 10:30:01.000
timestamp timestamp LocalDateTime TIMESTAMP 2001-01-29 10:15 2018-10-08 10:30:01.000
time with time zone time_with_timezone OffsetTime TIME WITH TIME ZONE 10:15+01:00 10:30:01.000-08:00
timestamp with time zone timestamp_with_timezone OffsetDateTime TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE 2001-01-29 10:15+01:00 2018-10-08 10:30:01.000-08:00