Installation Configuration

To install Oracle NoSQL Database, complete the prerequisite and installation steps in chapter Installing Oracle NoSQL Database. After completing those steps, determine the configuration parameters for each Storage Node in the store (see Installation Configuration Parameters section for a description of the parameters). Then, complete the following tasks to configure your store.

While configuring a non-secure store is similar to configuring a secure store, the following steps note any differences that exist:

  1. Use the makebootconfig utility to create the initial bootconfig file. You must perform this task on each Oracle NoSQL Storage Node.


    Using the makebootconfig command to create the configuration file is integrated with the Storage Node on which you run the command. Such integration checks and validates all parameters and their values against the SN environment before generating the boot configuration files. To bypass verifying any parameters for the boot configuration files, use the -force flag (makebootconfig -force).
  2. For a non-secure configuration, specify the –store-security none parameter to the makebootconfig options:

    > mkdir -p KVROOT (if it does not already exist)
    > java -Xmx64m -Xms64m \
    -jar KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar makebootconfig -root KVROOT \
    -port 5000 \
    -host <hostname> \
    -harange 5010,5020 \
    -store-security none \
    -capacity 1 \
    -admindir /export/admin01 \
    -storagedir /export/data1 \
    -storagedirsize 1_tb \
    -rnlogdir /export/rnlog01


    It is best if the directory path of -admindir resolves to a separate disk. This is typically accomplished by creating suitable entries in the /etc/fstab directory. It attaches the file system on a disk to an appropriate location in the overall directory hierarchy.

    Placing the admin environment on a distinct disk ensures that the admin is not competing for Input/Output resources. It also isolates the impact of a disk failure to a single environment.

  3. Start the Oracle NoSQL Database Storage Node Agent (SNA) on each of the Oracle NoSQL Database nodes. You can use the start command as follows:


    Before starting the SNA, on each node, set the environment variable MALLOC_ARENA_MAX to 1. Doing this ensures that memory usage is restricted to the specified heap size.

    nohup java -Xmx64m -Xms64m \
    -jar KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar start -root KVROOT & 
  4. Use the ping command to ensure that the Oracle NoSQL Database client library can contact the Oracle NoSQL Database Storage Node Agent (SNA). You do not need to use the –security flag and an argument for a non-secure setup:

    java -Xmx64m -Xms64m \
    -jar kvstore.tmp/kvstore.jar ping \
    -host node01 -port 5000
    SNA at hostname: node01, registry port: 5000 is not registered.
    No further information is available
    Can't find store topology: 
    Could not contact any RepNode at: [node01:5000] 
  5. If the Storage Nodes do not start up, you can look through the adminboot and snaboot logs in the KVROOT directory to identify the problem. You can also use the -host option to check an SNA on a remote host. You do not need to use the –security flag and an argument for a non-secure setup:

    > java -Xmx64m -Xms64m
    -jar KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar ping 
    -port 5000 -host node02
    SNA at hostname: node02, registry port: 5000 is not registered. 
    No further information is available
    Can't find store topology: 
    Could not contact any RepNode at: [node02:5000]

Assuming the Storage Nodes all started successfully, you can configure the KVStore. To do this, you use the CLI command. Start runadmin:

> java -Xmx64m -Xms64m \
-jar KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar runadmin \
-port 5000 -host node01 

Follow the steps below:

  • Name your KVStore

    The name of your store is essentially used to form a path to records kept in the store. For example:

    kv-> configure -name mystore
    Store configured: mystore  
  • Create a Zone

    Once you have started the command line interface and configured a store name, you can create at least one zone. The usage is:

    plan deploy-zone -name <zone name>
    -rf <replication factor>
    [-type [primary | secondary]]
    [-arbiters | -no-arbiters ]
    [-json ]
    [-plan-name <name>] [-wait] [-noexecute] [-force] 
  • Create an Administration Process on a Specific Host

    Every KVStore has an administration database. You must deploy the Storage Node to which the command line interface is currently connecting to, and then deploy an Administration process on that same node, to proceed to configure this database. Use the deploy-sn and deploy-admin commands to complete this step. For more information, see Create an Administration Process on a Specific Host.

  • Create a Storage Node Pool

    Once you have created your Administration process, you can create a Storage Node Pool. This pool is used to contain all the Storage Nodes in your store. You use the pool create command to create this pool. Then you join Storage Nodes to the pool using the pool join command. For more information, see Create a Storage Node Pool.

  • Create the Remainder of your Storage Node

    After creating storage node pool, you can create the remainder of your Storage Nodes. Storage Nodes host the various & processes for each of the nodes in the store. You must use deploy-sn command in the same way as you did in Create an Administration Process on a Specific Host for each node that you use in your store. For more information, see Create the Remainder of your Storage Nodes.

  • Create and Deploy Replication Nodes

    This final step of the configuration process creates Replication Nodes on every node in your store. You use the the topology create and plan deploy-topology commands in its place. For more information, see Create and Deploy Replication Nodes.