Sample Response File and Parameters

Here's a list of Response file (.rsp file) variables and a sample Response file. The file can be edited and used for Configuration Tool or Silent mode configuration, and for filling in data fields based on a previous configuration.

Table 4-1 Response File Variables

Variable Name Description Default Value Notes
DOMAIN_NAME Domain name essbase_domain Name of WebLogic Server domain you specify during configuration.
DOMAIN_ROOT Domains location - Path in which WebLogic Server domains and configuration artifact are stored. Oracle recommends keeping it separate from the <Application Directory> and the <Oracle Home>.
ARBORPATH Essbase application path - -
ADMIN_USERNAME Admin user name of WebLogic - For WebLogic, administrator account that you'll use for managing Essbase and middleware servers. For EPM Shared Services, this administrator is only for the Essbase domain WebLogic instance. The Shared Services admin user will be provisioned with Essbase user role “Service Administrator." Username must start with a letter and contain between 5 and 128 alphanumeric characters long.
DATABASE_TYPE Driver name of database DB_ORACLE Supported relational database. Available values: DB_ORACLE and DB_SQLSERVER.
DATABASE_CONNECT_STRING Connection string for database connection - Formats of connection string: host:port/pdb, host:port/sid, host:port/service_name, (description,,,), MS SQL Server connection string: host:port:database.
CREATE_DATABASE_SCHEMA Essbase RDBMS schemas CREATE Available values are CREATE and USE_EXISTING. CREATE option runs the repository creation tool on a prefix that doesn't exist in the database. USE_EXISTING mode uses the existing schemas. Schemas shouldn't be used in the domain.
DATABASE_PREFIX Prefix for database schema - Prefix name must be 1-12 alphanumeric characters long, and start with a letter.
SECURE_MODE True if use secure connection - Enables Transport Layer Security (TLS) Everywhere secure communication
MACHINE_NAME WebLogic Machine name m1 Must be unique in relation to other configurable resources in the domain.
NODE_MANAGER_PORT Port of WebLogic Node Manager 9556 Ports should not be within the ephemeral ports range, nor in use by other running software. See Avoid Port Conflicts .
NODE_MANAGER_LISTEN_ADDRESS Listen address of WebLogic Node Manager Fully qualified domain name Fully qualified host name (where WebLogic is installed along with your Fusion Middleware installation). It can also be an operating system address.
ADMIN_SERVER_PORT Port of AdminServer 7001 Ports should not be within the ephemeral ports range, nor in use by other running software.
ADMIN_SERVER_SSL_PORT Secure port of AdminServer 7002 Port should not be within the ephemeral ports range, nor in use by other running software.
ADMIN_SERVER_LISTEN_ADDRESS Listen address of AdminServer - Empty string means "All local addresses." To limit access to specific hosts, specify a domain.
MANAGED_SERVER_PORT Port of Essbase Managed server 9000 Ports should not be within the ephemeral ports range, nor in use by other running software.
MANAGED_SERVER_SSL_PORT Secure port of Essbase Managed server 9001 Ports should not be within the ephemeral ports range, nor in use by other running software.
MANAGED_SERVER_LISTEN_ADDRESS Listen address of Managed server - Empty string means "All local addresses." To limit access to specific hosts, specify a domain.
ENABLE_EAS If, true enables use of Essbase Administration Services (EAS) Lite false Enable use of EAS Lite to manage applications.
AGENT_PORT Port of Essbase Java Agent (JAgent) 1423 Ports should not be within the ephemeral ports range, nor in use by other running software.
AGENT_SSL_PORT Secure port of Essbase Java Agent (JAgent) 6423 Used for secure communication using TLS. Ports should not be within the ephemeral ports range, nor in use by other running software.
ESSBASE_SERVER_MIN_PORT Minimal port of Essbase Server connection 30768 The range between Min and Max ports must be at least 1000, depending on the amount used. Ports should not be within the ephemeral ports range, nor in use by other running software.
ESSBASE_SERVER_MAX_PORT Maximal port of Essbase Server connection 31768 The range between Min and Max ports must be at least 1000, depending on the amount used. Ports should not be within the ephemeral ports range, nor in use by other running software.
ENABLE_EPM If true, EPM Shared Services identity provider is used false If false, WebLogic security (identity provider) is used
EPM_ORACLE_HOME Full path to folder of EPM Oracle Home - Use this variable if ENABLE_EPM is true.
EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE Full path to folder of EPM Oracle Instance - Use this variable if ENABLE_EPM is true.
ENABLE_WINDOWS_SERVICE True if Essbase Windows Services enabled. - If true, enable Essbase Windows Services.
EPM_ORACLE_CLUSTER_NAME Name for Essbase cluster in EPM Oracle instance - Name to be register Essbase Instance in EPM Shared Services
Sample Response File

