Class RetryStats

  • public class RetryStats
    extends Object
    A class that maintains stats on retries during a request. This object tracks statistics about retries performed during requests. It can be accessed from within retry handlers (see RetryHandler) or after a request is finished by calling Request.getRetryStats().
    • Method Detail

      • getNumExceptions

        public int getNumExceptions​(Class<? extends Throwable> e)
        Returns the number of exceptions of a particular class. If no exceptions of this class were added to this stats object, the return value is zero.
        e - the class of exception to query
        the number of exceptions of this class
      • getDelayMs

        public int getDelayMs()
        Returns the total time delayed (slept) between retry events.
        time delayed during retries, in milliseconds. This is only the time spent locally in sleep() between retry events.
      • getRetries

        public int getRetries()
        Returns the number of retry events.
        number of retry events