16.1 Using the Graph Server Administrator Dashboard

The graph server administrator can efficiently track and manage the memory usage of the graph server (PGX) using the Administrator Dashboard.

You can access the Administrator Dashboard only if you are granted the GRAPH_ADMINISTRATOR role having the PGX_GET_SERVER_INFO privilege.

The user-friendly interface of the Administrator Dashboard comprises the following components:
  • Memory Usage: To view data charts on real-time memory usage, study the current memory consumption patterns and identify any potential issues.
  • Sessions: To manage, monitor, and search active user sessions.
  • Graphs: To track and monitor memory usage per graph for all the active users.


The Graph Visualization component that is available on the Graph Dashboard, supports only limited graph visualization features. If you wish to access the complete set of the graph visualization features, then you must use the Graph Visualization web client. See Running the Graph Visualization Web Client for more information.

Perform the following steps to access the Administrator Dashboard:

  1. Open the following URL in your web browser.


    The Graph Dashboard login screen opens.

  2. Enter your Username and Password.
  3. Click Submit.
    The Memory Usage page of the Administrator Dashboard opens by default.
  4. Optionally, click Sessions or Graphs to navigate to the respective pages.

    Figure 16-1 Administrator Dashboard Menu