13 Property Graph Query Language (PGQL)

PGQL is a SQL-like query language for property graph data structures that consist of vertices that are connected to other vertices by edges, each of which can have key-value pairs (properties) associated with them.

The language is based on the concept of graph pattern matching, which allows you to specify patterns that are matched against vertices and edges in a data graph.


The graph server (PGX) 23.3.0 supports PGQL 2.0 and earlier versions.

The property graph support provides two ways to execute Property Graph Query Language (PGQL) queries through Java APIs:

For more information about PGQL, see the PGQL Specification.

13.1 Creating a Property Graph Using PGQL

CREATE PROPERTY GRAPH is a PGQL DDL statement to create a PGQL property graph from the database tables.

The CREATE PROPERTY GRAPH statement starts with the name you give the graph, followed by a set of vertex tables and edge tables. The graph can have no vertex tables or edge tables (an empty graph), or vertex tables and no edge tables (a graph with only vertices and no edges), or both vertex tables and edge tables (a graph with vertices and edges). However, a graph cannot be specified with only edge tables and no vertex tables.

Consider the bank_accounts and bank_txns database tables created using the sample graph data in opt/oracle/graph/data directory. See Importing Data from CSV Files for more information.

  • BANK_ACCOUNTS is a table with columns id, name. A row is added into this table for every new account.
  • BANK_TXNS is a table with columns txn_id, from_acct_id, to_acct_id, description, and amount. A row is added into this table for every new transaction from from_acct_id to to_acct_id.

You can create a PGQL property graph using the database tables as shown:

       bank_accounts AS accounts
         LABEL accounts
         PROPERTIES (id, name)
       bank_txns AS transfers
         KEY (txn_id)
         SOURCE KEY (from_acct_id) REFERENCES accounts (id)
         DESTINATION KEY (to_acct_id) REFERENCES accounts (id)
         PROPERTIES (description, amount)

The following graph concepts are explained by mapping the database tables to the graph and using the preceding PGQL DDL statement:

  • Vertex tables: A table that contains data entities is a vertex table (for example, bank_accounts).
    • Each row in the vertex table is a vertex.
    • The columns in the vertex table are properties of the vertex.
    • The name of the vertex table is the default label for this set of vertices. Alternatively, you can specify a label name as part of the CREATE PROPERTY GRAPH statement.
  • Edge tables: An edge table can be any table that links two vertex tables, or a table that has data that indicates an action from a source entity to a target entity. For example, transfer of money from FROM_ACCOUNT_ID to TO_ACCOUNT_ID is a natural edge.
    • Foreign key relationships can give guidance on what links are relevant in your data. CREATE PROPERTY GRAPH will default to using foreign key relationships to identify edges.
    • Some of the properties of an edge table can be the properties of the edge. For example, an edge from from_acct_id to to_acct_id can have properties description and amount.
    • The name of an edge table is the default label for the set of edges. Alternatively, you can specify a label name as part of the CREATE PROPERTY GRAPH statement.
  • Keys:
    • Keys in a vertex table: The key of a vertex table identifies a unique vertex in the graph. The key can be specified in the CREATE PROPERTY GRAPH statement; otherwise, it defaults to the primary key of the table. If there are duplicate rows in the table, the CREATE PROPERTY GRAPH statement will return an error.
    • Key in an edge table: The key of an edge table uniquely identifies an edge in the graph. The KEY clause when specifying source and destination vertices uniquely identifies the source and destination vertex keys.
  • Table aliases: Vertex and edge tables must have unique names. If you need to identify multiple vertex tables from the same relational table, or multiple edge tables from the same relational table, you must use aliases. For example, you can create two vertex tables bank_accounts and accounts from one table bank_accounts, as shown:
    CREATE PROPERTY GRAPH bank_transfers
         VERTEX TABLES (bank_accounts KEY(id)
                        bank_accounts AS accounts KEY(id))

    In case any of your vertex and edge table share the same name, then you must again use a table alias. In the following example, table alias is used for the edge table, DEPARTMENTS, as there is a vertex table referenced with the same name:

      employees KEY(employee_id)
      departments KEY(department_id)
    EDGE TABLES (   
      departments AS managed_by
        SOURCE KEY ( department_id ) REFERENCES departments ( department_id )
        DESTINATION employees
  • Properties: The vertex and edge properties of a graph are derived from the columns of the vertex and edge tables respectively and by default have the same name as the underlying table columns. However, you can choose a different property name for each column. This helps to avoid conflicts when two tables have the same column name but with different data types.

    In the following example, the vertex properties id and name are renamed to acct_no and acct_name respectively:

    CREATE PROPERTY GRAPH bank_transfers
      bank_accounts AS accounts
        LABEL accounts  
        PROPERTIES (id AS acct_no, name AS acct_name)
  • REFERENCES clause: This connects the source and destination vertices of an edge to the corresponding vertex tables.

For more details on the CREATE PROPERTY GRAPH statement, see the PGQL Specification.

Refer to the following table for creating a property graph:

Table 13-1 CREATE PROPERTY GRAPH Statement Support

Method More Information
Create a property graph in the graph server (PGX) using the oracle.pgx.api Java package Java APIs for Executing CREATE PROPERTY GRAPH Statements
Create a property graph in the graph server (PGX) using the pypgx.api Python package Python APIs for Executing CREATE PROPERTY GRAPH Statements
Create a PGQL property graph on Oracle Database tables Creating a PGQL Property Graph

13.2 Pattern Matching with PGQL

Pattern matching is done by specifying one or more path patterns in the MATCH clause. A single path pattern matches a linear path of vertices and edges, while more complex patterns can be matched by combining multiple path patterns, separated by comma. Value expressions (similar to their SQL equivalents) are specified in the WHERE clause and let you filter out matches, typically by specifying constraints on the properties of the vertices and edges

For example, assume a graph of TCP/IP connections on a computer network, and you want to detect cases where someone logged into one machine, from there into another, and from there into yet another. You would query for that pattern like this:

SELECT id(host1) AS id1, id(host2) AS id2, id(host3) AS id3         /* choose what to return */
    (host1) -[connection1]-> (host2) -[connection2]-> (host3)       /* single linear path pattern to match */
    connection1.toPort = 22 AND connection1.opened = true AND
    connection2.toPort = 22 AND connection2.opened = true AND
    connection1.bytes > 300 AND                                     /* meaningful amount of data was exchanged */
    connection2.bytes > 300 AND
    connection1.start < connection2.start AND                       /* second connection within time-frame of first */
    connection2.start + connection2.duration < connection1.start + connection1.duration
GROUP BY id1, id2, id3                                              /* aggregate multiple matching connections */ 

For more examples of pattern matching, see the Writing simple queries section in the PGQL specification.

