Reset or Update Admin Password

You can use these steps to reset or change your Admin password.

Steps to Update the Admin Password on OCI node

  1. Follow the steps to access the WebLogic console on OCI - see Access WebLogic Console on OCI.


    If the Admin user doesn't want to enable permanent access to WebLogic port, they can create a temporary tunnel as mentioned below, to access the WebLogic console:

      • For a stack with public IP, open command shell and run the following command to open tunnel:
        ssh -L 7002:private_IP:7002 target

        where target is alias for ssh opc@target.

        For example:
        ssh -L 7002:10.xx.xx.xx:7002 target
        The .ssh/config file looks like this:
        Host target
              Hostname private_ip
              User opc               
              IdentityFile private_key_for_stack
              ProxyCommand ssh targetbastion -W %h:%p
         Host targetbastion
              HostName public_ip
              User opc               
              IdentityFile private_key_for_stack

        For example:

        Host target
              Hostname 10.xx.xx.xx
              User opc
              IdentityFile C:\xxxxx\privateKey.pem
              ProxyCommand ssh targetbastion -W %h:%p
        Host targetbastion
              HostName 140.xx.xx.xx
              User opc
              IdentityFile C:\xxxxx\privateKey.pem
      • (For 19c through If stack has only a private IP, then in Host targetbastion, set bastion host with a public IP. Otherwise, use stack public IP.
      • (For for a stack with a private IP only, create Bastion and create a session for the node, as described in Access Oracle Essbase Using SSH. Then copy the ssh command and do the following:
        1. Replace <privateKey> -> path to the private key (from the SSH key pair used to create the session).
        2. Remove -p 22 from command wherever it occurs.
        3. Add -L 7002:private_ip_stack:7002 after ProxyCommand.

        Sample ssh command:

        ssh -i <privateKey> -o ProxyCommand="ssh -i <privateKey> -W %h:%p -p 22 ocid1.bastionsession.oc1.**.***@host.bastion.***" -p 22 opc@private_ip_stack

        New edited ssh command:

        ssh -i <privateKey> -o ProxyCommand="ssh -i <privateKey> -W %h:%p ocid1.bastionsession.oc1.**.***@host.bastion.***" -L 7002:private_ip_stack:7002 opc@private_ip_stack

        For example:

        ssh -i C:\***\privateKey.pem -o ProxyCommand="ssh -i C:\***\privateKey_org.pem -W %h:%p ocid1.bastionsession.oc1.phx.***" -L 7002: opc@
    1. You can then log in to WebLogic console (with open tunnel):
  2. Log in to WebLogic Server Admin Console.
  3. On the home page, under Domain Structure, select Security Realms.
  4. Under Summary of Security Realms > Realms, select myrealm.
  5. Under Settings for myrealm, select Users and Groups tab.
  6. Under Users, select or click on your WebLogic admin username, for example, WebLogic or admin (for Marketplace).
  7. Select Passwords tab.
  8. Enter the new password twice, and click Save.
  9. Go to essbase_domain > environment > servers.
  10. In the Control tab, select both servers, and then perform shutdown. You can do a force shutdown if no tasks are being processed.
  11. Follow the steps to ssh using the private key. See Access Oracle Essbase Using SSH.
  12. After ssh, change user to oracle:
    sudo su oracle
  13. Run the following command:
    sh /u01/config/domains/essbase_domain/esstools/bin/
  14. In the prompt for WebLogic user and password, enter the admin's user name and changed password. It is registered in the appropriate file.

Steps to Reset the Admin Password for Instance on OCI

  1. Follow the steps to ssh using the private key. See Access Oracle Essbase Using SSH.
  2. After ssh, change user to oracle:
    sudo su oracle
  3. Set domain home variable:
    export DOMAIN_HOME=/u01/config/domains/essbase_domain
  4. Then switch to domain directory:
  5. Stop the servers using:
  6. Move old AdminServer data to different location:
    mv $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/data $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/data_old
  7. Set the environment variables:
    . $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/
  8. Reset the password using the following command. Remember to substitute the appropriate username and password.
    cd $DOMAIN_HOME/security
    java <adminuser> <newpassword> .
  9. Start Essbase services. You'll be prompted for the admin/password on startup and your changed password will be registered in the appropriate file.

    For example:

    opc@testhost> ssh -i <privatekey> -o ProxyCommand="ssh -i <privatekey>  -W %h:%p -p 22 ocid1.bastionsession.XXXXX" -p 22 opc@10.XX.XX.XX
    Last login: Fri Feb 11 07:38:13 2022 from 10.XX.XX.XX
    Welcome to Oracle Essbase on OCI
    Running Oracle Essbase (Build 042)
    Effective kernel version is 5.4.17-2136.302.7.2.2.el7uek.x86_64
    [opc@essxx-1 ~]$ sudo su oracle
    [oracle@essxx-1 opc]$ export DOMAIN_HOME=/u01/config/domains/essbase_domain
    [oracle@essxx-1 opc]$ cd $DOMAIN_HOME
    [oracle@essxx-1 essbase_domain]$ $DOMAIN_HOME/esstools/bin/
    Stopping domain; Using domainHome: /u01/config/domains/essbase_domain ...
    ------stop script output ----
    Stopping all managed servers and system components ...
    Stopping ess_server1 (Original State:RUNNING) ...
    Stopped ess_server1
    ------stop script output ----
    [oracle@essxx-1 essbase_domain]$ mv $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/data $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/data_old
    [oracle@essxx-1 essbase_domain]$ . $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/
    [oracle@essxx-1 essbase_domain]$ cd $DOMAIN_HOME/security
    [oracle@essxx-1 security]$ java admin pwdxxx.
    [oracle@essxx-1 security]$ $DOMAIN_HOME/esstools/bin/
    --- start output---
    Requesting credentials ...
    Enter Weblogic login details at prompt
    Weblogic Username: admin
    Weblogic Password:
    --- start output--- 
    NodeManager (essxx-1:9556): RUNNING
    Name            Type            Machine                   Status
    ----            ----            -------                   ------
    ess_server1     Server RUNNING
    AdminServer     Server          essxx-1         RUNNING