12 Getting Started with the Client Tools

You can use multiple client tools to interact with the graph server (PGX) or directly with the graph data in the database.

The following sections explain how to use the various client tools:

12.1 Interactive Graph Shell CLIs

Both the Oracle Graph server and client packages contain interactive command-line applications for interacting with the Java APIs and the Python APIs of the product, locally or on remote computers.

The interactive graph shells dynamically interpret command-line inputs from the user, execute them by invoking the underlying functionality, and can print results or process them further. The graph shells provide a lightweight and interactive way of exercising graph functionality without creating a Java or Python application.

The graph shells are especially helpful if you want to do any of the following:

  • Quickly run a "one-off" graph analysis on a specific data set, rather than creating a large application
  • Run getting started examples and create demos on a sample data set
  • Explore the data set, trying different graph analyses on the data set interactively
  • Learn how to use the product and develop a sense of what the built-in algorithms are good for
  • Develop and test custom graph analytics algorithms

The graph shell for the Java API (OPG4J) is implemented on top of the Java Shell tool (JShell). As such, it inherits all features provided by JShell such as tab-completion, history, reverse search, semicolon inference, script files, and internal variables. The graph shell for the Python API (OPG4Py) uses IPython in case it is installed.

The following sections explain in detail on how to start the graph shell CLIs:

See Also:

12.1.1 Starting the OPG4J Shell

Launching the OPG4J Shell

The Java shell executables are found in /opt/oracle/graph/bin after the graph server (PGX) installation, and in <CLIENT_INSTALL_DIR>/bin after the Java client installation.

The OPG4J shell uses JShell, which means the shell needs to run on Java 11 or later. See Installing the Java Client From the Graph Server and Client Downloads for more details on the prerequisites. You can then launch the OPG4J shell by entering the following in your terminal:

cd /opt/oracle/graph

When the shell has started, the following command line prompt appears:

For an introduction type: /help intro
Oracle Graph Server Shell 23.3.0
Variables instance, session, and analyst ready to use.

By default, the OPG4J shell creates a local PGX instance, to run graph functions in the same JVM as the shell as described in Developing Applications Using Graph Server Functionality as a Library.

Command-line Options

To view the list of available command-line options, add --help to the opg4j command:

./bin/opg4j --help

To start the opg4j shell without connecting to the graph server (PGX), use the --no_connect option as shown:

./bin/opg4j --no_connect

Starting the OPG4J Shell on Remote Mode

The OPG4J shell can connect to a graph server (PGX) instance that is running on another JVM (possibly on a different machine). In order to launch the OPG4J shell in remote mode, you must specify the --base_url parameter as shown:
./bin/opg4j --base_url https://<host>:7007 --username <graphuser>
where :
  • <host>: is the server host
  • <graphuser>: is the database user

    You will be prompted for the database password.


The graph server (PGX), listens on port 7007 by default. If needed, you can configure the graph server to listen on a different port by changing the port value in the server configuration file (server.conf). See Configuring the Graph Server (PGX) for details.

When the shell has started, the following command line prompt appears:

Oracle Graph Server Shell 23.3.0
Variables instance, session, and analyst ready to use.

If you have multiple versions of Java installed, you can easily switch between installations by setting the JAVA_HOME variable before starting the shell. For example:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-oracle

Batch Execution of Scripts

The OPG4J shell can execute a script by passing the path(s) to the script(s) to the opg4j command. For example:

./bin/opg4j /path/to/script.jsh

Predefined Functions

The OPG4J shell provides the following utility functions:

  • println(String): A shorthand for System.out.println(String).
  • loglevel(String loggerName, String levelName): A convenient function to set the loglevel.

The loglevel function allows you to set the log level for a logger. For example, loglevel("ROOT", "INFO") sets the level of the root logger to INFO. This causes all logs of INFO and higher (WARN, ERROR, FATAL) to be printed to the console.