13.3 Edge Patterns Have a Direction with PGQL

An edge pattern has a direction, as edges in graphs do. Thus, (a) <-[]- (b) specifies a case where b has an edge pointing at a, whereas (a) -[]-> (b) looks for an edge in the opposite direction.

The following example finds common friends of April and Chris who are older than both of them.

SELECT friend.name, friend.dob
FROM MATCH                  /* note the arrow directions below */
  (p1:person) -[:likes]-> (friend) <-[:likes]- (p2:person)
  p1.name = 'April' AND p2.name ='Chris' AND
  friend.dob > p1.dob AND friend.dob > p2.dob
ORDER BY friend.dob DESC 

For more examples of edge patterns, see the Edge Patterns section in the PGQL specification.

13.4 Vertex and Edge Labels with PGQL

Labels are a way of attaching type information to edges and nodes in a graph, and can be used in constraints in graphs where not all nodes represent the same thing. For example:

SELECT p.name
FROM MATCH (p:person) -[e1:likes]-> (m1:movie),
     MATCH (p) -[e2:likes]-> (m2:movie)
WHERE m1.title = 'Star Wars'
  AND m2.title = 'Avatar'

The example queries a graph which contains a set of vertices with the label person, a set of vertices with the label movie, and a set of edges with the label likes. A label expression can start with either a colon (:) or the keyword IS followed by one or more labels. If more than one label is used, then the labels are separated by a vertical bar (|).

The following query shows the preceding example query with the keyword IS for the label expression:

SELECT p.name
FROM MATCH (p IS person) -[e1 IS likes]-> (m1 IS movie),
     MATCH (p IS person) -[e2 IS likes]-> (m2 IS movie)
WHERE m1.title = 'Star Wars'
  AND m2.title = 'Avatar'

See Also:

Label Expression section in the PGQL specification

13.5 Variable-Length Paths with PGQL

Variable-length path patterns have a quantifier like * to match a variable number of vertices and edges. Using a PATH macro, you can specify a named path pattern at the start of a query that can be embedded into the MATCH clause any number of times, by referencing its name. The following example finds all of the common ancestors of Mario and Luigi.

PATH has_parent AS () -[:has_father|has_mother]-> ()
SELECT ancestor.name
FROM MATCH (p1:Person) -/:has_parent*/-> (ancestor:Person)
   , MATCH (p2:Person) -/:has_parent*/-> (ancestor)
  p1.name = 'Mario' AND
  p2.name = 'Luigi'

The preceding path specification also shows the use of anonymous constraints, because there is no need to define names for intermediate edges or nodes that will not be used in additional constraints or query results. Anonymous elements can have constraints, such as [:has_father|has_mother] -- the edge does not get a variable name (because it will not be referenced elsewhere), but it is constrained.

For more examples of variable-length path pattern matching, see the Variable-Length Paths section in the PGQL specification.

13.6 Aggregation and Sorting with PGQL

Like SQL, PGQL has support for the following:

  • GROUP BY to create groups of solutions
  • MIN, MAX, SUM, and AVG aggregations
  • ORDER BY to sort results

And for many other familiar SQL constructs.

See Also:

13.7 Executing PGQL Queries Against PGQL Property Graphs

This topic explains how you can execute PGQL queries directly against PGQL property graphs on Oracle Database tables.

The PGQL query execution flow is shown in the following figure.

Figure 13-1 PGQL on PGQL Property Graphs in Oracle Database

Description of Figure 13-1 follows
Description of "Figure 13-1 PGQL on PGQL Property Graphs in Oracle Database"

The basic execution flow is:

  1. The PGQL query is submitted to PGQL on RDBMS through a Java API.
  2. The PGQL query is translated into SQL statements using the internal metadata tables for PGQL property graphs.
  3. The translated SQL is submitted to Oracle Database by JDBC.
  4. The SQL result set is wrapped as a PGQL result set and returned to the caller.

13.7.1 Supported PGQL Features and Limitations for PGQL Property Graphs

Learn about the supported PGQL features and limitations for PGQL property graphs.

The following table describes the complete list of supported and unsupported PGQL features for PGQL property graphs:

Table 13-2 Supported PGQL Functionalities and Limitations for PGQL Property Graphs

Feature PGQL on PGQL Property Graphs
Fixed-length pattern matching Supported
Variable-length pattern matching goals Supported:
  • Reachability
  • Path search prefixes:
    • ANY
    • SHORTEST k
    • ALL
  • Path modes:
    • WALK


  • Path search prefixes:
    • CHEAPEST k
  • Path modes:
    • TRAIL
    • SIMPLE
Variable-length pattern matching quantifiers Supported:
  • *
  • +
  • ?
  • { n }
  • { n, }
  • { n, m }
  • { , m }
Variable-length path unnesting Not supported
GROUP BY Supported
HAVING Supported
Aggregations Supported:


  • Aggregation with DISTINCT (such as, COUNT(DISTINCT e.prop))
SELECT v.* Supported
Data Types All available Oracle RDBMS data types supported
JSON Supported:
  • JSON storage:
    • JSON strings (VARCHAR2)
    • JSON objects
  • JSON functions:

    Any JSON function call that follows the syntax, json_function_name(arg1, arg2,…). For example:

    json_value(department_data, '$.department')

  • Simple Dot Notation
  • Any optional clause in a JSON function call (such as RETURNING, ERROR, and so on) is not supported. For example:

    json_value(department_data, '$.employees[1].hireDate' RETURNING DATE)

Operators Supported:
  • Relational: +, -, *, /, %, - (unary minus)
  • Arithmetic: =, <>, <, >, <=, >=
  • Logical: AND, OR, NOT
  • String: || (concat)
Functions and predicates

Supported are all available functions in the Oracle RDBMS that take the form function_name(arg1, arg2, ...) with optional schema and package qualifiers.

