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ABSOLUTE - oracle.nosql.driver.Consistency
accept(MapValue) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.StatsControl.StatsHandler
Stats are available in a MapValue instance that can be searched or rendered in JSON format using FieldValue.toString() or FieldValue.toJson().
ACTIVE - oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableResult.State
The table is ready to be used.
add(boolean) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Adds a new value at the end of the array
add(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Adds a new value at the end of the array
add(double) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Adds a new value at the end of the array
add(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Adds a new value at the end of the array
add(int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Inserts a new value at the specified index.
add(int, byte[]) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Inserts a new value at the specified index.
add(int, double) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Inserts a new value at the specified index.
add(int, int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Inserts a new value at the specified index.
add(int, long) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Inserts a new value at the specified index.
add(int, String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Inserts a new value at the specified index.
add(int, BigDecimal) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Inserts a new value at the specified index.
add(int, FieldValue) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Inserts the field at the specified index.
add(long) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Adds a new value at the end of the array
add(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Adds a new value at the end of the array
add(BigDecimal) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Adds a new value at the end of the array
add(Request, boolean) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.WriteMultipleRequest
Adds a Request to the operation list.
add(FieldValue) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Adds the field to the end of the array
addAll(int, Iterator<? extends FieldValue>) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Inserts all of the elements in the specified Iterator into the array, starting at the specified position.
addAll(int, Stream<? extends FieldValue>) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Inserts all of the elements in the specified Stream into the array, starting at the specified position.
addAll(Iterator<? extends FieldValue>) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Adds all of the values in the Iterator to the end of the array in the order they are returned by the iterator.
addAll(Iterator<Map.Entry<String, FieldValue>>) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
Inserts all of the entries in the specified iterator into the map.
addAll(Stream<? extends FieldValue>) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Adds all of the values in the Stream to the end of the array in the order they are returned by the stream.
addAll(Stream<Map.Entry<String, FieldValue>>) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
Inserts all of the entries in the specified stream into the map.
AF_JOHANNESBURG_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
ALL - oracle.nosql.driver.Durability.ReplicaAckPolicy
All replicas must acknowledge that they have committed the transaction.
ALL - oracle.nosql.driver.StatsControl.Profile
AP_CHIYODA_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
AP_CHUNCHEON_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
AP_DCC_CANBERRA_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
AP_HYDERABAD_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
AP_IBARAKI_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
AP_MELBOURNE_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
AP_MUMBAI_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
AP_OSAKA_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
AP_SEOUL_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
AP_SINGAPORE_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
AP_SYDNEY_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
AP_TOKYO_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
ARRAY - oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue.Type
An array of FieldValue instances
ArrayValue - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.values
ArrayValue represents an array of FieldValue instances.
ArrayValue() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Creates an empty ArrayValue
ArrayValue(int) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Creates an empty ArrayValue with the specified size
asArray() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Casts the object to ArrayValue.
asBinary() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Casts the object to BinaryValue.
asBoolean() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Casts the object to BooleanValue.
asDouble() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Casts to DoubleValue.
asInteger() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Casts the object to IntegerValue.
asJsonNull() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Casts to JsonNullValue.
asLong() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Casts the object to LongValue.
asMap() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Casts the object to MapValue.
asNull() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Casts to NullValue.
asNumber() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Casts the object to NumberValue.
asString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Casts to StringValue.
asTimestamp() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Casts the object to TimestampValue.
AuthenticationException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver.kv
On-premise only.
AuthorizationProvider - Interface in oracle.nosql.driver
A callback interface used by the driver to obtain an authorization string for a request.


BatchOperationNumberLimitException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
Cloud service only.
BINARY - oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue.Type
A binary value
BinaryValue - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.values
A FieldValue instance representing a binary value.
BinaryValue(byte[]) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.values.BinaryValue
Creates a new instance.
BinaryValue(String) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.values.BinaryValue
Creates a new instance from a Base64 encoded string.
BOOLEAN - oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue.Type
A boolean value
BooleanValue - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.values
A FieldValue instance representing a boolean value.


CA_MONTREAL_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
CA_TORONTO_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
castAsDouble() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.DoubleValue
Returns the double value of this object
castAsDouble() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Casts a numeric value to double, possibly with loss of information about magnitude, precision or sign.
castAsDouble() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.IntegerValue
Casts this integer to a double, possibly with loss of information about magnitude, precision or sign.
castAsDouble() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.LongValue
Casts this long to a double, possibly with loss of information about magnitude, precision or sign.
castAsDouble() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.NumberValue
Casts this number to a double, possibly with loss of information about magnitude, precision or sign.
clear() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.WriteMultipleRequest
Removes all of the operations from the WriteMultiple request.
clearVariables() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PreparedStatement
Clears all bind variables from the statement.
clone() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
close() - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.AuthorizationProvider
Release resources provider is using.
close() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.SignatureProvider
close() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.kv.StoreAccessTokenProvider
Closes the provider, releasing resources such as a stored login token.
close() - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandle
Closes the handle, releasing its memory and network resources.
close() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryIterableResult
close() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryRequest
Terminates the query execution and releases any memory consumed by the query at the driver.
close() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonReader
COMMIT_NO_SYNC - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Durability
A convenience constant that defines a durability policy with COMMIT_NO_SYNC for Master commit synchronization.
COMMIT_SYNC - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Durability
A convenience constant that defines a durability policy with COMMIT_SYNC for Master commit synchronization.
COMMIT_WRITE_NO_SYNC - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Durability
A convenience constant that defines a durability policy with COMMIT_WRITE_NO_SYNC for Master commit synchronization.
compareTo(FieldValue) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
compareTo(FieldValue) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.BinaryValue
Returns 0 if the two values are equal in terms of length and byte content, otherwise it returns -1.
compareTo(FieldValue) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.BooleanValue
compareTo(FieldValue) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.DoubleValue
compareTo(FieldValue) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.IntegerValue
compareTo(FieldValue) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonNullValue
compareTo(FieldValue) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.LongValue
compareTo(FieldValue) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
compareTo(FieldValue) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.NullValue
compareTo(FieldValue) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.NumberValue
compareTo(FieldValue) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.StringValue
compareTo(FieldValue) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.TimestampValue
COMPARTMENT_ID_CLAIM_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.SignatureProvider.ResourcePrincipalClaimKeys
The claim name that the RPST holds for the resource compartment.
COMPLETE - oracle.nosql.driver.ops.SystemResult.State
The operation is complete and was successful.
computeBackoffDelay(Request, int) - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.DefaultRetryHandler
Compute an incremental backoff delay in milliseconds.
configureDefaultRetryHandler(int, int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Sets the RetryHandler using a default retry handler configured with the specified number of retries and a static delay.
Consistency - Enum in oracle.nosql.driver
Consistency is used to provide consistency guarantees for read operations.
consumeUnits(long) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.RateLimiter
Consumes a number of units, blocking until the units are available.
consumeUnitsUnconditionally(long) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.RateLimiter
Consumes units without checking or waiting.
consumeUnitsWithTimeout(long, int, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.RateLimiter
Attempts to consume a number of units, blocking until the units are available or the specified timeout expires.
convertEmptyToNull() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
copyStatement() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PreparedStatement
Returns a new instance that shares this object's prepared query, which is immutable, but does not share its variables.
createFromJson(InputStream, JsonOptions) - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Constructs a new FieldValue instance based on JSON read from the InputStream provided.
createFromJson(Reader, JsonOptions) - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Constructs a new FieldValue instance based on JSON read from the Reader provided.
createFromJson(String, JsonOptions) - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Constructs a new FieldValue instance based on the JSON string provided.
createNoSQLHandle(NoSQLHandleConfig) - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleFactory
Creates a handle that can be used to access tables.
createVersion(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.Version
Creates a Version instance from a byte[] which may have been acquired from a query using the row_version() function which returns a FieldValue of type BINARY.
createWithInstancePrincipal() - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.SignatureProvider
Creates a SignatureProvider using an instance principal.
createWithInstancePrincipal(String) - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.SignatureProvider
Creates a SignatureProvider using an instance principal.
createWithInstancePrincipal(String, Region, Logger) - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.SignatureProvider
Creates a SignatureProvider using an instance principal.
createWithInstancePrincipal(Region) - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.SignatureProvider
Creates a SignatureProvider using an instance principal.
createWithInstancePrincipalForDelegation(File) - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.SignatureProvider
Creates a SignatureProvider using an instance principal with a delegation token.
createWithInstancePrincipalForDelegation(String) - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.SignatureProvider
Creates a SignatureProvider using an instance principal with a delegation token.
createWithInstancePrincipalForDelegation(String, Region, File, Logger) - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.SignatureProvider
Creates a SignatureProvider using an instance principal with a delegation token.
createWithInstancePrincipalForDelegation(String, Region, String, Logger) - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.SignatureProvider
Creates a SignatureProvider using an instance principal with a delegation token.
createWithResourcePrincipal() - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.SignatureProvider
Creates a SignatureProvider using a resource principal.
createWithResourcePrincipal(Logger) - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.SignatureProvider
Creates a SignatureProvider using a resource principal.
CREATING - oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableResult.State
The table is being created and cannot yet be used


