Interface TimestampDef

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface TimestampDef
    extends FieldDef
    TimestampDef is an extension of FieldDef to encapsulate a Timestamp type.
    • Field Detail


        static final String DEFAULT_PATTERN

        The default pattern of Timestamp string, it is the pattern used to format a TimestampValue to a string or parse TimestampValue from a string, the time zone for formatting and parsing is UTC zone.

        About the number of digits of fractional second:

        • When format a TimestampValue to a string, the number of digits is determined by the precision of TimestampDef.
            e.g. A table t1 contains 3 TIMESTAMP fields:
                CREATE TABLE t1(id INTEGER,
                                ts0 TIMESTAMP(0),
                                ts3 TIMESTAMP(3),
                                ts9 TIMESTAMP(9),
                                PRIMARY KEY(id));
            Table t1 = store.getTableAPI().getTable("t1");
            TimestampDef def0 = t1.getField("ts0").asTimestamp();
            TimestampDef def3 = t1.getField("ts3").asTimestamp();
            TimestampDef def9 = t1.getField("ts9").asTimestamp();
            /* Supposes local zone is UTC. */
            Timestamp ts = Timestamp.valueOf("2016-07-27 12:45:21.123456789");
            /* Converts the TimestampValue created with def0 to a string. */
            String str0 = def0.createTimestamp(ts).toString();
            System.out.println(str0);       // 2016-07-27T12:45:21
            /* Converts the TimestampValue created with def3 to a string. */
            String str3 = def3.createTimestamp(ts).toString();
            System.out.println(str3);       // 2016-07-27T12:45:21.123
            /* Converts the TimestampValue created with def9 to a string. */
            String str9 = def9.createTimestamp(ts).toString();
            System.out.println(str9);       // 2016-07-27T12:45:21.123456789
        • When parse a TimestampValue from a string, the fractional second part is optional, the number of digits can any value between 0 and 9.
            String str = "2016-07-27T12:45:21.987654321";
             * The value of tsv0 is "2016-07-27 12:45:22 UTC", the fractional
             * second is rounded up to 1 second.
            TimestampValue tsv0 = def0.fromString(str);
             * The value of tsv3 is 2016-07-27 12:45:21.988 UTC, the fractional
             * second is rounded up to 988 with precision of 3.
            TimestampValue tsv3 = def3.fromString(str);
            /* The value of tsv9 is 2016-07-27 12:45:21.987654321 UTC. */
            TimestampValue tsv9 = def9.fromString(str);
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getPrecision

        int getPrecision()
        the precision of fractional second
      • clone

        TimestampDef clone()
        Description copied from interface: FieldDef
        Perform a deep copy of this FieldDef instance.
        Specified by:
        clone in interface FieldDef
        a deep copy of this object
      • fromString

        TimestampValue fromString​(String timestampString)
        Creates a TimestampValue instance from a String, the string must be in the format of DEFAULT_PATTERN with UTC zone.
        timestampString - a string in format of default pattern.
        a TimestampValue instance.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the string cannot be parsed with the default pattern correctly.
      • fromString

        TimestampValue fromString​(String timestampString,
                                  String pattern,
                                  boolean withZoneUTC)
        Creates a TimestampValue instance from a String with specified pattern.
        timestampString - a timestamp string in format of specified pattern or default pattern DEFAULT_PATTERN if pattern is null.
        pattern - the pattern for the timestampString. If null, then default pattern DEFAULT_PATTERN is used to parse the string. The symbols that can be used to specify a pattern are described in DateTimeFormatter.
        withZoneUTC - true if UTC time zone is used as default zone when parse from a timestamp string, otherwise local time zone is used as default zone. If the timestampString has zone information, then the zone will take precedence over the default zone.
        a TimestampValue instance
        IllegalArgumentException - if the string cannot be parsed with the the given pattern correctly.
      • currentTimestamp

        TimestampValue currentTimestamp()
        Creates a TimestampValue instant set to the current system millisecond time.
        a TimestampValue instance