Script Arguments

You can also provide parameters to the script executed by the graph server (PGX). For example:

./bin/opg4j /path/to/script.jsh script-arg-1 script-arg-2

The script /path/to/script.jsh can then access the arguments through the arguments.scriptArgs variable. The arguments are provided as an array of strings (String[]). For example:

Arrays.stream(arguments.scriptArgs).forEach((a) -> 

The preceding example prints the output as shown:


Staying in Interactive Mode

By default, the OPG4J shell exits after it finishes execution. To stay in interactive mode after the script finishes successfully, pass the --keep_running flag to the shell. For example:

./bin/opg4j -b https://myserver.com:7007/ /path/to/script.jsh --keep_running

12.1.2 Starting the OPG4Py Shell

Launching the OPG4Py Shell

The OPG4Py shell executables are found in /opt/oracle/graph/bin after the graph server (PGX) installation, and in <CLIENT_INSTALL_DIR>/bin after the Python client installation.

Before launching the OPG4Py shell, verify that your system meets the prerequisites explained in Prerequisites for Installing the Python Client. You can then launch the OPG4Py shell by entering the following in your terminal:

cd /opt/oracle/graph

When the shell has started, the following command line prompt appears:

Oracle Graph Server Shell 23.3.0

If IPython is installed the following prompt will appear:

In [1]:

By default, the OPG4Py shell creates a local PGX instance, to run graph functions in the same JVM as the shell as described in Developing Applications Using Graph Server Functionality as a Library.

Command-line Options

To view the list of available command-line options, add --help to the opg4py command:

./bin/opg4py --help

To start the PyPGX shell without connecting to the graph server (PGX), use the --no_connect option as shown:

./bin/opg4py --no_connect

Starting the OPG4Py Shell on Remote Mode

The OPG4Py shell can connect to a graph server (PGX) instance that is running on another JVM (possibly on a different machine). In order to launch the OPG4Py shell in remote mode, you must specify the --base_url parameter as shown:
./bin/opg4py --base_url https://<host>:7007 --username <graphuser>
where :
  • <host>: is the server host
  • <graphuser>: is the database user

    You will be prompted for the database password.


The graph server (PGX), listens on port 7007 by default. If needed, you can configure the graph server to listen on a different port by changing the port value in the server configuration file (server.conf). See Configuring the Graph Server (PGX) for details.

When the OPG4Py shell has started, the following command line prompt appears:

Oracle Graph Server Shell 23.3.0

12.2 Using Autonomous Database Graph Client

Using the AdbGraphClient API, you can access Graph Studio features in Autonomous Database programmatically using the Oracle Graph Client or through your Java or Python application.

This API provides the following capabilities:

  • Authenticate with Autonomous Database
  • Manage the Graph Studio environment
  • Execute graph queries and algorithms against the graph server (PGX)
  • Execute graph queries directly against Oracle Database

To use the AdbGraphClient API, you must have access to Oracle Graph Client installation. The API is provided by the Oracle Graph Client library which is a part of the Oracle Graph Server and Client distribution. See Installing Oracle Graph Client on how to install and get started with the graph client shell CLIs for Java or Python.

Also, prior to using the Autonomous Database Graph Client, ensure you meet all the prerequisite requirements explained in Prerequisites for Using Autonomous Database Graph Client.
The following example shows using the AdbGraphClient API to establish a connection to Graph Studio, start an environment with allocated memory, load a PGQL property graph graph into memory, execute PGQL queries and run algorithms against the graph.


