Class TableRequest

  • public class TableRequest
    extends Request
    TableRequest is used to create, modify, and drop tables. The operations allowed are those supported by the Data Definition Language (DDL) portion of the query language. The language provides for table creation and removal (drop), index add and drop, as well as schema evolution via alter table. Operations using DDL statements infer the table name from the query statement itself, e.g. "create table mytable(...)". Table creation requires a valid TableLimits object to define the throughput desired for the table. If TableLimits is provided with any other type of query statement an exception is thrown.

    This request is also used to modify the limits of throughput and storage for an existing table. This case is handled by specifying a table name and limits without a query statement. If all three are specified it is an error.

    Execution of operations specified by this request is implicitly asynchronous. These are potentially long-running operations. NoSQLHandle.tableRequest(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableRequest) returns a TableResult instance that can be used to poll until the table reaches the desired state.

    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • TableRequest

        public TableRequest()
    • Method Detail

      • setCompartment

        public TableRequest setCompartment​(String compartment)
        Cloud service only.

        Sets the name or id of a compartment to be used for this operation.

        The compartment may be specified as either a name (or path for nested compartments) or as an id (OCID). A name (vs id) can only be used when authenticated using a specific user identity. It is not available if authenticated as an Instance Principal which can be done when calling the service from a compute instance in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. See SignatureProvider.createWithInstancePrincipal()

        compartment - the name or id. If using a nested compartment, specify the full compartment path compartmentA.compartmentB, but exclude the name of the root compartment (tenant).
      • getStatement

        public String getStatement()
        Returns the statement, or null if not set
        the statement
      • getTableLimits

        public TableLimits getTableLimits()
        Returns the table limits, or null if not set
        the limits
      • setStatement

        public TableRequest setStatement​(String statement)
        Sets the query statement to use for the operation. This parameter is required unless the operation is intended to change the limits of an existing table.
        statement - the statement
      • setTableName

        public TableRequest setTableName​(String tableName)
        Sets the table name to use for the operation. The table name is only used to modify the limits of an existing table, and must not be set for any other operation.
        tableName - the name
      • setTableLimits

        public TableRequest setTableLimits​(TableLimits tableLimits)
        Cloud service only.

        Sets the table limits to use for the operation. Limits are used in only 2 cases -- table creation statements and limits modification operations. It is not used for other DDL operations.

        If limits are set for an on-premise service they are silently ignored.

        tableLimits - the limits
      • setTimeout

        public TableRequest setTimeout​(int timeoutMs)
        Sets the request timeout value, in milliseconds. This overrides any default value set in NoSQLHandleConfig. The value must be positive.
        timeoutMs - the timeout value, in milliseconds
        IllegalArgumentException - if the timeout value is less than or equal to 0
      • validate

        public void validate()
      • getTypeName

        public String getTypeName()
        Description copied from class: Request
        Returns the type name of the request. This is used for stats.
        Specified by:
        getTypeName in class Request
        the type name of the request