decodeBase64(String) - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.BinaryValue
Decode the specified Base64 string into a byte array.
DEFAULT_ENABLE_LOG - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
DEFAULT_STATS_INTERVAL - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
DEFAULT_STATS_PRETTY_PRINT - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
DEFAULT_STATS_PROFILE - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
DefaultRetryHandler - Class in oracle.nosql.driver
Default retry handler.
delay(Request, int, RetryableException) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.DefaultRetryHandler
Delay (sleep) during retry cycle.
delay(Request, int, RetryableException) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.RetryHandler
This method is called when a RetryableException is thrown and it is determined that the request will be retried based on the return value of RetryHandler.doRetry(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.Request, int, oracle.nosql.driver.RetryableException).
delete(DeleteRequest) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandle
Deletes a row from a table.
DeleteRequest - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
DeleteRequest() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.DeleteRequest
Constructs an empty request
DeleteResult - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
Represents the result of a NoSQLHandle.delete(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.DeleteRequest) operation.
DeleteResult() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.DeleteResult
DeploymentException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
Cloud service only.
deserialize(Request, ByteInputStream, short) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.serde.PrepareRequestSerializer
DO_NOT_EXPIRE - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.TimeToLive
A convenience constant that can be used as an argument to indicate that the row should not expire.
doRetry(Request, int, RetryableException) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.DefaultRetryHandler
Decide whether to retry or not.
doRetry(Request, int, RetryableException) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.RetryHandler
This method is called when a RetryableException is thrown and determines whether to perform a retry or not based on the parameters.
doSystemRequest(String, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandle
On-premise only.
doTableRequest(TableRequest, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandle
A convenience method that performs a TableRequest and waits for completion of the operation.
DOUBLE - oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue.Type
A double value
DoubleValue - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.values
A FieldValue instance representing a double value.
DoubleValue(double) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.values.DoubleValue
Creates a new instance.
DoubleValue(String) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.values.DoubleValue
Creates a new instance from a String value
DROPPED - oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableResult.State
The table has been dropped or does not exist
DROPPING - oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableResult.State
The table is being dropped and cannot be used
Durability - Class in oracle.nosql.driver
Defines the durability characteristics associated with a standalone write (put or update) operation.
Durability(Durability.SyncPolicy, Durability.SyncPolicy, Durability.ReplicaAckPolicy) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.Durability
Creates an instance of a Durability specification.
Durability.ReplicaAckPolicy - Enum in oracle.nosql.driver
A replicated environment makes it possible to increase an application's transaction commit guarantees by committing changes to its replicas on the network.
Durability.SyncPolicy - Enum in oracle.nosql.driver
Defines the synchronization policy to be used when committing a transaction.
DurableRequest - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
Represents a base class for operations that support a Durability setting.


encodeBase64(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.BinaryValue
Encode the specified byte array into a Base64 encoded string.
endpoint() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
Returns the NoSQL Database Cloud Service Endpoint for this region.
entrySet() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
Returns a Set of entries based on the underlying map that holds the values.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.Durability
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.RetryStats
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.BinaryValue
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.BooleanValue
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.DoubleValue
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.IntegerValue
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonNullValue
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.LongValue
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.NullValue
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.NumberValue
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.StringValue
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.TimestampValue
EU_AMSTERDAM_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
EU_FRANKFURT_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
EU_MADRID_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
EU_MARSEILLE_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
EU_MILAN_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
EU_PARIS_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
EU_STOCKHOLM_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
EU_ZURICH_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
EVENTUAL - oracle.nosql.driver.Consistency
EvolutionLimitException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
Cloud service only.


falseInstance() - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.BooleanValue
Returns a singleton instance representing a false BooleanValue
FieldRange - Class in oracle.nosql.driver
FieldRange(String) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.FieldRange
Create a value based on a specific field
FieldValue - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.values
FieldValue is the base class of all data items in the Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud system.
FieldValue() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
FieldValue.Type - Enum in oracle.nosql.driver.values
The type of a field.
flushCache() - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.AuthorizationProvider
Invalidate any cached authorization strings.
flushCache() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.SignatureProvider
fromExpirationTime(long, long) - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.TimeToLive
Returns an instance of TimeToLive based on an absolute expiration time and a reference time.
fromRegionId(String) - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
Returns the Region associated with the string value supplied, or null if the string does not represent a known region.


