Package oracle.nosql.driver.ops

Contains the input and response classes used for Oracle NoSQL Database operations. These include classes derived from Request and Result.

Request instances are parameter objects that hold required and optional state for a given request type and operation. Some parameters are defaulted based on the NoSQLHandleConfig and can be overridden in a specific request. Examples of these are timeouts and Consistency. Some parameters are required. For example, most requests require a table name for the target table, NoSQLHandle.put(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest) requires a value, etc.

Validation of parameter state is not performed until the object is used in a request, so illegal state is not immediately detected.

Result instances represent return state for operations that succeed. All result instances contain information about throughput used by that operation if available, in the form of getReadUnits and getWriteUnits interfaces on the objects. When used against an on-premises service resource consumption information is not available and will be 0.

Request and Result instances are not thread-safe and not intended to be shared. Request can be reused and are not modified when used in operations, but they should not be modified while in use by the system.