Class RequestTimeoutException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class RequestTimeoutException
    extends NoSQLException
    Thrown when a request cannot be processed because the configured timeout interval is exceeded. If a retry handler is configured it is possible that the request has been retried a number of times before the timeout occurs.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • RequestTimeoutException

        public RequestTimeoutException​(String msg)
        Internal use only.
        msg - the message string for the timeout
      • RequestTimeoutException

        public RequestTimeoutException​(int timeoutMs,
                                       String msg)
        Internal use only.
        timeoutMs - the timeout that was in effect, in milliseconds
        msg - the message string for the timeout
      • RequestTimeoutException

        public RequestTimeoutException​(int timeoutMs,
                                       String msg,
                                       Throwable cause)
        Internal use only.
        timeoutMs - the timeout that was in effect, in milliseconds
        msg - the message string for the timeout
        cause - the cause of the exception
    • Method Detail

      • getTimeoutMs

        public int getTimeoutMs()
        Returns the timeout that was in effect for the operation.
        the timeout that was in use for the operation that timed out, in milliseconds, if the timeout is not known it will be 0.