get(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Returns the field at the specified index.
get(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.OCIConfigFileReader.OCIConfigFile
Gets the value associated with a given key.
get(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
Returns the field the specified name, or null if the field does not exist.
get(GetRequest) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandle
Gets the row associated with a primary key.
getAllowComments() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonOptions
Returns whether comments embedded in JSON are allowed on input.
getAllowNonNumericNumbers() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonOptions
Returns whether non-numeric numbers, such as NaN or INF are allowed on input.
getAllowSingleQuotes() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonOptions
Returns whether single quotes are allowed in JSON on input.
getAuthorizationProvider() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Returns the AuthorizationProvider configured for the handle, or null if none is set.
getAuthorizationString(Request) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.AuthorizationProvider
Returns an authorization string for specified request.
getAuthorizationString(Request) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.SignatureProvider
getBinary() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Returns a binary byte array value for the field if the value is binary
getBinary(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
Gets the named field as a binary value
getBoolean() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Returns a boolean value for the field if the value is a boolean or a string.
getBoolean() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.StringValue
getBoolean(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
Gets the named field as a boolean
getColumn() - Method in exception oracle.nosql.driver.JsonParseException
Returns the column number of the error within a line if available, otherwise a negative number is returned.
getCompartment() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.Request
Returns the compartment id or name.
getCompartmentId() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableResult
Cloud service only.
getConnectionPoolMinSize() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Returns the minimum number of connections to keep alive in the connection pool.
getConnectionPoolSize() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
The connection pool no longer supports a size setting. It will expand as needed based on concurrent demand.
getConsistency() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Returns the configured default consistency
getConsistency() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryRequest
Returns the consistency set for this request, or null if not set.
getContinuationKey() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.MultiDeleteRequest
Returns the continuation key if set.
getContinuationKey() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.MultiDeleteResult
Returns the continuation key where the next MultiDelete request resume from.
getContinuationKey() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryRequest
getContinuationKey() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryResult
Returns the continuation key that can be used to obtain more results if non-null.
getCurrentRate() - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.RateLimiter
Returns the current rate as a percentage of current limit.
getDefaultCompartment() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Cloud service only.
getDefaultConsistency() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Returns the default Consistency value that will be used by the system.
getDefaultRequestTimeout() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Returns the default value for request timeout.
getDefaultTableRequestTimeout() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Returns the default value for a table request timeout.
getDelayMs() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.RetryStats
Returns the total time delayed (slept) between retry events.
getDouble() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Returns a double value for the field if the value can be represented as a valid double without loss of information.
getDouble() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.IntegerValue
Returns a Double value for this object.
getDouble() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.LongValue
Returns a Double value for this object.
getDouble() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.StringValue
getDouble(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
Gets the named field as a double
getDurability() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.DurableRequest
Returns the durability setting for this operation.
getDuration() - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.RateLimiter
Returns the duration configured for this rate limiter instance
getEnd() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.FieldRange
Returns the FieldValue that defines upper bound of the range, or null if no upper bound is enforced.
getEndInclusive() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.FieldRange
Returns whether end is included in the range, i.e., end is greater than or equal to the last FieldValue in the range.
getEndpoint() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.kv.StoreAccessTokenProvider
getEndTime() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableUsageRequest
Returns the end time to use for the request in milliseconds since the Epoch.
getEndTimeString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableUsageRequest
Returns the end time as an ISO 8601 formatted string.
getExactMatch() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest
Returns whether or not the value must be an exact match to the table schema or not.
getExceptionMap() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.RetryStats
getExistingModificationTime() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.DeleteResult
Returns the existing modification time if available.
getExistingModificationTime() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutResult
Returns the existing modification time if available.
getExistingModificationTime() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.WriteMultipleResult.OperationResult
Returns the previous modification time associated with the key if available.
getExistingValue() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.DeleteResult
Returns the existing row value if available.
getExistingValue() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutResult
Returns the existing row value if available.
getExistingValue() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.WriteMultipleResult.OperationResult
Returns the previous row value associated with the key if available.
getExistingVersion() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.DeleteResult
Returns the existing row Version if available.
getExistingVersion() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutResult
Returns the existing row Version if available.
getExistingVersion() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.WriteMultipleResult.OperationResult
Returns the existing row version associated with the key if available.
getExpirationTime() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetResult
Returns the expiration time of the row.
getExtensionUserAgent() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Returns the set extension to the user agent http header or null if unset.
getFailedOperationIndex() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.WriteMultipleResult
Returns the index of failed operation that results in the entire WriteMultiple operation aborting.
getFailedOperationResult() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.WriteMultipleResult
Returns the result of the operation that results in the entire WriteMultiple operation aborting.
getFieldNames() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetIndexesResult.IndexInfo
Returns the array of field names that define the index.
getFieldPath() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.FieldRange
Returns the name for the field used in the range.
getGeneratedValue() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutResult
Returns the value generated if the operation created a new value.
getGeneratedValue() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.WriteMultipleResult.OperationResult
Returns the value generated if the operation created a new value.
getId() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.UserInfo
Returns the id associated with the user.
getIdentityCacheSize() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest
Gets the number of generated identity values that are requested from the server during a put if set in this request.
getIndexes() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetIndexesResult
Returns the array of index information returned by the operation.
getIndexes(GetIndexesRequest) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandle
Returns information about and index, or indexes on a table.
GetIndexesRequest - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
Represents the argument of a NoSQLHandle.getIndexes(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetIndexesRequest) operation which returns the information of a specific index or all indexes of the specified table, as returned in GetIndexesResult.
GetIndexesRequest() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetIndexesRequest
GetIndexesResult - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
GetIndexesResult() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetIndexesResult
GetIndexesResult.IndexInfo - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
IndexInfo represents the information about a single index including its name and field names.
getIndexName() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetIndexesRequest
Gets the index name to use for the request
getIndexName() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetIndexesResult.IndexInfo
Returns the name of the index.
getInstance() - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonNullValue
Returns an instance (singleton) of JsonNullValue.
getInstance() - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.NullValue
Returns an instance (singleton) of NullValue.
getInstance(boolean) - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.BooleanValue
Returns a singleton instance representing the boolean value provided.
getInt() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Returns an integer value for the field if the value can be represented as a valid integer without loss of information.
getInt() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.LongValue
getInt() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.StringValue
getInt(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
Gets the named field as an integer
getInterval() - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.StatsControl
Returns the current collection interval.
getJsonValue() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetResult
Returns a JSON string representation of the returned row, or null if the row does not exist.
getKey() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.DeleteRequest
Returns the key of the row to be deleted.
getKey() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetRequest
Returns the primary key used for the operation.
getKey() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.MultiDeleteRequest
Returns the key to be used for the operation.
getLastReturnedIndex() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.ListTablesResult
Returns the index of the last table name returned.
getLibraryVersion() - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Returns the version of the driver implemented by this library.
getLimit() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.ListTablesRequest
Returns the maximum number of table names to return in the operation.
getLimit() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryRequest
Returns the limit on number of items returned by the operation.
getLimit() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableUsageRequest
Returns the limit to the number of usage records desired.
getLimitPerSecond() - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.RateLimiter
Returns the number of units configured for this rate limiter instance
getLine() - Method in exception oracle.nosql.driver.JsonParseException
Returns the line number of the error within a line if available, otherwise a negative number is returned.
getLogger() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.SignatureProvider
Returns the logger of this provider if set, null if not.
getLogger() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.kv.StoreAccessTokenProvider
Returns the logger, or null if not set.
getLogger() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Returns the Logger, or null if not configured by user.
getLong() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Returns a long value for the field if the value can be represented as a valid long without loss of information.
getLong() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.IntegerValue
Returns a long value for this object.
getLong() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.StringValue
getLong() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.TimestampValue
Returns the long value of this object as the number of millisecond since the Epoch, 1970-01-01T00:00:00.
getLong(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
Gets the named field as a long
getMaintainInsertionOrder() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonOptions
Returns whether parsed JSON will use a Map that maintains insertion order.
getMap() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
Returns a live Map of the MapValue state.
getMasterSync() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.Durability
Returns the transaction synchronization policy to be used on the Master when committing a transaction.
getMatchVersion() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.DeleteRequest
Returns the Version used for a match on a conditional delete.
getMatchVersion() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest
Returns the Version used for a match on a conditional put.
getMathContext() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryRequest
Returns the MathContext used for BigDecimal operations.
getMaxContentLength() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Returns the maximum size, in bytes, of a request operation payload.
getMaxMemoryConsumption() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryRequest
Returns the maximum number of memory bytes that may be consumed by the statement at the driver for operations such as duplicate elimination (which may be required due to the use of an index on an array or map) and sorting (sorting by distance when a query contains a geo_near() function).
getMaxReadKB() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryRequest
Returns the limit on the total data read during this operation, in KB.
getMaxWriteKB() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.MultiDeleteRequest
Returns the limit on the total KB write during this operation.
getMaxWriteKB() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryRequest
Returns the limit on the total data written during this operation, in KB.
getMessage() - Method in exception oracle.nosql.driver.RequestTimeoutException
getMode() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableLimits
Returns the capacity mode
getModificationTime() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetResult
Returns the modification time of the row.
getName() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.UserInfo
Returns the name associated with the user.
getNamespace() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.ListTablesRequest
On-premise only.
getNumber() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.DoubleValue
Returns a BigDecimal value for this object
getNumber() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Returns a BigDecimal value for the field if the value can be represented as a valid BigDecimal without loss of information.
getNumber() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.IntegerValue
Returns a BigDecimal value for this object.
getNumber() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.LongValue
Returns a BigDecimal value for this object.
getNumber() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.StringValue
getNumber() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.TimestampValue
Returns a BigDecimal value for this object based on its long value.
getNumber(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
Gets the named field as a BigDecimal
getNumDeletions() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.MultiDeleteResult
Returns the number of rows deleted from the table.
getNumericAsNumber() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonOptions
Returns whether numeric values will be mapped to NumberValue when parsed from JSON input.
getNumExceptions(Class<? extends Throwable>) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.RetryStats
Returns the number of exceptions of a particular class.
getNumOperations() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.WriteMultipleRequest
Returns the number of Requests.
getNumRetries() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.DefaultRetryHandler
getNumRetries() - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.RetryHandler
Returns the number of retries that this handler instance will allow before the exception is thrown to the application.
getNumThreads() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Returns the number of threads to use for handling network traffic.
getOperationId() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetTableRequest
Returns the operation id to use for the request, null if not set.
getOperationId() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.SystemResult
Returns the operation id for the operation if it was asynchronous.
getOperationId() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.SystemStatusRequest
Returns the operation id to use for the request, null if not set.
getOperationId() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableResult
Returns the operation id for an asynchronous operation.
getOperationState() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.SystemResult
Returns the operation state.
getOption() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest
Returns the option specified for the put.
getPoolMaxPending() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
The connection pool no longer supports pending requests.
getPreparedStatement() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PrepareResult
Returns the value of the prepared statement
getPreparedStatement() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryRequest
Returns the prepared query statement
getPrettyPrint() - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.StatsControl
Returns the current JSON pretty print flag.
getPrettyPrint() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonOptions
Returns whether JSON will be pretty-printed on output.
getProfile() - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.StatsControl
Returns the collection profile.
getQueryPlan() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PreparedStatement
Returns a string representation of the query execution plan, if it was requested in the PrepareRequest; null otherwise.
getQueryPlan() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PrepareRequest
getRange() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.MultiDeleteRequest
Returns the FieldRange to be used for the operation if set.
getRateLimitDelayedMs() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.Request
getRateLimitDelayedMs() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.Result
Get the time the operation was delayed due to rate limiting.
getReadKB() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.DeleteResult
Returns the read throughput consumed by this operation, in KBytes.
getReadKB() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetResult
Returns the read throughput consumed by this operation, in KBytes.
getReadKB() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.MultiDeleteResult
Returns the read throughput consumed by this operation, in KBytes.
getReadKB() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PrepareResult
Returns the read throughput consumed by this operation, in KBytes.
getReadKB() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutResult
Returns the read throughput consumed by this operation, in KBytes.
getReadKB() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryIterableResult
Returns the read throughput consumed by all iterators of this operation, in KBytes.
getReadKB() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryResult
Returns the read throughput consumed by this operation, in KBytes.
getReadKB() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.WriteMultipleResult
Returns the read throughput consumed by this operation, in KBytes.
getReadRateLimiter() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.Request
Returns the read rate limiter instance used during this request.
getReadThrottleCount() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableUsageResult.TableUsage
Returns the number of read throttling exceptions on this table in the time period.
