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TCC - Annotation Interface in oracle.tmm.tcc.annotation
TCC annotation is to markup when to start/join the TCC transaction.
TccClientException - Exception Class in oracle.tmm.tcc.exception
This exception is thrown when an error occurs while initializing the client or in processing the request/response from coordinator
TccClientException(String) - Constructor for exception class oracle.tmm.tcc.exception.TccClientException
TccClientException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class oracle.tmm.tcc.exception.TccClientException
TccClientService - Class in oracle.tmm.tcc
TccTransaction - Helper class to execute current tcc transactions
TccClientService() - Constructor for class oracle.tmm.tcc.TccClientService
TccException - Exception Class in oracle.tmm.tcc.exception
This exception is thrown when an error occurs communicating with the transaction coordinator
TccException(String) - Constructor for exception class oracle.tmm.tcc.exception.TccException
TccException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class oracle.tmm.tcc.exception.TccException
TccHeuristicException - Exception Class in oracle.tmm.tcc.exception
This exception is thrown when a confirm or cancel request fails with a heuristic outcome
TccHeuristicException(List<TccParticipant>, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class oracle.tmm.tcc.exception.TccHeuristicException
TccParticipant - Class in oracle.tmm.tcc.vo
TccParticipantTransaction - TCC Participant attributes
TccParticipant() - Constructor for class oracle.tmm.tcc.vo.TccParticipant
Initialize TCC participant
TccParticipant(String) - Constructor for class oracle.tmm.tcc.vo.TccParticipant
Initialize TCC participant with resource URI
TccParticipant(String, long) - Constructor for class oracle.tmm.tcc.vo.TccParticipant
Initialize TCC participant with resource URI and time limit
TccParticipantStatus - Enum Class in oracle.tmm.tcc
TccTransaction - Interface in oracle.tmm.tcc
TccTransaction - Interface for managing a TCC transaction
TccTransactionState - Class in oracle.tmm.tcc.vo
TCC transaction state
TccTransactionState() - Constructor for class oracle.tmm.tcc.vo.TccTransactionState
TccTransactionStatus - Enum Class in oracle.tmm.tcc
TCC transaction status
TccUnknownTransactionException - Exception Class in oracle.tmm.tcc.exception
This exception is thrown when a transaction isn't known by the coordinator
TccUnknownTransactionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class oracle.tmm.tcc.exception.TccUnknownTransactionException
timeLimit() - Element in annotation interface oracle.tmm.tcc.annotation.TCC
timeUnit() - Element in annotation interface oracle.tmm.tcc.annotation.TCC
TooManyRequestsException - Exception Class in oracle.tmm.common
The Too Many Requests exception is thrown if the number of allowed transactions exceeds the allowed limit.
TooManyRequestsException(String) - Constructor for exception class oracle.tmm.common.TooManyRequestsException
toString() - Method in class oracle.tmm.jta.jpa.eclipselink.EclipseLinkXADataSourceConnector
toString() - Method in class oracle.tmm.tcc.vo.CancelRequest
toString() - Method in class oracle.tmm.tcc.vo.CancelResponse
toString() - Method in class oracle.tmm.tcc.vo.ConfirmRequest
toString() - Method in class oracle.tmm.tcc.vo.ConfirmResponse
toString() - Method in class oracle.tmm.tcc.vo.TccParticipant
toString() - Method in class oracle.tmm.tcc.vo.TccTransactionState
toString(PrintWriter) - Method in class oracle.tmm.jta.jpa.eclipselink.EclipseLinkXADataSourceConnector
print String representation of the EclipseLinkXADataSourceConnector
TransactionNotFoundException - Exception Class in oracle.tmm.jta.common
TransactionNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception class oracle.tmm.jta.common.TransactionNotFoundException
TransactionNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception class oracle.tmm.jta.common.TransactionNotFoundException
TrmConfig - Class in oracle.tmm.common
TrmConfig - reads configuration parameters set in a properties file ( Must Parameters: oracle.tmm.TcsUrl (transaction coordinator url) Optional Parameters: oracle.tmm.TransactionTimeout (transaction timeout): Default is 60*1000 milli seconds and Maximum is as per configured value at coordinator.
