Class SystemRequest

  • public class SystemRequest
    extends Request
    On-premise only.

    SystemRequest is an on-premise-only request used to perform any table-independent administrative operation such as create/drop of namespaces and security-relevant operations (create/drop users and roles). These operations are asynchronous and completion needs to be checked.

    Examples of statements used in this object include:

    • CREATE NAMESPACE mynamespace
    • CREATE USER some_user IDENTIFIED BY password
    • CREATE ROLE some_role
    • GRANT ROLE some_role TO USER some_user

    Execution of operations specified by this request is implicitly asynchronous. These are potentially long-running operations. NoSQLHandle.systemRequest(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.SystemRequest) returns a SystemResult instance that can be used to poll until the operation succeeds or fails.

    The statements are passed as char[] because some statements will include passwords and using an array allows the memory to be cleared to avoid keeping sensitive information in memory.

    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • SystemRequest

        public SystemRequest()
    • Method Detail

      • getStatement

        public char[] getStatement()
        Returns the statement, or null if not set
        the statement
      • setStatement

        public SystemRequest setStatement​(char[] statement)
        Sets the statement to use for the operation. This parameter is required.
        statement - the statement
      • setTimeout

        public SystemRequest setTimeout​(int timeoutMs)
        Sets the request timeout value, in milliseconds. This overrides any default value set in NoSQLHandleConfig. The value must be positive.
        timeoutMs - the timeout value, in milliseconds
        IllegalArgumentException - if the timeout value is less than or equal to 0
      • validate

        public void validate()
      • getTypeName

        public String getTypeName()
        Description copied from class: Request
        Returns the type name of the request. This is used for stats.
        Specified by:
        getTypeName in class Request
        the type name of the request