getReadUnits() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.DeleteResult
Returns the read throughput consumed by this operation, in read units.
getReadUnits() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetResult
Returns the read throughput consumed by this operation, in read units.
getReadUnits() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.MultiDeleteResult
Returns the read throughput consumed by this operation, in read units.
getReadUnits() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PrepareResult
Returns the read throughput consumed by this operation, in read units.
getReadUnits() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutResult
Returns the read throughput consumed by this operation, in read units.
getReadUnits() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryIterableResult
Returns the read throughput consumed by all iterators of this operation, in read units.
getReadUnits() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryResult
Returns the read throughput consumed by this operation, in read units.
getReadUnits() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableLimits
Returns the read throughput in terms of read units
getReadUnits() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableUsageResult.TableUsage
Returns the number of read uits consumed during this period
getReadUnits() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.WriteMultipleResult
Returns the read throughput consumed by this operation, in read units.
getRegion() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.SignatureProvider
getRegion() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Cloud service only.
getReplicaAck() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.Durability
Returns the replica acknowledgment policy used by the master when committing changes to a replicated environment.
getReplicaSync() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.Durability
Returns the transaction synchronization policy to be used by the replica as it replays a transaction that needs an acknowledgment.
getRequest(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.WriteMultipleRequest
Returns the Request at the given position, it may be either a PutRequest or a DeleteRequest object.
GetRequest - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
Represents the input to a NoSQLHandle.get(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetRequest) operation which returns a single row based on the specified key.
GetRequest() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetRequest
getRequestTimeout() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Returns the configured request timeout value, in milliseconds.
getResourcePrincipalClaim(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.SignatureProvider
Resource principal session tokens carry JWT claims.
GetResult - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
Represents the result of a NoSQLHandle.get(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetRequest) operation.
GetResult() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetResult
getResults() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryResult
Returns a list of results for the query.
getResults() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.WriteMultipleResult
Returns the list of execution results for the operations.
getResultString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.SystemResult
Returns the result string for the operation.
getRetries() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.RetryStats
Returns the number of retry events.
getRetryHandler() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Returns the RetryHandler configured for the handle, or null if none is set.
getRetryStats() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.Request
Returns a stats object with information about retries.
getRetryStats() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.Result
Returns a stats object with information about retries.
getReturnRow() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.DeleteRequest
Returns whether information about the existing row should be returned on failure because of a version mismatch.
getReturnRow() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest
Returns whether information about the exist row should be returned on failure because of a version mismatch or failure of an "if absent" operation.
getSchema() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableResult
getSecondsInPeriod() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableUsageResult.TableUsage
Returns the number of seconds in this usage record.
getSerializedSize() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Returns the serialized size of this value.
getServiceURL() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Returns the URL to use for the NoSQLHandle connection
getSQLText() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PreparedStatement
Returns the SQL text of this PreparedStatement.
getSSLCipherSuites() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Returns the SSL cipher suites to enable.
getSSLHandshakeTimeout() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Returns the configured SSL handshake timeout, in milliseconds.
getSSLProtocols() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Returns the SSL protocols to enable.
getSSLSessionCacheSize() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Returns the configured size of cache used to store SSLSession objects.
getSSLSessionTimeout() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Returns the configured SSLSession objects timeout, in seconds.
getStart() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.FieldRange
Returns the FieldValue that defines lower bound of the range, or null if no lower bound is enforced.
getStartInclusive() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.FieldRange
Returns whether start is included in the range, i.e., start is less than or equal to the first FieldValue in the range.
getStartIndex() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.ListTablesRequest
Returns the index to use to start returning table names.
getStartTime() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableUsageRequest
Returns the start time to use for the request in milliseconds since the Epoch.
getStartTime() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableUsageResult.TableUsage
Returns the start time for this usage record in milliseconds since the Epoch.
getStartTimeString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableUsageRequest
Returns the start time as an ISO 8601 formatted string.
getStartTimeString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableUsageResult.TableUsage
Returns the start time as an ISO 8601 formatted string.
getStatement() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PrepareRequest
Returns the query statement
getStatement() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryRequest
Returns the query statement
getStatement() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.SystemRequest
Returns the statement, or null if not set
getStatement() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.SystemResult
Returns the statement used for the operation.
getStatement() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.SystemStatusRequest
Returns the statement, or null if not set
getStatement() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableRequest
Returns the statement, or null if not set
getStatsControl() - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandle
Returns an object that allows control over how statistics are collected.
getStatsEnableLog() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Returns the current value of enabling the log when stats are turned on.
getStatsHandler() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Returns the registered statistics handler, otherwise null.
getStatsHandler() - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.StatsControl
Returns the registered stats handler.
getStatsInterval() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Returns the current interval for logging statistics.
getStatsPrettyPrint() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Returns the current JSON pretty print flag for logging statistics.
getStatsProfile() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Returns the statistics collection profile.
getStorageGB() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableLimits
Returns the storage capacity in gigabytes
getStorageGB() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableUsageResult.TableUsage
Returns the amount of storage consumed by the table.
getStorageThrottleCount() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableUsageResult.TableUsage
Returns the number of storage throttling exceptions on this table in the time period.
getString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.BooleanValue
getString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.DoubleValue
getString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Returns a String value for the field.
getString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.IntegerValue
getString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonNullValue
getString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.LongValue
getString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.NullValue
getString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.NumberValue
getString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.TimestampValue
Returns the string value of this object, it is in the ISO 8601 format "uuuu-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss[.f..f]" and the time zone is UTC.
getString(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
Gets the named field as a String
getSuccess() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.DeleteResult
Returns true if the delete operation succeeded.
getSuccess() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.WriteMultipleResult
Returns true if the WriteMultiple operation succeeded, or false if the operation is aborted due to the failure of a sub operation.
getSuccess() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.WriteMultipleResult.OperationResult
Returns the flag indicates whether the operation succeeded.
getTable(GetTableRequest) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandle
Gets static information about the specified table including its state, provisioned throughput and capacity and schema.
getTableLimits() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableRequest
Returns the table limits, or null if not set
getTableLimits() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableResult
Returns the throughput and capacity limits for the table.
getTableName() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.Request
Returns the table name to use for the operation.
getTableName() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableResult
Returns the table name of the target table
getTableName() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableUsageResult
Returns the table name used by the operation
GetTableRequest - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
Represents the argument of a NoSQLHandle.getTable(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetTableRequest) operation which returns static information associated with a table, as returned in TableResult.
GetTableRequest() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetTableRequest
getTableRequestTimeout() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Returns the configured table request timeout value, in milliseconds.
getTables() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.ListTablesResult
Returns the array of table names returned by the operation.
getTableState() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableResult
Returns the table state.
getTableUsage(TableUsageRequest) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandle
Cloud service only.
getTimeout() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.DeleteRequest
Returns the timeout to use for the operation, in milliseconds.
getTimeout() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PrepareRequest
Returns the timeout to use for the operation, in milliseconds.
getTimeout() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest
Returns the timeout to use for the operation, in milliseconds.
getTimeout() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryRequest
Returns the timeout to use for the operation, in milliseconds.
getTimeout() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.WriteMultipleRequest
Returns the timeout to use for the operation, in milliseconds.
getTimeoutMs() - Method in exception oracle.nosql.driver.RequestTimeoutException
Returns the timeout that was in effect for the operation.
getTimestamp() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Returns a TimestampValue as a Timestamp value.
getTimestamp() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.LongValue
Returns a Timestamp value for this object based on the Timestamp value of the long value
getTimestamp(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
Gets the named field as a long timestamp representing the milliseconds since January 1, 1970
getTimestampAsLong() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonOptions
Returns whether TimestampValue instances will be mapped to a long representation when output as JSON.
getTimestampAsString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonOptions
Returns whether TimestampValue instances will be mapped to a string representation when output as JSON.
getTTL() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest
Returns the TimeToLive value, if set.
getType() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
getType() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.BinaryValue
getType() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.BooleanValue
getType() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.DoubleValue
getType() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Returns the type of the object
getType() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.IntegerValue
getType() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonNullValue
getType() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.LongValue
getType() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
getType() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.NullValue
getType() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.NumberValue
getType() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.StringValue
getType() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.TimestampValue
getType(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Returns the type of the field at the specified index.
getType(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
Returns the type of the field with the specified name, or null if the field does not exist.
getTypeName() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.DeleteRequest
getTypeName() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetIndexesRequest
getTypeName() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetRequest
getTypeName() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetTableRequest
getTypeName() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.ListTablesRequest
getTypeName() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.MultiDeleteRequest
getTypeName() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PrepareRequest
getTypeName() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest
getTypeName() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryRequest
getTypeName() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.Request
Returns the type name of the request.
getTypeName() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.SystemRequest
getTypeName() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.SystemStatusRequest
getTypeName() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableRequest
getTypeName() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableUsageRequest
getTypeName() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.WriteMultipleRequest
getUnit() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.TimeToLive
Returns the TimeUnit used for the duration
getUsageRecords() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableUsageResult
Returns an array of usage records based on the parameters of the TableUsageRequest used.
getUseTableDefaultTTL() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest
Returns whether or not to update the row's time to live (TTL) based on a table default value if the row exists.
getValue() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetResult
Returns the value of the returned row, or null if the row does not exist
getValue() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest
Returns the value of the row to be used.
getValue() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.TimeToLive
Returns the numeric duration value
getValue() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.BinaryValue
Returns the binary value of this object
getValue() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.BooleanValue
Returns the boolean value of the field
getValue() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.DoubleValue
Returns the double value of this object
getValue() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.IntegerValue
Returns the integer value of this object
getValue() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.LongValue
Returns the long value of this object
getValue() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.NumberValue
Returns the number value of this object
getValue() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.StringValue
Returns the String value
getValue() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.TimestampValue
Returns the Java Timestamp value of this object
getVariables() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PreparedStatement
Returns the map of variables to use for a prepared query with variables.
getVersion() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetResult
Returns the Version of the row if the operation was successful, or null if the row does not exist.
getVersion() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutResult
Returns the Version of the new row if the operation was successful.
getVersion() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.WriteMultipleResult.OperationResult
Returns the version of the new row for put operation, or null if put operations did not succeed or the operation is delete operation.
getWriteKB() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.DeleteResult
Returns the write throughput consumed by this operation, in KBytes.
getWriteKB() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetResult
Returns the write throughput consumed by this operation, in KBytes.
getWriteKB() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.MultiDeleteResult
Returns the write throughput consumed by this operation, in KBytes.
getWriteKB() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PrepareResult
Returns the write throughput consumed by this operation, in KBytes.
getWriteKB() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutResult
Returns the write throughput consumed by this operation, in KBytes.
getWriteKB() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryIterableResult
Returns the write throughput consumed by all iterators of this operation, in KBytes.
getWriteKB() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryResult
Returns the write throughput consumed by this operation, in KBytes.
getWriteKB() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.WriteMultipleResult
Returns the write throughput consumed by this operation, in KBytes.
getWriteRateLimiter() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.Request
Returns the write rate limiter instance used during this request.
getWriteThrottleCount() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableUsageResult.TableUsage
Returns the number of write throttling exceptions on this table in the time period.
getWriteUnits() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.DeleteResult
Returns the write throughput consumed by this operation, in write units.
getWriteUnits() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetResult
Returns the write throughput consumed by this operation, in write units.
getWriteUnits() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.MultiDeleteResult
Returns the write throughput consumed by this operation, in write units.
getWriteUnits() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PrepareResult
Returns the write throughput consumed by this operation, in write units.
getWriteUnits() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutResult
Returns the write throughput consumed by this operation, in write units.
getWriteUnits() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryIterableResult
Returns the write throughput consumed by all iterators of this operation, in write units.
getWriteUnits() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryResult
Returns the write throughput consumed by this operation, in write units.
getWriteUnits() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableLimits
Returns the write throughput in terms of write units
getWriteUnits() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableUsageResult.TableUsage
Returns the number of write uits consumed during this period
getWriteUnits() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.WriteMultipleResult
Returns the write throughput consumed by this operation, in write units.