Supported PGQL functions/predicates:

  • CAST
  • CASE
  • IN and NOT IN


User-defined functions Supported:
  • PL/SQL functions
  • Functions created via the Oracle Database Multilingual Engine (MLE)
  • Scalar subqueries
  • EXISTS and NOT EXISTS subqueries
  • LATERAL subquery
  • EXISTS and NOT EXISTS subqueries
  • Scalar subqueries
  • LATERAL subquery
GRAPH_TABLE operator Supported
INTERVAL literals and operations Not supported Additional Information on Supported PGQL Features with Examples

The following PGQL features are supported in PGQL property graphs:

  • Recursive queries are supported for the following variable-length path finding goals:
    • Reachability
    • ANY
  • Recursive queries are supported for the following horizontal aggregations:
      SELECT LISTAGG(src.first_name || ' ' || src.last_name, ',')
      FROM MATCH TOP 2 SHORTEST ( (n:Person) ((src)-[e:knows]->)* (m:Person) )
      WHERE n.id = 1234
    • SUM
      SELECT SUM(e.weight + 3)
      FROM MATCH TOP 2 SHORTEST ( (n:Person) -[e:knows]->* (m:Person) )
      WHERE n.id = 1234
    • COUNT
      FROM MATCH TOP 2 SHORTEST ( (n:Person) -[e:knows]->* (m:Person) )
      WHERE n.id = 1234
    • AVG
      SELECT AVG(dst.age)
      FROM MATCH TOP 2 SHORTEST ( (n:Person) (-[e:knows]->(dst))* (m:Person) )
      WHERE n.id = 1234
    • MIN (Only for property value or CAST expressions)
      SELECT MIN(CAST(dst.age + 5 AS INTEGER))
      FROM MATCH TOP 2 SHORTEST ( (n:Person) (-[e:knows]->(dst))* (m:Person) )
      WHERE n.id = 1234
    • MAX (Only for property value or CAST expressions)
      SELECT MAX(dst.birthday)
      FROM MATCH TOP 2 SHORTEST ( (n:Person) (-[e:knows]->(dst))* (m:Person) )
      WHERE n.id = 1234
  • The following quantifiers are supported in recursive queries:

    Table 13-3 Supported Quantifiers in PGQL SELECT Queries

    Syntax Description
    * zero or more
    + one or more
    ? zero or one
    {n} exactly n
    {n,} n or more
    {n,m} between n and m (inclusive)
    {,m} between zero and m (inclusive)
  • Data type casting with precision and scale is supported:
    SELECT CAST(v.id AS VARCHAR2(10)) || '→' || CAST(w.id AS VARCHAR2(10)) AS friendOf
    FROM MATCH (v) -[:friendOf]->(w)
    SELECT CAST(e.mval AS NUMBER(5,2)) AS mval
    FROM MATCH () -[e:knows]->()
    WHERE e.mval = '342.5'
  • Both built-in Oracle Database functions and user defined functions (UDFs) are supported.

    For example:

    • Assuming a table has a JSON column with values such as, {"name":"John", "age": 43}:
      SELECT JSON_VALUE(p.attributes, '$.name') AS name
      FROM MATCH (p:Person)
      WHERE JSON_VALUE(p.attributes, '$.age') > 35
    • Assuming an Oracle Text index exists on a text column in a table:
      SELECT n.text
      FROM MATCH (n)
      WHERE CONTAINS(n.text, 'cat', 1) > 0
    • Assuming a UDF updated_id is registered with the graph server (PGX):
      SELECT my.updated_id(n.ID) FROM MATCH(n) LIMIT 10
  • Selecting all properties of vertices or edges is supported through SELECT v.* clause, where v is the variable whose properties are selected. The following example retrieves all the edge properties of a graph:
    SELECT label(e), e.* FROM MATCH (n)-[e]->(m) ON bank_graph LIMIT 3

    On execution, the preceding query retrieves all the properties that are bound to the variable e as shown:

    | TRANSFERS | 1000   | transfer    | 178          | 921        |
    | TRANSFERS | 1000   | transfer    | 178          | 462        |
    | TRANSFERS | 1000   | transfer    | 179          | 688        |

    A PREFIX can be specified to avoid duplicate column names in cases where you select all properties using multiple variables. For example:

    SELECT n.* PREFIX 'n_', e.* PREFIX 'e_', m.* PREFIX 'm_' 
    FROM MATCH (n:Accounts) -[e:transfers]-> (m:Accounts) 
    ON bank_graph LIMIT 3

    The query output is as follows:

    | n_ID | n_NAME  | e_AMOUNT | e_DESCRIPTION | e_FROM_ACCT_ID | e_TO_ACCT_ID | m_ID | m_NAME  |
    | 178  | Account | 1000     | transfer      | 178            | 921          | 921  | Account |
    | 178  | Account | 1000     | transfer      | 178            | 462          | 462  | Account |
    | 179  | Account | 1000     | transfer      | 179            | 688          | 688  | Account |

    Label expressions can be used such that only properties that belong to the specified vertex or edge labels are selected:

    SELECT LABEL(n), n.* FROM MATCH (n:Accounts) ON bank_graph LIMIT 3

    The preceding query output is as shown:

    | LABEL(n) | ID | NAME  |
    | ACCOUNTS | 1  | User1 |
    | ACCOUNTS | 2  | User2 |
    | ACCOUNTS | 3  | User3 |
  • Support for ALL path finding goal to return all the paths between a pair of vertices. However, to avoid endless cycling, only the following quantifiers are supported:
    • ?
    • {n}
    • {n.m}
    • {,m}

    For example, the following PGQL query finds all the transaction paths from account 284 to account 616 :

    SELECT LISTAGG(e.amount, ' + ') || ' = ', SUM(e.amount) AS total_amount
    FROM MATCH ALL (a:Accounts) -[e:Transfers]->{1,4}(b:Accounts)
    WHERE a.id = 284 AND b.id = 616
    ORDER BY total_amount

    On execution, the query produces the following result:

    | LISTAGG(e.amount, ' + ') || ' = ' | TOTAL_AMOUNT |
    | 1000 + 1000 + 1000 =              | 3000         |
    | 1000 + 1500 + 1000 =              | 3500         |
    | 1000 + 1000 + 1000 + 1000 =       | 4000         |
    $16 ==> oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.pgview.PgViewResultSet@4f38acf
  • Scalar subqueries which return exactly one column and one row is supported.

    For example:

    SELECT p.name AS name , (
      SELECT SUM(t.amount)      
      FROM MATCH (a) <-[t:transaction]- (:Account)  
    ) AS sum_incoming , (
      SELECT SUM(t.amount)      
      FROM MATCH (a) -[t:transaction]-> (:Account)  
    ) AS sum_outgoing , (
      FROM MATCH (a) -[t:transaction]- (:Account) -[:owner]-> (p2:Person)    
      WHERE p2 <> p  
    ) AS num_persons_transacted_with , (
      FROM MATCH (a) -[t:transaction]- (:Account) -[:owner]-> (c:Company)  
    ) AS num_companies_transacted_with   
    FROM MATCH (p:Person) <-[:owner]- (a:Account)
    ORDER BY sum_outgoing + sum_incoming DESC
  • EXISTS and NOT EXISTS subqueries are supported. Such queries yield TRUE or FALSE depending on whether the query produces at least one results given the bindings of the outer query.

