Class StoreAccessTokenProvider

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class StoreAccessTokenProvider
    extends Object
    implements AuthorizationProvider
    On-premise only.

    StoreAccessTokenProvider is an AuthorizationProvider that performs the following functions:

    • Initial (bootstrap) login to store, using credentials provided
    • Storage of bootstrap login token for re-use
    • Optionally renews the login token before it expires
    • Logs out of the store when closed

    If accessing an insecure instance of Oracle NoSQL Database the default constructor is used, with no arguments.

    If accessing a secure instance of Oracle NoSQL Database a user name and password must be provided. That user must already exist in the NoSQL Database and have sufficient permission to perform table operations. That user's identity is used to authorize all database operations.

    • Constructor Detail

      • StoreAccessTokenProvider

        public StoreAccessTokenProvider()
        This method is used for access to a store without security enabled.
      • StoreAccessTokenProvider

        public StoreAccessTokenProvider​(String userName,
                                        char[] password)
        This constructor is used when accessing a secure store.

        This constructor requires a valid user name and password to access the target store. The user must exist and have sufficient permission to perform table operations required by the application. The user identity is used to authorize all operations performed by the application.

        userName - the user name to use for the store. This user must exist in the NoSQL Database and is the identity that is used for authorizing all database operations.
        password - the password for the user.
        IllegalArgumentException - if one or more of the parameters is malformed or a required parameter is missing.
    • Method Detail

      • close

        public void close()
        Closes the provider, releasing resources such as a stored login token.
        Specified by:
        close in interface AuthorizationProvider
      • getLogger

        public Logger getLogger()
        Returns the logger, or null if not set.
        the logger
      • setLogger

        public StoreAccessTokenProvider setLogger​(Logger logger)
        Sets a Logger instance for this provider.
        logger - the logger
      • getEndpoint

        public String getEndpoint()
      • isSecure

        public boolean isSecure()
        Returns whether the provider is accessing a secured store
        true if accessing a secure store
      • isAutoRenew

        public boolean isAutoRenew()
        Returns whether the login token is to be automatically renewed.
        true if auto-renew is set
      • setAutoRenew

        public StoreAccessTokenProvider setAutoRenew​(boolean autoRenew)
        Sets the auto-renew state. If true, automatic renewal of the login token is enabled.
        autoRenew - set to true to enable auto-renew