hashCode() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.Durability
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.BinaryValue
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.BooleanValue
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.DoubleValue
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.IntegerValue
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonNullValue
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.LongValue
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.NullValue
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.NumberValue
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.StringValue
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.TimestampValue


IfAbsent - oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest.Option
Put should only succeed if the row does not exist.
IfPresent - oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest.Option
Put should only succeed if the row exists.
IfVersion - oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest.Option
Put should succeed only if the row exists and its Version matches the one specified match version using PutRequest.setMatchVersion(oracle.nosql.driver.Version)
IL_JERUSALEM_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
IndexExistsException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
The operation attempted to create an index for a table but the named index already exists.
IndexLimitException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
Cloud service only.
IndexNotFoundException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
The operation attempted to access a index that does not exist or is not in a visible state.
INTEGER - oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue.Type
An integer value
IntegerValue - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.values
A FieldValue instance representing an integer value.
IntegerValue(int) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.values.IntegerValue
Creates a new instance.
IntegerValue(String) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.values.IntegerValue
Creates a new instance from a String value
InvalidAuthorizationException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
The exception is thrown if the application presents an invalid authorization string in a request.
isAnyNull() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Returns whether this is either a JSON null or a SQL NULL value.
isArray() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Returns whether this is an ArrayValue
isAtomic() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Returns whether this is an atomic value, that is, not an array or map value.
isAutoRenew() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.kv.StoreAccessTokenProvider
Returns whether the login token is to be automatically renewed.
isBinary() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Returns whether this is an BinaryValue
isBoolean() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Returns whether this is an BooleanValue
isDone() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryRequest
Returns true if the query execution is finished, i.e., there are no more query results to be generated.
isDouble() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Returns whether this is an DoubleValue
isInteger() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Returns whether this is an IntegerValue
isJsonNull() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Returns whether this is a json null value.
isLong() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Returns whether this is an LongValue
isMap() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Returns whether this is an MapValue
isNull() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Returns whether this is an SQL NULL value.
isNumber() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Returns whether this is an NumberValue
isNumeric() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Returns whether this is a numeric value (integer, long, double, or number) value.
isSecure() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.kv.StoreAccessTokenProvider
Returns whether the provider is accessing a secured store
isStarted() - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.StatsControl
Returns true if collection of stats is enabled, otherwise returns false.
isString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Returns whether this is an StringValue
isTimestamp() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Returns whether this is an TimestampValue
iterator() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryIterableResult
Returns an iterator over all results of a query.
iterator() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
iterator() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonReader
Returns an Iterator<MapValue> over the source provided.


JSON_NULL - oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue.Type
A JSON null value
JsonNullValue - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.values
A FieldValue instance representing an explicit JSON null value in a JSON object or array.
JsonOptions - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.values
JsonOptions allows applications to configure how JSON is parsed on input and generated on output.
JsonOptions() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonOptions
JsonParseException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
An exception indicating a problem parsing JSON.
JsonReader - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.values
JsonReader reads a file or string that has JSON objects in it that may represent rows and makes them available using the Iterable interface.
JsonReader(File, JsonOptions) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonReader
Creates an iterator over JSON objects in the specified file.
JsonReader(InputStream, JsonOptions) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonReader
Creates an iterator over JSON objects provided by the InputStream.
JsonReader(String, JsonOptions) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonReader
Creates an iterator over JSON objects in a string.


KeySizeLimitException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
Cloud service only.


listNamespaces() - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandle
On-premise only.
listRoles() - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandle
On-premise only.
listTables(ListTablesRequest) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandle
Lists tables, returning table names.
ListTablesRequest - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
Represents the argument of a NoSQLHandle.listTables(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.ListTablesRequest) operation which lists all available tables associated with the identity associated with the handle used for the operation.
ListTablesRequest() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.ListTablesRequest
ListTablesResult - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
ListTablesResult() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.ListTablesResult
listUsers() - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandle
On-premise only.
LOG_PREFIX - Static variable in interface oracle.nosql.driver.StatsControl
LONG - oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue.Type
A long value
LongValue - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.values
A FieldValue instance representing a long value.
LongValue(long) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.values.LongValue
Creates a new instance.
LongValue(String) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.values.LongValue
Creates a new instance from a String value


MAP - oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue.Type
A map of FieldValue instances
MapValue - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.values
MapValue represents a row in a NoSQL Database table.
MapValue() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
Creates an empty MapValue instance
MapValue(boolean, int) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
Creates an empty MapValue instance
MapValue(int) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
Creates an empty MapValue instance using the specified initial capacity
ME_ABUDHABI_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
ME_DCC_MUSCAT_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
ME_DUBAI_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
ME_JEDDAH_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
MORE - oracle.nosql.driver.StatsControl.Profile
multiDelete(MultiDeleteRequest) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandle
Deletes multiple rows from a table in an atomic operation.
MultiDeleteRequest - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
Represents the input to a NoSQLHandle.multiDelete(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.MultiDeleteRequest) operation which can be used to delete a range of values that match the primary key and range provided.
MultiDeleteRequest() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.MultiDeleteRequest
MultiDeleteResult - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
MultiDeleteResult() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.MultiDeleteResult
MX_QUERETARO_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region


NO_SYNC - oracle.nosql.driver.Durability.SyncPolicy
Do not write or synchronously flush the log on transaction commit.
NONE - oracle.nosql.driver.Durability.ReplicaAckPolicy
No transaction commit acknowledgments are required and the master will never wait for replica acknowledgments.
NONE - oracle.nosql.driver.StatsControl.Profile
NoSQLException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
A base exception for most exceptions thrown by the driver.
NoSQLHandle - Interface in oracle.nosql.driver
NoSQLHandle is a handle that can be used to access Oracle NoSQL tables.
NoSQLHandleConfig - Class in oracle.nosql.driver
NoSQLHandleConfig groups parameters used to configure a NoSQLHandle.
NoSQLHandleConfig(String) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Specifies an endpoint or region id to use to connect to the Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service or, if on-premise, the Oracle NoSQL Database proxy server.
NoSQLHandleConfig(String, AuthorizationProvider) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Specifies an endpoint or region id to use to connect to the Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service or, if on-premise, the Oracle NoSQL Database proxy server.
NoSQLHandleConfig(URL) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Sets the URL to use to connect to the service, as alternative to setting the endpont.
NoSQLHandleConfig(AuthorizationProvider) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Cloud service only.
NoSQLHandleConfig(Region, AuthorizationProvider) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Cloud service only.
NoSQLHandleFactory - Class in oracle.nosql.driver
Factory class used to produce handles to operate on tables.
NoSQLHandleFactory() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleFactory
NULL - oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue.Type
A null value, used only by index keys
NullValue - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.values
A FieldValue instance representing a null or missing value in a fully-typed schema.
NUMBER - oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue.Type
A number value
NumberValue - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.values
A FieldValue instance representing an arbitrary-precision numeric value.
NumberValue(String) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.values.NumberValue
Creates a new instance from a String value
NumberValue(BigDecimal) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.values.NumberValue
Creates a new instance.


OCIConfigFileReader - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.iam
Cloud service only.
OCIConfigFileReader.OCIConfigFile - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.iam
Cloud service only.
ofDays(long) - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.TimeToLive
Creates a duration using a period of 24 hour days.
ofHours(long) - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.TimeToLive
Creates a duration using a period of hours.
okToRetry() - Method in exception oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLException
Returns whether this exception can be retried with a reasonable expectation that it may succeed.
okToRetry() - Method in exception oracle.nosql.driver.RetryableException
ON_DEMAND - oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableLimits.CapacityMode
OperationNotSupportedException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
The operation attempted is not supported.
OperationResult() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.WriteMultipleResult.OperationResult
OperationThrottlingException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
Cloud service only.
oracle.nosql.driver - package oracle.nosql.driver
Contains the public API for using the Oracle NoSQL Database as well as configuration and common parameter classes used in database operations.
oracle.nosql.driver.iam - package oracle.nosql.driver.iam
This package contains the public API for managing security for the Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management (IAM).
oracle.nosql.driver.kv - package oracle.nosql.driver.kv
This package contains classes that are specific to using the driver on-premise and not applicable to the Cloud Service.
oracle.nosql.driver.ops - package oracle.nosql.driver.ops
Contains the input and response classes used for Oracle NoSQL Database operations.
oracle.nosql.driver.ops.serde - package oracle.nosql.driver.ops.serde
oracle.nosql.driver.values - package oracle.nosql.driver.values
The classes in this package are used to represent and manipulate data in the Oracle NoSQL Database.


