8.4.1 Example: Creating an MLE Call Specification

This example demonstrates how to create a call specification for the mod_imp_fact module created in Example: Creating an MLE Environment.
  1. In the MLE JS page, in the left pane, select Modules from the object type selector. From the list of modules displayed, select mod_imp_fact.
  2. Right-click and select Create, and then select Call Specification.
    The Create MLE Call Spec panel appears.
  3. In the Name field, enter factorialspec.
  4. In the Environment Schema and Enviornment Name fields, enter your currrent schema name and select myfactorialenv.
  5. Select Function, and then select VARCHAR2 from the dropdown list.
  6. In the Available Functions field, select the greetings function and the Signature field is automatically prefilled.
    Create MLE Call Specification Panel
  7. Click Create.
    The Output pane displays the code for the call specification along with a function compiled notification.
  8. Run the function from the SQL Worksheet page and you will get the following output:
    The factorial of 3 is: 6