Class ExecuteOptions

    • Field Detail


        public static short DRIVER_QUERY_V2

        public static short DRIVER_QUERY_V3
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExecuteOptions

        public ExecuteOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • getConsistency

        public Consistency getConsistency()
        Gets the last set execution consistency.
      • getDurability

        public Durability getDurability()
        Gets the last set execution durability.
      • getTimeout

        public long getTimeout()
        Gets the timeout, which is an upper bound on the time interval for processing the read or write operations. A best effort is made not to exceed the specified limit. If zero, the default request timeout is used.
        the timeout
      • getTimeoutUnit

        public java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit getTimeoutUnit()
        Gets the unit of the timeout parameter, and may be null only if getTimeout() returns zero.
        the timeout unit or null
      • getMaxConcurrentRequests

        public int getMaxConcurrentRequests()
        Returns the maximum number of concurrent requests.
      • setMaxConcurrentRequests

        public ExecuteOptions setMaxConcurrentRequests​(int maxConcurrentRequests)
        Sets the maximum number of concurrent requests.
      • getResultsBatchSize

        public int getResultsBatchSize()
        Returns the number of results per request (see setResultsBatchSize(int)).
      • setResultsBatchSize

        public ExecuteOptions setResultsBatchSize​(int resultsBatchSize)
        Sets the max number of query results to be generated during the execution of the query over a partition or shard (which takes place at a replication node (RN) that contains the target partition/shard). If this max is reached, query execution at the RN stops and the generated batch of results is returned to the driver. If more results may be available at the same partition/shard, the driver will later send the query back to an RN that contains the target partition/shard and request another batch of results. The query will resume execution at the point where it got suspended during the previous batch.
      • getMathContext

        public java.math.MathContext getMathContext()
        Returns the MathContext used for BigDecimal and BigInteger operations. MathContext.DECIMAL32 is used by default.
      • setMathContext

        public ExecuteOptions setMathContext​(java.math.MathContext mathContext)
        Sets the MathContext used for BigDecimal and BigInteger operations. MathContext.DECIMAL32 is used by default.
      • setNamespace

        public ExecuteOptions setNamespace​(java.lang.String namespace)
        Sets the namespace to use for the query. Query specified namespace takes precedence, else this namespace value is used for unqualified table names.
      • getNamespace

        public java.lang.String getNamespace()
        Returns the namespace to use for the query, null if not set.
      • setMaxMemoryConsumption

        public void setMaxMemoryConsumption​(long v)
        Set the maximum number of memory bytes that may be consumed by the statement at the client for blocking operations, such as duplicate elimination (which may be required due to the use of an index on an array or map) and sorting (sorting by distance when a query contains a geo_near() function). Such operations may consume a lot of memory as they need to cache the full result set at the client memory. The default value is 100MB.
      • getMaxMemoryConsumption

        public long getMaxMemoryConsumption()
        Get the maximum number of memory bytes that may be consumed by the statement at the client for blocking operations, such as duplicate elimination (which may be required due to the use of an index on an array or map) and sorting (sorting by distance when a query contains a geo_near() function). Such operations may consume a lot of memory as they need to cache the full result set at the client memory. The default value is 100MB.