Class MultiRowOptions

    • Constructor Detail

      • MultiRowOptions

        public MultiRowOptions​(FieldRange fieldRange,
                               List<Table> ancestors,
                               List<Table> children)
        Full constructor requiring all members.
      • MultiRowOptions

        public MultiRowOptions​(FieldRange fieldRange)
        A convenience constructor that takes only FieldRange.
    • Method Detail

      • getFieldRange

        public FieldRange getFieldRange()
        Gets the FieldRange to be used to restrict the range of the operation.
        the range or null if not set
      • getIncludedParentTables

        public List<Table> getIncludedParentTables()
        Gets the list of ancestor tables to be included in an operation that returns multiple rows or keys.
        the list or null if none have been set
      • getIncludedChildTables

        public List<Table> getIncludedChildTables()
        Gets the list of child tables to be included in an operation that returns multiple rows or keys.
        the list or null if none have been set
      • setFieldRange

        public MultiRowOptions setFieldRange​(FieldRange newFieldRange)
        Restricts the selected rows to those matching a range of field values for the first unspecified field in the target key.

        The first unspecified key field is defined as the first key field following the fields in a partial target key, or the very first key field when a null target key is specified.

        This method may only be used when a partial or null target key is specified. If a complete target key is given, this member must be null.

        newFieldRange - the range to use
      • setIncludedParentTables

        public MultiRowOptions setIncludedParentTables​(List<Table> newAncestors)
        Specifies the parent (ancestor) tables for which rows are selected by the operation.

        Each table must be an ancestor table (parent, grandparent, etc.) of the target table.

        A row selected from a parent table will have that row's complete primary key, which is a partial primary key for the row selected from the target table. At most one row from each parent table will be selected for each selected target table row.

        Rows from a parent table are always returned before rows from its child tables. This is the case for both forward and reverse iterations.

        For an index method, fetching the parent table rows requires additional operations per selected index key. Redundant fetches (when multiple selected target table rows have the same parent) can be avoided by maintaining and checking a set of already selected keys.

        newAncestors - the list to set
      • setIncludedChildTables

        public MultiRowOptions setIncludedChildTables​(List<Table> newChildren)
        Specifies the child (descendant) tables for which rows are selected by the operation.

        Each child table must be an descendant table (child, grandchild, great- grandchild, etc.) of the target table.

        The rows selected from each child table will have key field values matching those in the key of a selected target table row. Multiple child table rows may be selected for each selected target table row.

        Rows from a parent table are always returned before rows from its child tables for forward iteration. Reverse iterations will return child rows first.

        Child tables may not be specified for inclusion in an index operation.

        newChildren - the list to set