parse(InputStream, String) - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.OCIConfigFileReader
Create a new instance using an UTF-8 input stream.
parse(InputStream, String, Charset) - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.OCIConfigFileReader
Create a new instance using an input stream.
parse(String) - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.OCIConfigFileReader
Create a new instance using a file at a given location.
parse(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.OCIConfigFileReader
Create a new instance using a file at a given location.
prepare(PrepareRequest) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandle
Prepares a query for execution and reuse.
PreparedStatement - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
A class encapsulating a prepared query statement.
PrepareRequest - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
A request that encapsulates a query prepare call.
PrepareRequest() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PrepareRequest
PrepareRequestSerializer - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops.serde
Prepare a query
PrepareRequestSerializer() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.serde.PrepareRequestSerializer
PrepareResult - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
The result of a prepare operation.
PrepareResult() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PrepareResult
PRETTY - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonOptions
Static JsonOptions instance with default values for all but the pretty-print option, which is set to true.
PROVISIONED - oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableLimits.CapacityMode
put(String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
Sets the named field as a BooleanValue.
put(String, byte[]) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
Sets the named field as a BinaryValue.
put(String, double) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
Sets the named field as a DoubleValue.
put(String, int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
Sets the named field as an IntegerValue.
put(String, long) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
Sets the named field as a LongValue.
put(String, String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
Sets the named field as a StringValue.
put(String, BigDecimal) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
Sets the named field as a NumberValue.
put(String, Timestamp) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
Sets the named field as a TimestampValue.
put(String, FieldValue) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
Sets the named field.
put(PutRequest) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandle
Puts a row into a table.
putFromJson(String, String, JsonOptions) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
Sets the named field based on the JSON string provided.
PutRequest - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
Represents the input to a NoSQLHandle.put(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest) operation.
PutRequest() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest
Constructs an empty request
PutRequest.Option - Enum in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
Specifies a condition for the put operation.
PutResult - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
Represents the result of a NoSQLHandle.put(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest) operation.
PutResult() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutResult


query(QueryRequest) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandle
Queries a table based on the query statement specified in the QueryRequest.
queryIterable(QueryRequest) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandle
Queries a table based on the query statement specified in the QueryRequest while returning an iterable result.
QueryIterableResult - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
QueryIterableResult represents an Iterable over all the query results.
QueryRequest - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
A request that represents a query.
QueryRequest() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryRequest
QueryResult - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
QueryResult comprises a list of MapValue instances representing the query results.


RateLimiter - Interface in oracle.nosql.driver
RateLimiter interface provides default methods that all rate limiters must implement.
ReadRequest - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
Represents a base class for read operations such as NoSQLHandle.get(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetRequest).
ReadThrottlingException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
Cloud service only.
Region - Class in oracle.nosql.driver
Cloud service only.
REGULAR - oracle.nosql.driver.StatsControl.Profile
remove(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Removes the element at the specified position, shifting any subsequent elements to the left.
remove(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
Removes the named field if it exists.
Request - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
A request is an abstract class used as a base for all requests types.
RequestSizeLimitException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
Cloud service only.
RequestTimeoutException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
Thrown when a request cannot be processed because the configured timeout interval is exceeded.
RequestTimeoutException(int, String) - Constructor for exception oracle.nosql.driver.RequestTimeoutException
Internal use only.
RequestTimeoutException(int, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.nosql.driver.RequestTimeoutException
Internal use only.
RequestTimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.nosql.driver.RequestTimeoutException
Internal use only.
reset() - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.RateLimiter
Resets the rate limiter as if it was newly constructed.
ResourceExistsException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
The operation attempted to create a resource but it already exists.
ResourceLimitException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
Cloud service only.
ResourceNotFoundException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
The operation attempted to access a resource that does not exist or is not in a visible state.
ResourcePrincipalClaimKeys() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.SignatureProvider.ResourcePrincipalClaimKeys
Result - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
Result is a base class for result classes for all supported operations.
RetryableException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
A base exception for all exceptions that may be retried with a reasonable expectation that they may succeed on retry.
RetryHandler - Interface in oracle.nosql.driver
RetryHandler is called by the request handling system when a RetryableException is thrown.
RetryStats - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
A class that maintains stats on retries during a request.
RowSizeLimitException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
Cloud service only.