The following is a sample configuration response file. On your server, a response file is generated in /tmp each time you run the Configuration Tool, reflecting your configuration choices. Lines beginning with # are comments, for descriptive purposes only. The uncommented lines reflect (and cause) actual configuration changes. If you want to use this sample response file as a template when running configuration, first update the uncommented lines to reflect your choices of variables and values to use.

##                                                                ##
## Copyright (c) 1996, 2021 Oracle. All rights reserved.          ##
##                                                                ##
## Specify values for the variables listed below to customize     ##
## your configuration.                                            ##
##                                                                ##
## Specify values in the following format:                        ##
##                                                                ##
##         Type         Example                                   ##
##         ----         -------                                   ##
##         string       Sample Value                              ##
##         boolean      TRUE or FALSE                             ##
##         number       1000                                      ##
##                                                                ##

# Name        : DOMAIN_NAME
# Type        : string
# Description : Domain name.

# Name        : DOMAIN_ROOT
# Type        : string
# Description : Domains location.

# Name        : ARBORPATH
# Type        : string
# Description : Essbase application path.

# Name        : ADMIN_USERNAME
# Type        : string
# Description : Admin username of WebLogic.

# Name        : DATABASE_TYPE
# Type        : string
# Description : Type of the database connection.

# Type        : string
# Description : Connection string. Oracle connection string: host:port:sid, host:port/service_name, or (description...). MS SQL Server connection string: host:port:database

# Type        : string
# Description : Essbase RDBMS Schemas. Available values CREATE and USE_EXISTING

# Name        : DATABASE_PREFIX
# Type        : string
# Description : Prefix for DB schemas.The prefix name must be a minimum of one character in length and cannot exceed 12 alphanumeric characters in length. Prefix should not start with a number.

# Name        : SECURE_MODE
# Type        : boolean
# Description : True if use secure connection.

# Name        : MACHINE_NAME
# Type        : string
# Description : WebLogic Machine Name.

# Name        : NODE_MANAGER_PORT
# Type        : number
# Description : Port of the WebLogic Node Manager. Default value is 9556.

# Type        : string
# Description : Listen Address of WebLogic Node Manager. Default value is fully qualified domain name.

# Name        : ADMIN_SERVER_PORT
# Type        : number
# Description : Port of the Admin Server. Default value is 7001.

# Type        : number
# Description : Secure Port of the Admin Server. Default value is 7002.

# Type        : string
# Description : Listen Address of Admin Server. Empty string means "All local addresses".

# Type        : number
# Description : Port of the Managed Server. Default value is 9000.

# Type        : number
# Description : Secure Port of the Managed Server. Default value is 9001.

# Type        : string
# Description : Listen Address of Managed Server. Empty string means "All local addresses".

# Name        : ENABLE_EAS
# Type        : boolean
# Description : True if use Essbase Administration Console Server.

# Name        : AGENT_PORT
# Type        : number
# Description : Port of the JAgent.  Default value is 1423.

# Name        : AGENT_SSL_PORT
# Type        : number
# Description : Secure Port of the JAgent. Default value is 6423.

# Type        : number
# Description : Minimal Port of the Essbase Server connection.  Default value is 30768.

# Type        : number
# Description : Maximal Port of the Essbase Server connection.  Default value is 31768.

# Name        : ENABLE_EPM
# Type        : boolean
# Description : True if EPM Shared Services Identity provider enabled.

# Name        : EPM_ORACLE_HOME
# Type        : string
# Description : Path to the folder of EPM Oracle Home. 

# Type        : string
# Description : Path to the folder of EPM Oracle Instance. 

# Type        : boolean
# Description : True if Essbase Windows Services enabled. 

# Type        : string
# Description : Unique name for Essbase Cluster Name in EPM Oracle Instance. 