See the Javadoc and Python API Reference for more information on AdbGraphClient API.
  1. Start the interactive graph shell CLI and connect to your Autonomous Database instance as shown:
    cd /opt/oracle/graph
    ./bin/opg4j --no_connect
    For an introduction type: /help intro
    Oracle Graph Server Shell 23.3.0
    opg4j> import oracle.pg.rdbms.*
    opg4j> var config = AdbGraphClientConfiguration.builder()
    opg4j> config.database("<DB_name>")
    opg4j> config.tenancyOcid("<tenancy_OCID>")
    opg4j> config.databaseOcid("<database_OCID>")
    opg4j> config.username("ADBDEV")
    opg4j> config.password("<password_for_ADBDEV>")
    opg4j> config.endpoint("https://<hostname-prefix>.adb.<region>.oraclecloudapps.com/")
    opg4j> var client = new AdbGraphClient(config.build())
    client ==> oracle.pg.rdbms.AdbGraphClient@7b8d1537
    import oracle.pg.rdbms.*;
    var config = AdbGraphClientConfiguration.builder();
    var client = new AdbGraphClient(config.build());
    cd /opt/oracle/graph 
    ./bin/opg4py --no_connect
    Oracle Graph Server Shell 23.3.0
    >>> from opg4py.adb import AdbClient
    >>> config = {
    ...          'tenancy_ocid': '<tenancy_OCID>',
    ...          'database': '<DB_name>',
    ...          'database_ocid': '<DB_OCID>',
    ...          'username': 'ADBDEV',
    ...          'password': '<password_for_ADBDEV>',
    ...          'endpoint': 'https://<hostname-prefix>.adb.<region>.oraclecloudapps.com/'
    ... }
    >>> client = AdbClient(config)
  2. Start the PGX server environment with the desired memory as shown in the following code.
    This submits a job in Graph Studio for environment creation. job.get() waits for the environment to get started. You can always verify if the environment has started successfully with client.isAttached(). The method returns a boolean true if the environment is running.

    However, you can skip the step of creating an environment, if client.isAttached() returns true in the first step of the code.