SA_SANTIAGO_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
SA_SAOPAULO_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
SA_VINHEDO_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
SecurityInfoNotReadyException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
Cloud service only.
SecurityInfoNotReadyException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.nosql.driver.SecurityInfoNotReadyException
serialize(Request, short, ByteOutputStream) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.serde.PrepareRequestSerializer
set(int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Replaces the element at the specified position with the new value.
set(int, byte[]) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Replaces the element at the specified position with the new value.
set(int, double) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Replaces the element at the specified position with the new value.
set(int, int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Replaces the element at the specified position with the new value.
set(int, long) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Replaces the element at the specified position with the new value.
set(int, String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Replaces the element at the specified position with the new value.
set(int, BigDecimal) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Replaces the element at the specified position with the new value.
set(int, FieldValue) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Replaces the element at the specified position with the new value.
setAllowComments(boolean) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonOptions
Tells the system to allow C/Java style comments embedded in JSON of the format \/* comment *\/ on input.
setAllowNonNumericNumbers(boolean) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonOptions
Tells the system to allow non-numeric values as numbers, such as NaN, on JSON input.
setAllowSingleQuotes(boolean) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonOptions
Tells the system to allow single quotes instead of double quotes in JSON on input.
setAuthorizationProvider(AuthorizationProvider) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Sets the AuthorizationProvider to use for the handle.
setAutoRenew(boolean) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.kv.StoreAccessTokenProvider
Sets the auto-renew state.
setClient(Client) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetResult
setClient(Client) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.WriteResult
setCompartment(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.DeleteRequest
Cloud service only.
setCompartment(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetIndexesRequest
Cloud service only.
setCompartment(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetRequest
Cloud service only.
setCompartment(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetTableRequest
Cloud service only.
setCompartment(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.ListTablesRequest
Cloud service only.
setCompartment(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.MultiDeleteRequest
Cloud service only.
setCompartment(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PrepareRequest
Cloud service only.
setCompartment(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest
Cloud service only.
setCompartment(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryRequest
Cloud service only.
setCompartment(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableRequest
Cloud service only.
setCompartment(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableUsageRequest
Cloud service only.
setCompartment(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.WriteMultipleRequest
Cloud service only.
setConnectionPoolMinSize(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Sets the minimum number of connections to keep in the connection pool when the connections are inactive.
setConnectionPoolSize(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
The connection pool no longer supports a size setting. It will expand as needed based on concurrent demand.
setConsistency(Consistency) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Sets the default request Consistency.
setConsistency(Consistency) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetRequest
Sets the Consistency to use for the operation.
setConsistency(Consistency) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryRequest
Sets the Consistency to use for the operation
setContinuationKey(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.MultiDeleteRequest
Sets the continuation key.
setContinuationKey(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryRequest
There is no reason to use this method anymore, because setting the continuation key is now done internally.
setCurrentRate(double) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.RateLimiter
Sets the current rate as a percentage of current limit.
setDefaultCompartment(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Cloud service only.
setDefaultRateLimitingPercentage(double) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Sets a default rate limiter use percentage.
setDefaults(NoSQLHandleConfig) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.SystemRequest
setDefaults(NoSQLHandleConfig) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.SystemStatusRequest
setDefaults(NoSQLHandleConfig) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableRequest
setDurability(Durability) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.DeleteRequest
Sets the durability to use for the operation.
setDurability(Durability) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.MultiDeleteRequest
Sets the durability to use for the operation.
setDurability(Durability) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest
Sets the durability to use for the operation.
setDurability(Durability) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.WriteMultipleRequest
Sets the durability to use for the operation.
setDuration(double) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.RateLimiter
Sets the duration for this rate limiter instance.
setEnd(FieldValue, boolean) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.FieldRange
Sets the end value of the range to the specified value.
setEndpoint(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.kv.StoreAccessTokenProvider
setEndTime(long) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableUsageRequest
Sets the end time to use for the request in milliseconds since the Epoch in UTC time.
setEndTime(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableUsageRequest
Sets the end time from an ISO 8601 formatted string.
setExactMatch(boolean) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest
If true the value must be an exact match for the table schema or the operation will fail.
setExtensionUserAgent(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Sets an extension to the user agent http header.
setGetQueryPlan(boolean) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PrepareRequest
Sets whether a printout of the query execution plan should be included in the PrepareResult.
setIdentityCacheSize(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest
Sets the number of generated identity values that are requested from the server during a put.
setIndexName(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetIndexesRequest
Sets the index name to use for the request.
setKey(MapValue) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.DeleteRequest
Sets the key to use for the delete operation.
setKey(MapValue) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetRequest
Sets the primary key used for the get operation.
setKey(MapValue) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.MultiDeleteRequest
Sets the key to be used for the operation.
setKeyFromJson(String, JsonOptions) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.DeleteRequest
Sets the key to use for the delete operation based on a JSON string.
setKeyFromJson(String, JsonOptions) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetRequest
Sets the key to use for the get operation based on a JSON string.
setLimit(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.ListTablesRequest
Sets the maximum number of table names to return in the operation.
setLimit(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryRequest
Sets the limit on number of items returned by the operation.
setLimit(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableUsageRequest
Sets the limit to the number of usage records desired.
setLimitPerSecond(double) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.RateLimiter
Sets a new limit (units per second) on the limiter.
setLogger(Logger) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.SignatureProvider
Sets a Logger instance for this provider.
setLogger(Logger) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.kv.StoreAccessTokenProvider
Sets a Logger instance for this provider.
setLogger(Logger) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Sets the Logger used for the driver.
setMaintainInsertionOrder(boolean) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonOptions
Tells the system to use a Map that maintains insertion order when parsing JSON.
setMatchVersion(Version) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.DeleteRequest
Sets the Version to use for a conditional delete operation.
setMatchVersion(Version) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest
Sets the Version to use for a conditional put operation.
setMathContext(MathContext) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryRequest
Sets the MathContext used for BigDecimal operations.
setMaxContentLength(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Sets the maximum size in bytes of request/response payloads.
setMaxMemoryConsumption(long) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryRequest
Sets the maximum number of memory bytes that may be consumed by the statement at the driver for operations such as duplicate elimination (which may be required due to the use of an index on an array or map) and sorting.
setMaxReadKB(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryRequest
Sets the limit on the total data read during this operation, in KB.
setMaxWriteKB(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.MultiDeleteRequest
Sets the limit on the total KB write during this operation, 0 means no application-defined limit.
setMaxWriteKB(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryRequest
Sets the limit on the total data written during this operation, in KB.
setNamespace(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.ListTablesRequest
On-premise only.
setNumericAsNumber(boolean) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonOptions
Tells the JSON parser on input to represent all numeric values as NumberValue.
setNumThreads(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Sets the number of threads to use for handling network traffic.
setOperationId(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetTableRequest
Sets the operation id to use for the request.
setOperationId(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.SystemStatusRequest
Sets the operation id to use for the request.
setOption(PutRequest.Option) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest
Sets the option for the put.
setPoolMaxPending(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
The connection pool no longer supports pending requests.
setPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryRequest
Sets the prepared query statement.
setPreparedStatement(PrepareResult) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryRequest
A convenience method to set the prepared query statement from a PrepareResult
setPrettyPrint(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.StatsControl
Enable JSON pretty print for easier human reading.
setPrettyPrint(boolean) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonOptions
Tells the system to pretty print JSON on output.
setProfile(StatsControl.Profile) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.StatsControl
Set the stats collection profile.
setProxyHost(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Sets an HTTP proxy host to be used for the session.
setProxyPassword(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Sets an HTTP proxy password if the configured proxy host requires authentication.
setProxyPort(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Sets an HTTP proxy port to be used for the session.
setProxyUsername(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Sets an HTTP proxy user name if the configured proxy host requires authentication.
setRange(FieldRange) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.MultiDeleteRequest
Sets the FieldRange to be used for the operation.
setRateLimitDelayedMs(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.Request
setRateLimitingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Enables internal rate limiting.
setReadRateLimiter(RateLimiter) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.Request
Sets a read rate limiter to use for this request.
setReadUnits(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableLimits
Sets the read throughput in terms of read units.
setRequestTimeout(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Sets the default request timeout.
setRequiredHeaders(String, Request, HttpHeaders) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.AuthorizationProvider
Set HTTP headers required by the provider.
setRequiredHeaders(String, Request, HttpHeaders) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.SignatureProvider
setRetryHandler(RetryHandler) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Sets the RetryHandler to use for the handle.
setReturnRow(boolean) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.DeleteRequest
Sets whether information about the existing row should be returned on failure because of a version mismatch.
setReturnRow(boolean) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest
Sets whether information about the exist row should be returned on failure because of a version mismatch or failure of an "if absent" operation.
setSSLCipherSuites(String...) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Set SSL cipher suites to enable, in the order of preference.
setSslContext(SslContext) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.kv.StoreAccessTokenProvider
setSslHandshakeTimeout(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.kv.StoreAccessTokenProvider
setSSLHandshakeTimeout(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Sets the timeout for the SSL handshake, in milliseconds.
setSSLProtocols(String...) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Set SSL protocols to enable, in the order of preference.
setSSLSessionCacheSize(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Sets the size of the cache used for storing SSL session objects, 0 to use the default value, no size limit.
setSSLSessionTimeout(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Sets the timeout for the cached SSL session objects, in seconds.
setStart(FieldValue, boolean) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.FieldRange
Sets the start value of the range to the specified value.
setStartIndex(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.ListTablesRequest
Sets the index to use to start returning table names.
setStartTime(long) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableUsageRequest
Sets the start time to use for the request in milliseconds since the Epoch in UTC time.
setStartTime(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableUsageRequest
Sets the start time from an ISO 8601 formatted string.
setStatement(char[]) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.SystemRequest
Sets the statement to use for the operation.
setStatement(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PrepareRequest
Sets the query statement.
setStatement(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryRequest
Sets the query statement.
setStatement(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.SystemStatusRequest
Sets the statement that was used for the operation.
setStatement(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableRequest
Sets the query statement to use for the operation.
setStatsEnableLog(boolean) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
When stats are enabled the logging is automatically turned on.
setStatsHandler(StatsControl.StatsHandler) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Registers a handler that is called every time the statistics are logged.
setStatsHandler(StatsControl.StatsHandler) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.StatsControl
Registers a stats handler.
setStatsInterval(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Sets interval size in seconds for logging statistics.
setStatsPrettyPrint(boolean) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Enable JSON pretty print for easier human reading when logging statistics.
setStatsProfile(StatsControl.Profile) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Set the statistics collection profile.
setStorageGB(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableLimits
Sets the storage capacity in gigabytes.
setTableLimits(TableLimits) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableRequest
Cloud service only.
setTableName(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.DeleteRequest
Sets the table name to use for the operation.
setTableName(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetIndexesRequest
Sets the table name to use for the request
setTableName(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetRequest
Sets the table name to use for the operation.
setTableName(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetTableRequest
Sets the table name to use for the request
setTableName(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.MultiDeleteRequest
Sets the table name to use for the operation.
setTableName(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PrepareRequest
Sets the table name for a query operation.
setTableName(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest
Sets the table name to use for the operation
setTableName(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableRequest
Sets the table name to use for the operation.
setTableName(String) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableUsageRequest
Sets the table name to use for the request.
setTableRequestTimeout(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Sets the default table request timeout.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.DeleteRequest
Sets the optional request timeout value, in milliseconds.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetIndexesRequest
Sets the request timeout value, in milliseconds.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetRequest
Sets the request timeout value, in milliseconds.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetTableRequest
Sets the request timeout value, in milliseconds.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.ListTablesRequest
Sets the request timeout value, in milliseconds.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.MultiDeleteRequest
Sets the request timeout value, in milliseconds.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PrepareRequest
Sets the request timeout value, in milliseconds.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest
Sets the request timeout value, in milliseconds.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryRequest
Sets the request timeout value, in milliseconds.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.SystemRequest
Sets the request timeout value, in milliseconds.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.SystemStatusRequest
Sets the request timeout value, in milliseconds.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableRequest
Sets the request timeout value, in milliseconds.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableUsageRequest
Sets the request timeout value, in milliseconds.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.WriteMultipleRequest
Sets the request timeout value, in milliseconds.
setTimestampAsLong(boolean) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonOptions
Tells the system to represent TimestampValue instances in a long representation when exported as JSON.
setTimestampAsString(boolean) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonOptions
Tells the system to represent TimestampValue instances in a string representation when exported as JSON.
setTTL(TimeToLive) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest
Sets the TimeToLive value, causing the time to live on the row to be set to the specified value on put.
setUseTableDefaultTTL(boolean) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest
If true, and there is an existing row, causes the operation to update the time to live (TTL) value of the row based on the Table's default TTL if set.
setValue(MapValue) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest
Sets the value to use for the put operation.
setValueFromJson(String, JsonOptions) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest
Sets the value to use for the put operation based on a JSON string.
setVariable(int, FieldValue) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PreparedStatement
Binds an external variable to a given value.
setVariable(String, FieldValue) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PreparedStatement
Binds an external variable to a given value.
setWriteRateLimiter(RateLimiter) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.Request
Sets a write rate limiter to use for this request.
setWriteUnits(int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableLimits
Sets the write throughput in terms of write units.
SignatureProvider - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.iam
Cloud service only.
SignatureProvider() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.SignatureProvider
Creates a SignatureProvider using a default configuration file and profile.
SignatureProvider(String) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.SignatureProvider
Creates a SignatureProvider using the specified profile.
SignatureProvider(String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.SignatureProvider
Creates a SignatureProvider using the specified config file and profile.
SignatureProvider(String, String, String, File, char[]) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.SignatureProvider
Creates a SignatureProvider using directly provided user authentication information.
SignatureProvider(String, String, String, File, char[], Region) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.SignatureProvider
Creates a SignatureProvider using directly provided user authentication information.
SignatureProvider(String, String, String, String, char[]) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.SignatureProvider
Creates a SignatureProvider using directly provided user authentication information.
SignatureProvider.ResourcePrincipalClaimKeys - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.iam
Claim keys in the resource principal session token(RPST).
SIMPLE_MAJORITY - oracle.nosql.driver.Durability.ReplicaAckPolicy
A simple majority of replicas must acknowledge that they have committed the transaction.
size() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.WriteMultipleResult
Returns the number of results.
size() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.ArrayValue
Returns the size of the array
size() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
Returns the number of entries in the map.
sizeof() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.BooleanValue
start() - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.StatsControl
Collection of stats is enabled only between start and stop or from the beginning if system property -Dcom.oracle.nosql.sdk.nosqldriver.stats.profile= is not "none".
STATS_ENABLE_LOG_PROPERTY - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
STATS_INTERVAL_PROPERTY - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
STATS_PRETTY_PRINT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
STATS_PROFILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig
Statistics configuration, optional.
StatsControl - Interface in oracle.nosql.driver
This interface allows user to control the collection of driver statistics at runtime.
StatsControl.Profile - Enum in oracle.nosql.driver
The following semantics are attached to the Profile: - NONE: no stats are logged.
StatsControl.StatsHandler - Interface in oracle.nosql.driver
Handler interface that user can register to get access to stats at the end of the interval.
stop() - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.StatsControl
Stops collection of stats.
StoreAccessTokenProvider - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.kv
On-premise only.
StoreAccessTokenProvider() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.kv.StoreAccessTokenProvider
This method is used for access to a store without security enabled.
StoreAccessTokenProvider(String, char[]) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.kv.StoreAccessTokenProvider
This constructor is used when accessing a secure store.
STRING - oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue.Type
A string value
StringValue - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.values
A FieldValue instance representing a string value.
StringValue(String) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.values.StringValue
Creates a new instance
SYNC - oracle.nosql.driver.Durability.SyncPolicy
Write and synchronously flush the log on transaction commit.
SystemException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
An exception that is thrown when there is an internal system problem.
SystemException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.nosql.driver.SystemException
systemRequest(SystemRequest) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandle
On-premise only.
SystemRequest - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
On-premise only.
SystemRequest() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.SystemRequest
SystemResult - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
On-premise only.
SystemResult() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.SystemResult
SystemResult.State - Enum in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
On-premise only.
systemStatus(SystemStatusRequest) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandle
On-premise only.
SystemStatusRequest - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
On-premise only.
SystemStatusRequest() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.SystemStatusRequest