    For example:

    SELECT fof.name, COUNT(friend) AS num_common_friends 
    FROM MATCH (p:Person) -[:knows]-> (friend:Person) -[:knows]-> (fof:Person)
      SELECT * FROM MATCH (p) -[:knows]-> (fof) 
  • PGQL LATERAL subqueries are supported. For example:
    SELECT recipient, COUNT(*) AS num_large_transactions
    FROM LATERAL ( SELECT m.id AS recipient
                   FROM MATCH (n IS accounts) -[e IS transfers]-> (m IS accounts)
                   WHERE n.id = 772
                   ORDER BY e.amount DESC )
    GROUP BY recipient
    ORDER BY num_large_transactions DESC
  • PGQL GRAPH_TABLE operator is supported. For example:
    SELECT * FROM GRAPH_TABLE ( bank_graph
      MATCH (a IS accounts) -[e IS transfers]-> (b IS accounts)
      COLUMNS ( a.id as from_ac, e.amount as amount, b.id as to_ac  )
The following are a few PGQL features which are not supported:
  • The following PGQL SELECT features are not supported:
    • Use of bind variables in path expressions.

      If you attempt to use a bind variable, it will result in an error as shown:

      opg4j> String s = "SELECT id(a) FROM MATCH ANY SHORTEST (a) -[e]->* (b) WHERE id(a) = ?";
      s ==> "SELECT id(a) FROM MATCH ANY SHORTEST (a) -[e]->* (b) WHERE id(a) = ?"
      opg4j> PgqlPreparedStatement ps = pgqlConn.prepareStatement(s);
      ps ==> oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.PgqlExecution@7806db3f
      opg4j> ps.setString(1, "PERSON(3)");
      opg4j> ps.executeQuery();
      |  Exception java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Use of bind variables for path queries is not supported
    • in_degree and out_degree functions.


13.7.2 SQL Translation for a PGQL Query

You can obtain the SQL translation for a PGQL query through the translateQuery() and getSqlTranslation() methods in PgqlStatement and PgqlPreparedStatement.

Using the raw SQL for a PGQL query you can:

  • Run the SQL directly against the database with other SQL-based tools or interfaces (for example, SQL*Plus or SQL Developer).
  • Customize and tune the generated SQL to optimize performance or to satisfy a particular requirement of your application.
  • Build a larger SQL query that joins a PGQL subquery with other data stored in Oracle Database (such as relational tables, spatial data, and JSON data).

Several options are available to influence PGQL query translation and execution. The following are the main ways to set query options:

  • Through explicit arguments to executeQuery, translateQuery, and PgqlConnection.prepareStatement methods
  • Through flags in the options string argument of executeQuery and translateQuery
  • Through Java JVM arguments.

The following table summarizes the available query arguments for PGQL translation and execution.

Table 13-4 PGQL Translation and Execution Options

Option Default Explicit Argument Options Flag JVM Argument
Degree of parallelism










Dynamic sampling





Maximum number of results





Reverse path optimization True None REVERSE_PATH=F oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.reversePath=false
Pushing source filter optimization True None PUSH_SRC_HOPS=F oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.pushSrcHops=false
Pushing destination filter optimization False None PUSH_DST_HOPS=T oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.pushDstHops=true
Creation of views in shortest path translation False None SP_CREATE_VIEW=T oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.spCreateView=true
Creation of tables in shortest path translation True None SP_CREATE_TABLE=F oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.spCreateTable=false

13.7.3 Performance Considerations for PGQL Queries

The following sections explain a few recommended practices for query performance. Recursive Queries

The following indexes are recommended in order to speed up execution of recursive queries:

  • For underlying VERTEX tables of the recursive pattern, an index on the key column
  • For underlying EDGE tables of the recursive pattern, an index on the source key column


    You can also create index on (source key, destination key).

For example, consider the following CREATE PROPERTY GRAPH statement:

      KEY ( id )
      LABEL person
      PROPERTIES( name, age )
      key (person1, person2)
      SOURCE KEY ( person1 ) REFERENCES person (id)
      DESTINATION KEY ( person2 ) REFERENCES person (id)

And also consider the following query:

FROM MATCH ANY SHORTEST ( (n:Person) -[e:knows]->* (m:Person) )
WHERE n.id = 1234

In order to improve performance of the recursive part of the preceding query, the following indexes must exist:



Composite Vertex Keys

For composite vertex keys, query execution can be optimized with the creation of function-base indexes on the key columns:

  • For underlying VERTEX tables of the recursive pattern, a function-based index on the comma-separated concatenation of key columns
  • For underlying EDGE tables of the recursive pattern, a function-based index on the comma-separated concatenation of source key columns


    You can also create index on (source key columns, destination key columns).

For example, consider the following CREATE PROPERTY GRAPH statement:

      KEY ( id1, id2 )
      LABEL person
      PROPERTIES( name, age )
      key (id)
      SOURCE KEY ( id1person1, id2person1 ) REFERENCES person (id1,id2)
      DESTINATION KEY ( id1person2, id2person2 ) REFERENCES person (id1,id2)

And also consider the following query:

FROM MATCH ANY SHORTEST ( (n:Person) -[e:knows]->* (m:Person) )
WHERE n.id = 1234

In order to improve performance of the recursive part of the preceding query, the following indexes must exist:



If some of the columns in a composite vertex key is a string column, the column needs to be comma-escaped in the function-base index creation.

For example, if column ID1 in table PERSON of the preceding example is of type VARCHAR2(10), you need to escape the comma for the column as follows:

replace(ID1, ',', '\,')

So, the indexes to improve performance will result as shown:

  • CREATE INDEX <INDEX_NAME> ON PERSON (replace(ID1, ',', '\,') || ',' || ID2)
  • CREATE INDEX <INDEX_NAME> ON KNOWS (replace(ID1PERSON1, ',', '\,') || ',' || ID2PERSON1) Using Query Optimizer Hints

The following hints can be used to influence translation of PGQL variable-length path patterns to SQL:

  • REVERSE_PATH: Switches on or off the reverse path optimization (ON by default). If ON, it automatically determines if the pattern can best be evaluated from source to destination or from destination to source, based on specified filter predicates.
  • PUSH_SRC_HOPS: Switches on or off pushing source filter optimization (ON by default). If ON, then filter predicates are used to limit the number of source vertices (or destination vertices if path evaluation is reversed) and thereby the search space of variable-length path pattern evaluations.
  • PUSH_DST_HOPS: Switches on or off pushing destination filter optimization (OFF by default). If ON, then filter predicates are used to limit the number of destination vertices (or source vertices if path evaluation is reversed) and thereby the search space of variable-length path pattern evaluations.

