Interface AuthorizationProvider

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    SignatureProvider, StoreAccessTokenProvider

    public interface AuthorizationProvider
    A callback interface used by the driver to obtain an authorization string for a request. NoSQLHandle calls this interface when and authorization string is required. In general applications need not implement this interface, instead using the default mechanisms.

    Instances of this interface must be reentrant and thread-safe.

    • Method Detail

      • getAuthorizationString

        String getAuthorizationString​(Request request)
        Returns an authorization string for specified request. This is sent to the server in the request for authorization. Authorization information can be request-dependent.
        request - the request being processed
        a string indicating that the application is authorized to perform the request
      • close

        void close()
        Release resources provider is using.
      • validateAuthString

        default void validateAuthString​(String input)
        Validates the authentication string. This method is optional and by default it will not allow a null string.
        input - the string to authorize
        IllegalArgumentException - if the authentication string is null
      • setRequiredHeaders

        default void setRequiredHeaders​(String authString,
                                        Request request,
                                        io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaders headers)
        Set HTTP headers required by the provider.
        authString - the authorization string for the request
        request - the request being processed
        headers - the HTTP headers
      • flushCache

        default void flushCache()
        Invalidate any cached authorization strings.