TableBusyException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
this class is no longer used
TableBusyException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.nosql.driver.TableBusyException
TableExistsException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
The operation attempted to create a table but the named table already exists.
TableLimitException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
Cloud service only.
TableLimits - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
Cloud service only.
TableLimits(int) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableLimits
Constructs a TableLimits instance for on demand capacity table.
TableLimits(int, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableLimits
Constructs a TableLimits instance for provisioned capacity table.
TableLimits.CapacityMode - Enum in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
Table limits option
TableNotFoundException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
The operation attempted to access a table that does not exist or is not in a visible state.
tableRequest(TableRequest) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandle
Performs an operation on a table.
TableRequest - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
TableRequest is used to create, modify, and drop tables.
TableRequest() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableRequest
TableResult - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
TableResult() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableResult
TableResult.State - Enum in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
The current state of the table
TableSizeException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
An exception indicating a table size limit has been exceeded by writing more data than the table can support.
TableUsageRequest - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
Cloud service only.
TableUsageRequest() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableUsageRequest
TableUsageResult - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
Cloud service only.
TableUsageResult() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableUsageResult
TableUsageResult.TableUsage - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
TableUsage represents a single usage record, or slice, that includes information about read and write throughput consumed during that period as well as the current information regarding storage capacity.
TENANT_ID_CLAIM_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.iam.SignatureProvider.ResourcePrincipalClaimKeys
The claim name that the RPST holds for the resource tenancy.
ThrottlingException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
Cloud service only.
TIMESTAMP - oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue.Type
A timestamp
TimestampValue - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.values
A FieldValue instance representing a timestamp value.
TimestampValue(long) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.values.TimestampValue
Creates a new instance from milliseconds since the Epoch.
TimestampValue(String) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.values.TimestampValue
Creates a new instance using an ISO 8601 formatted string.
TimestampValue(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.values.TimestampValue
Creates a TimestampValue instance from a String with specified pattern.
TimestampValue(Timestamp) - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.values.TimestampValue
Creates a new instance from a Java Timestamp
TimeToLive - Class in oracle.nosql.driver
TimeToLive is a utility class that represents a period of time, similar to java.time.Duration in Java, but specialized to the needs of this driver.
toDays() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.TimeToLive
Returns the number of days in this duration, which may be negative.
toExpirationTime(long) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.TimeToLive
Returns an absolute time representing the duration plus the absolute time reference parameter.
toHours() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.TimeToLive
Returns the number of hours in this duration, which may be negative.
toJson() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Returns a JSON representation of the value using a default configuration for output format.
toJson(JsonOptions) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.BinaryValue
Returns a quoted string of the value as Base64.
toJson(JsonOptions) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.DoubleValue
toJson(JsonOptions) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Returns a JSON representation of the value using the options, if specified.
toJson(JsonOptions) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.IntegerValue
toJson(JsonOptions) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonNullValue
toJson(JsonOptions) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.LongValue
toJson(JsonOptions) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.NullValue
toJson(JsonOptions) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.NumberValue
toJson(JsonOptions) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.StringValue
toJson(JsonOptions) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.TimestampValue
Returns the JSON value of the instance.
toString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.Durability
toString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.FieldRange
toString() - Method in exception oracle.nosql.driver.JsonParseException
toString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.DeleteResult
toString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetIndexesResult.IndexInfo
toString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetIndexesResult
toString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetResult
toString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.ListTablesResult
toString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.MultiDeleteResult
toString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutResult
toString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.QueryResult
toString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.RetryStats
toString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.SystemRequest
toString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.SystemResult
toString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.SystemStatusRequest
toString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableLimits
toString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableRequest
toString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableResult
toString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableUsageResult
toString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.WriteMultipleResult.OperationResult
toString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.WriteMultipleResult
toString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.TimeToLive
toString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.UserInfo
toString() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue
Returns a String representation of the value, consistent with representation as JSON strings.
trueInstance() - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.BooleanValue
Returns a singleton instance representing a true BooleanValue
tryConsumeUnits(long) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.RateLimiter
Consumes the specified number of units if they can be returned immediately without waiting.


UK_CARDIFF_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
UK_GOV_CARDIFF_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
UK_GOV_LONDON_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
UK_LONDON_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
UnauthorizedException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
The exception is thrown if an application does not have sufficient permission to perform a request.
UnsupportedProtocolException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
This exception is thrown if the server does not support the current driver protocol version.
UPDATING - oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableResult.State
The table is being updated.
US_ASHBURN_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
US_GOV_ASHBURN_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
US_GOV_CHICAGO_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
US_GOV_PHOENIX_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
US_LANGLEY_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
US_LUKE_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
US_PHOENIX_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
US_SANJOSE_1 - Static variable in class oracle.nosql.driver.Region
UserInfo - Class in oracle.nosql.driver
On-premise only.


validate() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.FieldRange
Internal use only Ensures that the object is self-consistent and if not, throws IllegalArgumentException.
validate() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.SystemRequest
validate() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.SystemStatusRequest
validate() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableRequest
validateAuthString(String) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.AuthorizationProvider
Validates the authentication string.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.nosql.driver.Consistency
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.nosql.driver.Durability.ReplicaAckPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.nosql.driver.Durability.SyncPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest.Option
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.nosql.driver.ops.SystemResult.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableLimits.CapacityMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableResult.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.nosql.driver.StatsControl.Profile
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.nosql.driver.Consistency
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.nosql.driver.Durability.ReplicaAckPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.nosql.driver.Durability.SyncPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest.Option
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.nosql.driver.ops.SystemResult.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableLimits.CapacityMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableResult.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.nosql.driver.StatsControl.Profile
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.nosql.driver.values.FieldValue.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue
Returns a Collection of FieldValue instances contained in this map.
Version - Class in oracle.nosql.driver
Version is an opaque class that represents the version of a row in the database.


waitForCompletion(NoSQLHandle, int, int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.SystemResult
Waits for the operation to be complete.
waitForCompletion(NoSQLHandle, int, int) - Method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableResult
Waits for a table operation to complete.
waitForState(NoSQLHandle, String, String, TableResult.State, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableResult
use TableResult.waitForCompletion(oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandle, int, int) instead. Waits for the specified table to reach the desired state. This is a blocking, polling style wait that delays for the specified number of milliseconds between each polling operation. The state of TableResult.State.DROPPED is treated specially in that it will be returned as success, even if the table does not exist. Other states will throw an exception if the table is not found.
waitForState(NoSQLHandle, String, TableResult.State, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableResult
use TableResult.waitForCompletion(oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandle, int, int) instead. Waits for the specified table to reach the desired state. This is a blocking, polling style wait that delays for the specified number of milliseconds between each polling operation. The state of TableResult.State.DROPPED is treated specially in that it will be returned as success, even if the table does not exist. Other states will throw an exception if the table is not found.
waitForState(NoSQLHandle, TableResult, TableResult.State, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableResult
use TableResult.waitForCompletion(oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandle, int, int) instead. Waits for the specified table to reach the desired state. This is a blocking, polling style wait that delays for the specified number of milliseconds between each polling operation. The state of TableResult.State.DROPPED is treated specially in that it will be returned as success, even if the table does not exist. Other states will throw an exception if the table is not found.
WORKING - oracle.nosql.driver.ops.SystemResult.State
The operation is in progress
WRITE_NO_SYNC - oracle.nosql.driver.Durability.SyncPolicy
Write but do not synchronously flush the log on transaction commit.
writeMultiple(WriteMultipleRequest) - Method in interface oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandle
Executes a sequence of operations associated with a table that share the same shard key portion of their primary keys, all the specified operations are executed within the scope of a single transaction.
WriteMultipleRequest - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
WriteMultipleRequest() - Constructor for class oracle.nosql.driver.ops.WriteMultipleRequest
Constructs an empty request
WriteMultipleResult - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
WriteMultipleResult.OperationResult - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
The Result associated with the execution of an individual operation in the request.
WriteRequest - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
WriteResult - Class in oracle.nosql.driver.ops
A base class for results of single row modifying operations such as put and delete.
WriteThrottlingException - Exception in oracle.nosql.driver
Cloud service only.
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