The preceding hints can be configured as options parameter in the following Java API methods:

  • executeQuery(String pgql, String options)
  • translateQuery(String pgql, String options)
  • execute(String pgql, String matchOptions, String options)

For example, consider the following PGQL query:

SELECT v1.name AS v1, v2.name AS v2, v3.name As v3 
FROM MATCH (v1:Person)-[e1:friendOf]->(v2:Person), 
MATCH ANY (v2:Person)-[e2:friendOf]->*(v3:Person) 
WHERE v1.name= 'Bob'

When the preceding query is executed using the default option for PUSH_SRC_HOPS, the output for start_nodes_translation displays the filter expression as shown:

start_nodes_translation => (to_clob('SELECT ''PERSONS'' AS "src_table", e1.person_b AS "src_key"
WHERE (((e1.person_a = v1.person_id) AND NOT(e1.person_b IS NULL)) AND (v1.name = ''Bob''))')),
     end_nodes_translation => (to_clob('SELECT ''PERSONS'' AS "dst_table", v3.person_id AS "dst_key"

If the preceding query is executed with the hint PUSH_SRC_HOPS=F, then the query is translated into SQL as shown:


...start_nodes_translation => (to_clob('SELECT ''PERSONS'' AS "src_table", v2.person_id AS "src_key"
     end_nodes_translation => (to_clob('SELECT ''PERSONS'' AS "dst_table", v3.person_id AS "dst_key"
... Speed Up Query Translation Using Graph Metadata Cache and Translation Cache

The following global caches help to speed up PGQL query translation:

  • Graph Metadata Cache: Stores graph metadata such as tables, labels, properties, and so on.
  • Translation Cache: Stores PGQL to SQL translation.

You can configure the caches using the following Java APIs:

  • clearTranslationCache()
  • disableTranslationCache()
  • enableTranslationCache()
  • setTranslationCacheMaxCapacity(int maxCapacity)
  • clearGraphMetadataCache()
  • disableGraphMetadataCache()
  • enableGraphMetadataCache()
  • setGraphMetadataCacheMaxCapacity(int maxCapacity)
  • setGraphMetadataRefreshInterval(long interval)

These preceding methods are part of the PgqlConnection class. Separate caches are maintained for each database user such that cached objects are shared between different PgqlConnection objects if they have the same connection URL and user underneath.

By default, both the metadata and translation caches are refreshed every 1000ms (default value) if they are enabled. This makes it easy to sync the metadata cache in case you are modifying one graph through multiple JVMs. Also, you can increase the time (in milliseconds) taken for refreshing the cache by calling the setGraphMetadataRefreshInterval(long interval) function.

13.7.4 Using the Java and Python APIs to Run PGQL Queries

You can run PGQL queries on PGQL property graphs using the Java API in the oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql package. Also, you can use the Python OPG4Py package for executing PGQL queries against the graph data in the Oracle Database. This package contains a sub-package Pgql with one or more modules that wraps around the Java API in the oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql package. Creating a PGQL Property Graph

You can create a PGQL property graph using the CREATE PROPERTY GRAPH statement.

Example 13-1 Creating a PGQL Property Graph

The following example describes the creation of a PGQL property graph.

opg4j> var jdbcUrl="jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host_name>:<port>/<db_service>"
opg4j> var conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl,"<username>","<password>");
opg4j> var pgqlConn = PgqlConnection.getConnection(conn)
opg4j> var pgqlStmt = pgqlConn.createStatement() //create a PGQL Statement
opg4j> conn.setAutoCommit(false)
opg4j> var pgql = 
...> "CREATE PROPERTY GRAPH bank_graph "
...> + "VERTEX TABLES ( bank_accounts AS Accounts "
...> + "KEY (id) "
...> + "LABEL Accounts "
...> + "PROPERTIES (id, name) "
...> + ") "
...> + "EDGE TABLES ( bank_txns AS Transfers "
...> + "KEY (txn_id) "
...> + "SOURCE KEY (from_acct_id) REFERENCES Accounts (id) "
...> + "DESTINATION KEY (to_acct_id) REFERENCES Accounts (id) "
...> + "LABEL Transfers "
...> + "PROPERTIES (from_acct_id, to_acct_id, amount, description) "
...> + ") OPTIONS (PG_VIEW) "
opg4j> pgqlStmt.execute(pgql)
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.jdbc.PgqlJdbcRdbmsDriver;
import oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.PgqlConnection;
import oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.PgqlStatement;

 * This example shows how to create a PGQL property graph.
public class PgqlCreate

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
    int idx=0;
    String jdbcUrl            = args[idx++];
    String username           = args[idx++];
    String password           = args[idx++];
    String graph              = args[idx++];

    Connection conn = null;
    PgqlStatement pgqlStmt = null;

    try {
      //Get a jdbc connection
      DriverManager.registerDriver(new PgqlJdbcRdbmsDriver());
      conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl, username, password);

      // Get a PGQL connection
      PgqlConnection pgqlConn = PgqlConnection.getConnection(conn);

      // Create a PGQL Statement
      pgqlStmt = pgqlConn.createStatement();
      // Execute PGQL Query
      String pgql =
        "CREATE PROPERTY GRAPH " + graph + " " +
        "VERTEX TABLES ( bank_accounts as Accounts " +
        "KEY (id) " +
        "LABEL \"Accounts\"" +
        "PROPERTIES (id, name)" +
        ") " +
        "EDGE TABLES ( bank_txns as Transfers " +
        "KEY (txn_id) " +
        "SOURCE KEY (from_acct_id) REFERENCES Accounts (id) " +
        "DESTINATION KEY (to_acct_id) REFERENCES Accounts (id) " +
        "LABEL \"Transfers\"" +
        "PROPERTIES (from_acct_id, to_acct_id, amount, description)" +
        ") OPTIONS (PG_VIEW) ";

      // Print the results
    finally {
      // close the statement
      if (pgqlStmt != null) {
      // close the connection
      if (conn != null) {
>>> pgql_conn = opg4py.pgql.get_connection("<username>","<password>", "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/orclpdb")
>>> pgql_statement = pgql_conn.create_statement()
>>> pgql = """
...         CREATE PROPERTY GRAPH bank_graph
...         VERTEX TABLES (
...           bank_accounts as Accounts
...             LABEL Accounts
...             PROPERTIES (id, name)
...         )
...         EDGE TABLES (
...           bank_txns as Transfers
...             KEY (txn_id)
...             SOURCE KEY (from_acct_id) REFERENCES Accounts(id)
...             DESTINATION KEY (to_acct_id) REFERENCES Accounts (id)
...             LABEL TRANSFERS
...             PROPERTIES (from_acct_id, to_acct_id, amount, description)
...         ) OPTIONS(PG_VIEW)
... """
>>> pgql_statement.execute(pgql)

You can verify the PGQL property graph creation by checking the metadata tables that get created in the database. Executing PGQL SELECT Queries

You can run PGQL SELECT queries as described in the following examples.

