Primary Key Pane

Specifies the primary key for the table.

The primary key is the column, or set of columns, that uniquely identifies each row in the table. If the Primary Key checkbox is selected for a column in the General tab, the corresponding fields are automatically populated in the Primary Key pane. You can make changes to the properties as required.

An index is automatically created on the primary key.

  • Name: Name of the constraint to be associated with the primary key definition.

  • Enabled: If this option is checked, the primary key constraint is enforced: that is, the data in the primary key column (or set of columns) must be unique and not null.

  • Index: Name of the index to which the primary key refers.

  • Tablespace: Name of the tablespace associated with the index.

  • Available Columns: Lists the columns that are available to be added to the primary key definition. You can select multiple attributes, if required, for the primary key.

  • Selected Columns: Lists the columns that are included in the primary key definition.

To add a column to the primary key definition, select it in Available Columns and click the Add (>) icon; to remove a column from the primary key definition, select it in Selected Columns and click the Remove (<) icon. To move all columns from available to selected (or the reverse), use the Add All (>>) or Remove All (<<) icon. To move a column up or down in the primary key definition, select it in Selected Columns and use the arrow buttons.