    opg4j> client.isAttached()
    $9 ==> false
    opg4j> var job=client.startEnvironment(10)
    job ==> oracle.pg.rdbms.Job@117e9a56[Not completed]
    opg4j> job.get()
    $11 ==> null
    opg4j> job.getName()
    $11 ==> "Environment Creation - 16 GBs"
    opg4j> job.getType()
    opg4j> job.getCreatedBy()
    $13 ==> "ADBDEV"
    opg4j> client.isAttached()
    $11 ==> true
     if (!client.isAttached()) {
             var job = client.startEnvironment(10);
             System.out.println("job details: name=" + job.getName() + "type= " + job.getType() +"created_by= " + job.getCreatedBy());
    job details: name=Environment Creation - 16 GBstype= ENVIRONMENT_CREATIONcreated_by= ADBDEV
    >>> client.is_attached()
    >>> job = client.start_environment(10)
    >>> job.get()
    >>> job.get_name()
    'Environment Creation - 16 GBs'
    >>> job.get_created_by()
    >>> client.is_attached()
  3. Create an instance and a session object as shown:
    opg4j> var instance = client.getPgxInstance()
    instance ==> ServerInstance[embedded=false,baseUrl=https://<hostname-prefix>.adb.<region>.oraclecloudapps.com/graph/pgx]
    opg4j> var session = instance.createSession("AdbGraphSession")
    session ==> PgxSession[ID=c403be26-ad0c-45cf-87b7-1da2a48bda54,source=AdbGraphSession]
    ServerInstance instance = client.getPgxInstance();
    PgxSession session = instance.createSession("AdbGraphSession");
    >>> instance = client.get_pgx_instance()
    >>> session = instance.create_session("adb-session")
  4. Load a PGView graph from your Autonomous Database instance into memory.
    opg4j> var graph = session.readGraphByName("BANK_GRAPH", GraphSource.PG_VIEW)
    graph ==> PgxGraph[name=BANK_GRAPH,N=1000,E=5001,created=1647800790654]
    PgxGraph graph = session.readGraphByName("BANK_GRAPH", GraphSource.PG_VIEW);
    >>> graph = session.read_graph_by_name("BANK_GRAPH", "pg_view")
  5. Create an Analyst and execute a Pagerank algorithm on the graph as shown:
    opg4j> session.createAnalyst().pagerank(graph)
    $16 ==> VertexProperty[name=pagerank,type=double,graph=BANK_GRAPH]
    >>> session.create_analyst().pagerank(graph)
    VertexProperty(name: pagerank, type: double, graph: BANK_GRAPH)
  6. Execute a PGQL query on the graph and print the result set as shown:
    opg4j> graph.queryPgql("SELECT a.acct_id AS source, a.pagerank, t.amount, b.acct_id AS destination FROM MATCH (a)-[t]->(b) ORDER BY a.pagerank DESC LIMIT 3").print()
    PgqlResultSet rs = graph.queryPgql("SELECT a.acct_id AS source, a.pagerank, t.amount, b.acct_id AS destination FROM MATCH (a)-[t]->(b) ORDER BY a.pagerank DESC LIMIT 3");
    >>> rs = graph.query_pgql("SELECT a.acct_id AS source, a.pagerank, t.amount, b.acct_id AS destination FROM MATCH (a)-[t]->(b) ORDER BY a.pagerank DESC LIMIT 3").print()
    On execution, the query produces the following output:
    | source | pagerank             | amount | destination |
    | 387    | 0.007302836252205922 | 1000.0 | 188         |
    | 387    | 0.007302836252205922 | 1000.0 | 374         |
    | 387    | 0.007302836252205922 | 1000.0 | 577         |
  7. Optionally, you can execute a PGQL query directly against the graph in the database as shown in the following code.
    In order to establish a JDBC connection to the database, you must download the wallet and save it in a secure location. See JDBC Thin Connections with a Wallet on how to determine the JDBC URL connection string.
    opg4j> String jdbcUrl="jdbc:oracle:thin:@<tns_alias>?TNS_ADMIN=<path_to_wallet>"
    opg4j> var conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl,"ADBDEV","<password_for_ADBDEV>")
    conn ==> oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection@36ee8c7b
    opg4j> var pgqlConn = PgqlConnection.getConnection(conn)
    pgqlConn ==> oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.PgqlConnection@5f27d271
    opg4j> var pgqlStmt = pgqlConn.createStatement()
    pgqlStmt ==> oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.PgqlExecution@4349f52c
    opg4j> pgqlStmt.executeQuery("SELECT a.acct_id AS source, t.amount, b.acct_id AS destination FROM MATCH (a)-[t]->(b) ON BANK_GRAPH LIMIT 3").print()
    import oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.PgqlConnection;
    import oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.PgqlStatement;
    import oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.PgqlResultSet;
    import oracle.pgx.api.*;
    import oracle.pg.rdbms.GraphServer;
    import oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.jdbc.PgqlJdbcRdbmsDriver;
    DriverManager.registerDriver(new PgqlJdbcRdbmsDriver());
    String jdbcUrl="jdbc:oracle:thin:@<tns_alias>?TNS_ADMIN=<path_to_wallet>";
    Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl,"ADBDEV","<password_for_ADBDEV>");
    PgqlConnection pgqlConn = PgqlConnection.getConnection(conn);
    PgqlStatement pgqlStmt = pgqlConn.createStatement();
    PgqlResultSet rs = pgqlStmt.executeQuery("SELECT a.acct_id AS source, t.amount, b.acct_id AS destination FROM MATCH (a)-[t]->(b) ON BANK_GRAPH LIMIT 3");
    >>> jdbcUrl = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@<tns_alias>?TNS_ADMIN=<path_to_wallet>"
    >>> pgql_conn = opg4py.pgql.get_connection("ADBDEV","<password_for_ADBDEV>", jdbcUrl)
    >>> pgql_statement = pgql_conn.create_statement()
    >>> pgql_statement.execute_query("SELECT a.acct_id AS source, t.amount, b.acct_id AS destination FROM MATCH (a)-[t]->(b) ON BANK_GRAPH LIMIT 3").print()
    On execution, the query produces the following output:
    | 1000   | 1000   | 921         |
    | 1000   | 1000   | 662         |
    | 1000   | 1000   | 506         |
  8. Close the session after executing all graph queries as shown:
    opg4j> session.close()
    opg4j> session.close();
    >>> session.close()

12.2.1 Prerequisites for Using Autonomous Database Graph Client

As a prerequisite requirement to get started with the AdbGraphClient API, you must:

  • Provision an Autonomous Database instance in Oracle Autonomous Database.
  • Obtain the following tenancy details to connect:
    Key Description More Information
    tenancy OCID The Oracle Cloud ID (OCID) of your tenancy To determine the OCID for your tenancy, see "Where to Find your Tenancy's OCID" in: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation.
    database Database name of your Autonomous Database instance
    1. Open the OCI console and click Oracle Database in the left navigation menu.
    2. Click Autonomous Database and navigate to the Autonomous Databases page.
    3. Select the required Autonomous Database under the Display Name column and navigate to the Autonomous Database Details page.
    4. Note the Database Name under "General Information" in the Autonomous Database Information tab.
    database OCID The Oracle Cloud ID (OCID) of your Autonomous Database
    1. Open the OCI console and click Oracle Database in the left navigation menu.
    2. Click Autonomous Database and navigate to the Autonomous Databases page.
    3. Select the required Autonomous Database under the Display Name column and navigate to the Autonomous Database Details page.
    4. Note the Database OCID under "General Information" in the Autonomous Database Information tab.
    username Graph enabled Autonomous Database username, used for logging into Graph Studio See Create a Graph User for more information.
    password Database password for the graph user If the password for a graph user is forgotten, then you can always reset password for the graph user by logging into Database Actions as the ADMIN user. See Edit User for more information.
    endpoint Graph Studio endpoint URL
    1. Select your Autonomous Database instance and navigate to the the Autonomous Database Details page.
    2. Click the Tools tab.
    3. Click on Graph Studio.
    4. Copy the URL of the new tab that opens the Graph Studio login screen.
    5. Edit the URL to remove the part after oraclecloudapps.com to obtain the endpoint URL.

      For example, the following shows the format of a sample endpoint URL:

  • Access Graph Studio and create a PG View graph.
  • Download, install and start the Oracle Graph Java or Python client.

12.3 Using the Graph Visualization Web Client

You can use the Graph Visualization application to visualize graphs that are either loaded into the graph server (PGX) or stored in the database.

To run the graph visualization application for your installation, see Running the Graph Visualization Web Client.

12.4 Using the Jupyter Notebook Interface

You can use the Jupyter notebook interface to create, load, and query PGQL property graphs through Python.

Perform the following steps to perform graph analysis using Jupyter Notebook:
  1. Install the Jupyter Notebook application following the Jupyter documentation. The following example installs Jupyter with pip:
    pip3 install --user jupyter
  2. Ensure that your Jupyter installation is added to the PATH environment variable.
  3. Run the notebook server using the jupyter notebook command.
  4. Launch the web application using the generated URL and open a new notebook.
  5. Create and analyse a property graph.

12.5 Additional Client Tools for Querying PGQL Property Graphs

When working with PGQL property graphs in the database, you can use other supported client tools.

12.5.1 Using Oracle SQLcl

You can access the graph in the database using SQLcl.

You can run PGQL queries on the graph in SQLcl with a plug-in that is available with Oracle Graph Server and Client. See PGQL Plug-in for SQLcl in Oracle SQLcl User’s Guide for more information.

The example in this section helps you get started on executing PGQL queries on a graph in SQLcl. As a prerequisite, to perform the steps in the example, you must set up the bank graph data in your database schema using the sample data provided with the graph server installation. See Using Sample Data for Graph Analysis for more information.

The following example creates a PGQL property graph using the PGQL CREATE PROPERTY GRAPH statement, executes PGQL queries against the graph and finally drops the graph using SQLcl.

  1. Start SQLcl with your database schema credentials. In the following command, graphuser is the database user used to connect to SQLcl.
    sql graphuser/<password_for_graphuser>@<tns_alias>
    SQLcl: Release 21.2 Production on Sun Jan 30 04:30:09 2022
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2022, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 21c Enterprise Edition Release - Production
  2. Enable PGQL mode as shown:
    SQL> pgql auto on;
    PGQL Auto enabled for schema=[null], graph=[null], execute=[true], translate=[false]

    Note that no arguments are used in the preceding PGQL command.