Example 13-2 Running a Simple SELECT Query Using PgqlStatement and PgqlResultSet

In the following example, PgqlConnection is used to obtain a PgqlStatement. Then, it calls the executeQuery method of PgqlStatement, which returns a PgqlResultSet object. PgqlResultSet provides a print() method, which displays results in a tabular mode.

opg4j> var jdbcUrl="jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host_name>:<port>/<db_service>"
opg4j> var conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl,"<username>","<password>");
opg4j> var pgqlConn = PgqlConnection.getConnection(conn)
opg4j> pgqlConn.setGraph("BANK_GRAPH")        
opg4j> var pgqlStmt = pgqlConn.createStatement() //create a PGQL Statement
opg4j> String s = "SELECT n.* FROM MATCH (n:Accounts) LIMIT 3"
opg4j> var resultSet = pgqlStmt.executeQuery(s)
opg4j> resultSet.print() //Prints the query result set
| ID | NAME     |
| 1  | Account1 |
| 2  | Account2 |
| 3  | Account3 |
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.jdbc.PgqlJdbcRdbmsDriver;
import oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.PgqlConnection;
import oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.PgqlResultSet;
import oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.PgqlStatement;

 * This example shows how to execute a SELECT query on a PGQL property graph.
public class PgqlExample1

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
    int idx=0;
    String jdbcUrl            = args[idx++];
    String username           = args[idx++];
    String password           = args[idx++];
    String graph              = args[idx++];

    Connection conn = null;
    PgqlStatement pgqlStmt = null;
    PgqlResultSet rs = null;

    try {
      //Get a jdbc connection
      DriverManager.registerDriver(new PgqlJdbcRdbmsDriver());
      conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl, username, password);

      // Get a PGQL connection
      PgqlConnection pgqlConn = PgqlConnection.getConnection(conn);

      // Create a PGQL Statement
      pgqlStmt = pgqlConn.createStatement();

      // Execute PGQL Query
      String query = "SELECT n.* FROM MATCH (n:Accounts) LIMIT 5";
      rs = pgqlStmt.executeQuery(query);

      // Print the results
    finally {
      // close the result set
      if (rs != null) {
      // close the statement
      if (pgqlStmt != null) {
      // close the connection
      if (conn != null) {
>>> pgql_conn = opg4py.pgql.get_connection("<username>","<password>", "<jdbcUrl>")
>>> pgql_statement = pgql_conn.create_statement()
>>> pgql_conn.set_graph("BANK_GRAPH")
>>> s = "SELECT n.* FROM MATCH (n:Accounts) LIMIT 3"
>>> pgql_statement.execute_query(s)
>>> pgql_result_set = pgql_statement.execute_query(s)
>>> pgql_result_set.print()
| ID | NAME     |
| 1  | Account1 |
| 2  | Account2 |
| 3  | Account3 |
>>> pgql_result_set
PgqlResultSet(java_pgql_result_set: oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.PgqlResultSet, # of results: 3)

Also, you can convert the PGQL result set obtained in the preceding code to a Pandas dataframe using the to_pandas() method.


The pandas package must be installed in your system to successfully execute the call to to_pandas(). This package is automatically installed at the time of the Python client installation for versions Python 3.8 and Python 3.9. However, if your call to to_pandas() fails, verify if the pandas module is installed in your system. In case the module is found missing or your Python version differs from the earlier mentioned versions, then install the pandas package manually.

Example 13-3 Running a SELECT Query Using PgqlPreparedStatement

opg4j> var jdbcUrl="jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host_name>:<port>/<db_service>"
opg4j> var conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl,"<username>","<password>");
opg4j> var pgqlConn = PgqlConnection.getConnection(conn)
opg4j> pgqlConn.setGraph("BANK_GRAPH");         
opg4j> String s = "SELECT n.* FROM MATCH (n:Accounts) LIMIT ?"
opg4j> var ps = pgqlConn.prepareStatement(s, 0 /* timeout */, 4 /* parallel */, 2 /* dynamic sampling */, -1 /* max results */, null /* match options */, null /* options */)
opg4j> ps.setInt(1, 3)
opg4j> var rs = ps.executeQuery()
opg4j> rs.print() //Prints the query result set
| ID | NAME     |
| 1  | Account1 |
| 2  | Account2 |
| 3  | Account3 |
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.jdbc.PgqlJdbcRdbmsDriver;
import oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.*; 

public class PgqlExample2
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
    int idx=0;
    String jdbcUrl            = args[idx++];
    String username           = args[idx++];
    String password           = args[idx++];
    String graph              = args[idx++];

    Connection conn = null;
    PgqlStatement pgqlStmt = null;
    PgqlResultSet rs = null;

    try {
      //Get a jdbc connection
      DriverManager.registerDriver(new PgqlJdbcRdbmsDriver());
      conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl, username, password);

      // Get a PGQL connection
      PgqlConnection pgqlConn = PgqlConnection.getConnection(conn);

      // Execute PGQL Query
      String s = "SELECT n.* FROM MATCH (n:Accounts) LIMIT ?";
      PgqlPreparedStatement pStmt = pgqlConn.prepareStatement(s, 0, 4 , 2 , -1 , null , null);
      rs = pStmt.executeQuery();

      // Print the results
    finally {
      // close the result set
      if (rs != null) {
      // close the statement
      if (pgqlStmt != null) {
      // close the connection
      if (conn != null) {
>>> pgql_conn = opg4py.pgql.get_connection("<username>","<password>", "<jdbcUrl>")
>>> pgql_statement = pgql_conn.create_statement()
>>> pgql_conn.set_graph("BANK_GRAPH")
>>> s = "SELECT n.* FROM MATCH (n:Accounts) LIMIT ?"
>>> ps = pgql_conn.prepare_statement(s, timeout=0, parallel=4, dynamicSampling=2, maxResults=-1, matchOptions=None, options=None)
>>> ps.set_int(1,3)
>>> ps.execute_query().print()
| ID | NAME     |
| 1  | Account1 |
| 2  | Account2 |
| 3  | Account3 |