TrmConnectionException - Exception Class in oracle.tmm.jta.exceptions
TrmConnectionException() - Constructor for exception class oracle.tmm.jta.exceptions.TrmConnectionException
TrmConnectionException(String) - Constructor for exception class oracle.tmm.jta.exceptions.TrmConnectionException
TrmConnectionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class oracle.tmm.jta.exceptions.TrmConnectionException
TrmConnectionFactory - Class in oracle.tmm.jta.common
OTMM(MicroTx) connection factory to create a connection to the database configured with TMM(MicroTx) Library
TrmConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class oracle.tmm.jta.common.TrmConnectionFactory
TrmEnlistmentException - Exception Class in oracle.tmm.jta.exceptions
TrmEnlistmentException() - Constructor for exception class oracle.tmm.jta.exceptions.TrmEnlistmentException
TrmEnlistmentException(String) - Constructor for exception class oracle.tmm.jta.exceptions.TrmEnlistmentException
TrmEnlistmentException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class oracle.tmm.jta.exceptions.TrmEnlistmentException
TrmEntityManager - Annotation Interface in oracle.tmm.jta.common
TrmEntityManagerFactory - Class in oracle.tmm.jta.common
MicroTx EntityManager factory to create the Entity Manager to the database configured with MicroTX Library
TrmEntityManagerFactory() - Constructor for class oracle.tmm.jta.common.TrmEntityManagerFactory
TrmNonXASQLConnection - Annotation Interface in oracle.tmm.jta.nonxa
TrmNonXASQLConnectionFactory - Class in oracle.tmm.jta.nonxa
TrmNonXASQLConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class oracle.tmm.jta.nonxa.TrmNonXASQLConnectionFactory
TrmPromoteException - Exception Class in oracle.tmm.jta.exceptions
TrmPromoteException() - Constructor for exception class oracle.tmm.jta.exceptions.TrmPromoteException
TrmPromoteException(String) - Constructor for exception class oracle.tmm.jta.exceptions.TrmPromoteException
TrmPromoteException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class oracle.tmm.jta.exceptions.TrmPromoteException
TrmSQLConnection - Annotation Interface in oracle.tmm.jta.common
Annotation to get a connection to the database configured with OTMM(MicroTx).
TrmUserTransaction - Class in oracle.tmm.jta
The OTMM(MicroTx) user transaction defines the methods that allow an application to explicitly manage transaction boundaries.
TrmUserTransaction() - Constructor for class oracle.tmm.jta.TrmUserTransaction
Initialize a new OTMM(MicroTx) user transaction
TrmUserTransaction.TrmUserTransactionBuilder - Class in oracle.tmm.jta
TrmUserTransactionBuilder(String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.tmm.jta.TrmUserTransaction.TrmUserTransactionBuilder
TrmXAClient - Class in oracle.tmm.jta.common
JAX-RS Client builder configured with OTMM(MicroTx) specific configurations
TrmXAConnection - Annotation Interface in oracle.tmm.jta.common
Annotation to get a XA connection to the database configured with OTMM(MicroTx).
TrmXAConnectionFactory - Class in oracle.tmm.jta.common
XA connection factory to create a XA connection to the database configured with OTMM(MicroTx)
TrmXAConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class oracle.tmm.jta.common.TrmXAConnectionFactory
TrmXAResourceType - Enum Class in oracle.tmm.jta.common
TrmXASQLStatementFactory - Class in oracle.tmm.jta.common
SQL statement factory to create a SQL statement to the database configured with OTMM(MicroTx) Library
TrmXASQLStatementFactory() - Constructor for class oracle.tmm.jta.common.TrmXASQLStatementFactory
TrmXid - Class in oracle.tmm.jta.common
TrmXid(String, int, String) - Constructor for class oracle.tmm.jta.common.TrmXid
TrmXid(Xid) - Constructor for class oracle.tmm.jta.common.TrmXid
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form