  3. Create a PGQL property graph on the bank graph data tables.
      2          VERTEX TABLES (
      3            bank_accounts
      4              LABEL ACCOUNTS
      5              PROPERTIES (ID, NAME)
      6          )
      7          EDGE TABLES (
      8            bank_txns
      9              SOURCE KEY (from_acct_id) REFERENCES bank_accounts (id)
     10              DESTINATION KEY (to_acct_id) REFERENCES bank_accounts (id)
     11              LABEL TRANSFERS
     13*         ) OPTIONS(PG_VIEW);
    Graph created
  4. Set bank_graph as the default graph using the graph argument when enabling PGQL mode.
    PGQL> pgql auto on graph bank_graph;
    PGQL Auto enabled for schema=[null], graph=[BANK_GRAPH], execute=[true], translate=[false]
  5. Execute PGQL queries against the default graph. For example, the following PGQL query retrieves the total number of vertices as shown:
    PGQL> SELECT COUNT(*) AS num_vertices FROM MATCH(n);

    Note that in the preceding query, the graph name is not specified using the ON clause as part of the MATCH clause.

  6. Reconnect to SQLcl as another schema user.
    PGQL> conn system/<password_for_system>@<tns_alias>;
  7. Enable PGQL mode using the schema argument to set the default schema used for creating the graph. Also, set bank_graph as the default graph using the graph argument :
    PGQL> pgql auto on schema graphuser graph bank_graph;
    PGQL Auto enabled for schema=[graphuser], graph=[BANK_GRAPH], execute=[true], translate=[false]
  8. Execute a PGQL query to retrieve all the edge properties on the graph as shown:
    PGQL> SELECT e.* FROM MATCH (n:accounts) -[e:transfers]-> (m:accounts) LIMIT 10;
    _________ ______________ _______________ _____________
         1000 transfer                   178           921
         1000 transfer                   178           462
         1000 transfer                   179           688
         1000 transfer                   179           166
         1000 transfer                   179           397
         1000 transfer                   179           384
         1000 transfer                   179           900
         1000 transfer                   180           855
         1000 transfer                   180           984
         1000 transfer                   180           352
    10 rows selected.

    Therefore, you can set a default schema and execute PGQL queries against a default graph in SQLcl.

  9. Finally, drop the graph after executing the required graph queries.
    Graph dropped

Also, see Execute PGQL Queries in SQLcl for more information.

12.5.2 Using SQL Developer with PGQL Property Graphs

Using SQL Developer 23.1, you can view all the PGQL property graphs existing in your database schema by expanding PGQL Property Graphs under the Property Graph node in the Connections navigator.

Figure 12-3 PGQL Property Graphs in SQL Developer

Description of Figure 12-3 follows
Description of "Figure 12-3 PGQL Property Graphs in SQL Developer"

The following steps show a few examples for working with PGQL property graphs using SQL Developer.

  1. Right-click the Property Graph node and select Open PGQL Worksheet.
    PGQL Worksheet opens in a new tab and it supports the following actions:
    • Run Query: To run a single PGQL query
    • Run Script: To run multiple PGQL queries
  2. Create a PGQL property graph by running a CREATE PROPERTY GRAPH statement in the PGQL Worksheet. For example:

    Figure 12-4 Create a PGQL property graph

    Description of Figure 12-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 12-4 Create a PGQL property graph"

    The result of the query execution is displayed in the bottom pane of the Editor. On successful query execution, you can right click and refresh the PGQL Property Graphs object to view the newly created graph under PGQL Property Graphs.

  3. Click on the newly created graph.
    This opens a PGQL Worksheet in a new tab with the following default query:
    SELECT e, v, n FROM MATCH (v)-[e]-(n) ON <graph_name> LIMIT 100
  4. Run one or more PGQL queries.
    For example, the following shows the execution of PGQL INSERT and SELECT queries:

    Figure 12-5 Running Multiple PGQL Queries

    Description of Figure 12-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 12-5 Running Multiple PGQL Queries"

    You can view the results in the Script Output tab.

  5. Delete the PGQL property graph as shown:

    Figure 12-6 Dropping a PGQL Property Graph

    Description of Figure 12-6 follows
    Description of "Figure 12-6 Dropping a PGQL Property Graph"

    The graph is dropped.