Example 13-4 Running a SELECT Query with Grouping and Aggregation

opg4j> var jdbcUrl="jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host_name>:<port>/<db_service>"
opg4j> var conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl,"<username>","<password>");
opg4j> var pgqlConn = PgqlConnection.getConnection(conn)
opg4j> pgqlConn.setGraph("BANK_GRAPH")        
opg4j> var pgqlStmt = pgqlConn.createStatement() //create a PGQL Statement
opg4j> String query = "SELECT v1.id, COUNT(v2) AS numTxns "+
...>         "FROM MATCH (v1)-[e IS Transfers]->(v2) "+
...>         "GROUP BY v1 "+
...>         "ORDER BY numTxns DESC "+
...>         "LIMIT 3"
opg4j> var resultSet = pgqlStmt.executeQuery(query)
opg4j> resultSet.print() //Prints the query result set
| 687 | 6       |
| 195 | 5       |
| 192 | 5       |
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.jdbc.PgqlJdbcRdbmsDriver;
import oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.PgqlConnection;
import oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.PgqlResultSet;
import oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.PgqlStatement;

 * This example shows how to execute a SELECT query with aggregation .*/
public class PgqlExample3

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
    int idx=0;
    String jdbcUrl            = args[idx++];
    String username           = args[idx++];
    String password           = args[idx++];
    String graph              = args[idx++];

    Connection conn = null;
    PgqlStatement pgqlStmt = null;
    PgqlResultSet rs = null;

    try {
      //Get a jdbc connection
      DriverManager.registerDriver(new PgqlJdbcRdbmsDriver());
      conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl, username, password);

      // Get a PGQL connection
      PgqlConnection pgqlConn = PgqlConnection.getConnection(conn);

      // Create a PGQL Statement
      pgqlStmt = pgqlConn.createStatement();

      // Execute PGQL Query
      String query =
        "SELECT v1.id, COUNT(v2) AS numTxns "+
        "FROM MATCH (v1)-[e IS Transfers]->(v2) "+
        "GROUP BY v1 "+
        "ORDER BY numTxns DESC";

      rs = pgqlStmt.executeQuery(query);
      // Print the results
    finally {
      // close the result set
      if (rs != null) {
      // close the statement
      if (pgqlStmt != null) {
      // close the connection
      if (conn != null) {
>>> pgql_conn = opg4py.pgql.get_connection("<username>","<password>", "<jdbcUrl>")
>>> pgql_statement = pgql_conn.create_statement()
>>> pgql_conn.set_graph("BANK_GRAPH")
>>> query = """
...          SELECT v1.id, COUNT(v2) AS numtxns
...          FROM MATCH (v1)-[e IS Transfers]->(v2)
...          GROUP BY v1
...          ORDER BY numtxns DESC
...          LIMIT 3
...          """
>>> pgql_statement.execute_query(query).print()
| 687 | 6       |
| 195 | 5       |
| 192 | 5       |

Example 13-5 Showing a PGQL Path Query

opg4j> var jdbcUrl="jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host_name>:<port>/<db_service>"
opg4j> var conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl,"<username>","<password>");
opg4j> var pgqlConn = PgqlConnection.getConnection(conn)
opg4j> pgqlConn.setGraph("BANK_GRAPH")        
opg4j> var pgqlStmt = pgqlConn.createStatement() //create a PGQL Statement
opg4j> String query = "PATH onehop AS ()-[IS transfers]->() "+
...>         "SELECT v1.id FROM MATCH (v1)-/:onehop/->(v2) "+
...>         "WHERE v2.id = 365"
opg4j> var resultSet = pgqlStmt.executeQuery(query)
opg4j> resultSet.print() //Prints the query result set
| ID  |
| 132 |
| 435 |
| 296 |
| 327 |
| 328 |
| 399 |
| 684 |
| 919 |
| 923 |
| 771 |
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.jdbc.PgqlJdbcRdbmsDriver;
import oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.PgqlConnection;
import oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.PgqlResultSet;
import oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.PgqlStatement;

 * This example shows how to execute a PGQL PATH query.*/
public class PgqlExample4

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
    int idx=0;
    String jdbcUrl            = args[idx++];
    String username           = args[idx++];
    String password           = args[idx++];
    String graph              = args[idx++];

    Connection conn = null;
    PgqlStatement pgqlStmt = null;
    PgqlResultSet rs = null;

    try {
      //Get a jdbc connection
      DriverManager.registerDriver(new PgqlJdbcRdbmsDriver());
      conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl, username, password);

      // Get a PGQL connection
      PgqlConnection pgqlConn = PgqlConnection.getConnection(conn);

      // Create a PGQL Statement
      pgqlStmt = pgqlConn.createStatement();

     // Execute PGQL Query
      String query =
                 "PATH onehop AS ()-[IS transfers]->() "+
                 "SELECT v1.id FROM MATCH (v1)-/:onehop/->(v2) "+
                 "WHERE v2.id = 365";
      rs = pgqlStmt.executeQuery(query);

      // Print the results
    finally {
      // close the result set
      if (rs != null) {
      // close the statement
      if (pgqlStmt != null) {
      // close the connection
      if (conn != null) {
>>> pgql_conn = opg4py.pgql.get_connection("<username>","<password>", "<jdbcUrl>")
>>> pgql_statement = pgql_conn.create_statement()
>>> pgql_conn.set_graph("BANK_GRAPH")
>>> query = """
...                  PATH onehop AS ()-[IS transfers]->()
...                  SELECT v1.id FROM MATCH (v1)-/:onehop/->(v2)
...                  WHERE v2.id = 365
...         """
>>> pgql_statement.execute_query(query).print()
| ID  |
| 132 |
| 435 |
| 296 |
| 327 |
| 328 |
| 399 |
| 684 |
| 919 |
| 923 |
| 771 |
+-----+ Executing PGQL Queries to Modify PGQL Property Graphs

You can execute PGQL INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE queries against PGQL property graphs using the OPG4J Java shell, OPG4Py Python shell or through a Java or Python application.

It is important to note that unique IDs are not auto generated when inserting vertices or edges in a graph. Therefore, you must ensure that the key column values are either present in the graph properties or they are auto generated by the database (through SEQUENCE and TRIGGERS or implemented with auto increment functionality using IDENTITY column).

