Class DefaultRetryHandler

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DefaultRetryHandler
    extends Object
    implements RetryHandler
    Default retry handler. This may be extended by clients for specific use cases. The default retry handler decides when and for how long retries will be attempted. See RetryHandler for more information on retry handlers.
    • Method Detail

      • getNumRetries

        public int getNumRetries()
        Description copied from interface: RetryHandler
        Returns the number of retries that this handler instance will allow before the exception is thrown to the application.
        Specified by:
        getNumRetries in interface RetryHandler
        the max number of retries
      • doRetry

        public boolean doRetry​(Request request,
                               int numRetries,
                               RetryableException re)
        Decide whether to retry or not. Default behavior is to *not* retry OperationThrottlingException because the retry time is likely much longer than normal because they are DDL operations. Read and Write throttling exceptions are always retryable. Otherwise check the request itself to see if it should not be retried.
        Specified by:
        doRetry in interface RetryHandler
        request - the Request that has triggered the exception
        numRetries - the number of retries that have occurred for the operation
        re - the exception that was thrown
        true if the operation should be retried, false if not, causing the exception to be thrown to the application.
      • delay

        public void delay​(Request request,
                          int numRetries,
                          RetryableException re)
        Delay (sleep) during retry cycle. If delayMS is non-zero, use it. Otherwise, use an incremental backoff algorithm to compute the time of delay.
        Specified by:
        delay in interface RetryHandler
        request - the Request that has triggered the exception
        numRetries - the number of retries that have occurred for the operation
        re - the exception that was thrown
      • computeBackoffDelay

        public static int computeBackoffDelay​(Request request,
                                              int fixedDelayMs)
        Compute an incremental backoff delay in milliseconds. This method also checks the request's timeout and ensures the delay will not exceed the specified timeout.
        request - The request object being executed
        fixedDelayMs - A specific delay to use and check for timeout. Pass zero to use the default backoff logic.
        The number of milliseconds to delay. If zero, do not delay at all.