The following example inserts two new vertices and also adds an edge relationship between the two vertices.

opg4j> String pgql =
...>     "INSERT VERTEX v1 LABELS (Person) PROPERTIES (v1.name= 'ABC', v1.height=1.6, v1.birthdate = to_date('13/06/1963', 'DD/MM/YYYY')) "+
...>     "     , VERTEX v2 LABELS (Person) PROPERTIES (v2.name= 'XYZ', v2.height=1.75, v2.birthdate = to_date('19/06/1963', 'DD/MM/YYYY')) "+
...>     "     , EDGE e BETWEEN v1 AND v2 LABELS (friendof) PROPERTIES ( e.meeting_date = to_date('19/06/2021', 'DD/MM/YYYY')) "
pgql ==> "INSERT VERTEX v1 LABELS (Person) PROPERTIES (v1.name= 'ABC', v1.height=1.6, v1.birthdate = to_date('13/06/1963', 'DD/MM/YYYY'))      , VERTEX v2 LABELS (Person) PROPERTIES (v2.name= 'XYZ', v2.height=1.75, v2.birthdate = to_date('19/06/1963', 'DD/MM/YYYY'))      , EDGE e BETWEEN v1 AND v2 LABELS (friendof) PROPERTIES ( e.meeting_date = to_date('19/06/2021', 'DD/MM/YYYY')) "
opg4j> pgqlStmt.execute(pgql)
$14 ==> false
String pgql =
...>     "INSERT VERTEX v1 LABELS (Person) PROPERTIES (v1.name= 'ABC', v1.height=1.6, v1.birthdate = to_date('13/06/1963', 'DD/MM/YYYY')) "+
...>     "     , VERTEX v2 LABELS (Person) PROPERTIES (v2.name= 'XYZ', v2.height=1.75, v2.birthdate = to_date('19/06/1963', 'DD/MM/YYYY')) "+
...>     "     , EDGE e BETWEEN v1 AND v2 LABELS (friendof) PROPERTIES ( e.meeting_date = to_date('19/06/2021', 'DD/MM/YYYY')) ";
>>> pgql = """
...     INSERT VERTEX v1 LABELS (Person) PROPERTIES (v1.name= 'ABC', v1.height=1.6, v1.birthdate = to_date('13/06/1963', 'DD/MM/YYYY'))
...     , VERTEX v2 LABELS (Person) PROPERTIES (v2.name= 'XYZ', v2.height=1.75, v2.birthdate = to_date('19/06/1963', 'DD/MM/YYYY'))
...     , EDGE e BETWEEN v1 AND v2 LABELS (friendof) PROPERTIES ( e.meeting_date = to_date('19/06/2021', 'DD/MM/YYYY'))
... """
>>> pgql_statement.execute(pgql)

The following example executes an UPDATE query to modify the edge property that was inserted in the preceding example and subsequently verifies the update operation through a SELECT query.

opg4j> String pgql = "UPDATE e SET (e.meeting_date = to_date('12/02/2022', 'DD/MM/YYYY')) "+
...>     "FROM MATCH (v1:Person)-[e:friendof]->(v2:Person) "+
...>     "WHERE v1.person_id = 27 AND v2.person_id = 28"
pgql ==> "UPDATE e SET (e.meeting_date = to_date('12/02/2022', 'DD/MM/YYYY')) FROM MATCH (v1:Person)-[e:friendof]->(v2:Person) WHERE v1.person_id = 27 AND v2.person_id = 28"
opg4j> pgqlStmt.execute(pgql)
$40 ==> false
opg4j>pgqlStmt.executeQuery("SELECT e.meeting_date FROM MATCH (v1:Person)-[e:friendof]->(v2:Person) WHERE v1.person_id = 27").print()
| MEETING_DATE          |
| 2022-02-12 00:00:00.0 |
String pgql ="UPDATE e SET (e.meeting_date = to_date('12/02/2022', 'DD/MM/YYYY')) "+
"FROM MATCH (v1:Person)-[e:friendof]->(v2:Person) "+
"WHERE v1.person_id = 27 AND v2.person_id = 28";
>>> pgql = """
...     UPDATE e SET (e.meeting_date = to_date('12/02/2022', 'DD/MM/YYYY'))
...     FROM MATCH (v1:Person)-[e:friendof]->(v2:Person)
...     WHERE v1.person_id = 27 AND v2.person_id = 28
... """
>>> pgql_statement.execute(pgql)
>>> pgql_statement.execute_query("SELECT e.meeting_date FROM MATCH(v1:Person)-[e:friendof]->(v2:Person) WHERE v1.person_id = 27").print()
| MEETING_DATE          |
| 2022-02-12 00:00:00.0 |

A DELETE query allows deleting of vertices and edges in a graph. The following example executes a DELETE query to delete an edge in the graph.

opg4j> pgqlStmt.execute("DELETE e FROM MATCH (v1:Person)-[e:friendof]->(v2:Person) WHERE v.person_id=27")
$14 ==> false
pgqlStmt.execute("DELETE e FROM MATCH (v1:Person)-[e:friendof]->(v2:Person) WHERE v.person_id=27");
>>> pgql_statement.execute("DELETE e FROM MATCH (v1:Person)-[e:friendof]->(v2:Person) WHERE v1.person_id=27")
False Dropping A PGQL Property Graph

You can use the PGQL DROP PROPERTY GRAPH statement to drop a PGQL property graph. Note that all the metadata tables for the PGQL property graph are dropped.

Example 13-6 Dropping a PGQL Property Graph

opg4j> var jdbcUrl="jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host_name>:<port>/<db_service>"
opg4j> var conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl,"<username>","<password>")
opg4j> var pgqlConn = PgqlConnection.getConnection(conn)
opg4j> var pgqlStmt = pgqlConn.createStatement() //create a PGQL Statement
opg4j> pgqlStmt.execute("DROP PROPERTY GRAPH <graph>")
$9 ==> false
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.jdbc.PgqlJdbcRdbmsDriver;
import oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.PgqlConnection;
import oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.PgqlStatement;
 * This example shows how to drop a PGQL property graph.
public class DropPgView

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
    int idx=0;
    String jdbcUrl            = args[idx++];
    String username           = args[idx++];
    String password           = args[idx++];
    String graph              = args[idx++];  
    Connection conn = null;
    PgqlStatement pgqlStmt = null;
    try {
      //Get a jdbc connection
      DriverManager.registerDriver(new PgqlJdbcRdbmsDriver());
      conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl, username, password);
      // Get a PGQL connection
      PgqlConnection pgqlConn = PgqlConnection.getConnection(conn);
	  // Create PGQL Statement
      pgqlStmt = pgqlConn.createStatement();

      String query = "DROP PROPERTY GRAPH " +graph;
    finally {
      // close the statement
      if (pgqlStmt != null) {
      // close the connection
      if (conn != null) {
>>> pgql_conn = opg4py.pgql.get_connection("<username>","<password>", "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/orclpdb")
>>> pgql_statement = pgql_conn.create_statement()
>>> pgql = "DROP PROPERTY GRAPH <graph>"
>>> pgql_statement.execute(pgql)