Class GetTableRequest

    • Constructor Detail

      • GetTableRequest

        public GetTableRequest()
    • Method Detail

      • setTableName

        public GetTableRequest setTableName​(String tableName)
        Sets the table name to use for the request
        tableName - the table name. This is a required parameter.
      • setCompartment

        public GetTableRequest setCompartment​(String compartment)
        Cloud service only.

        Sets the name or id of a compartment to be used for this operation.

        The compartment may be specified as either a name (or path for nested compartments) or as an id (OCID). A name (vs id) can only be used when authenticated using a specific user identity. It is not available if authenticated as an Instance Principal which can be done when calling the service from a compute instance in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. See SignatureProvider.createWithInstancePrincipal()

        compartment - the name or id. If using a nested compartment, specify the full compartment path compartmentA.compartmentB, but exclude the name of the root compartment (tenant).
      • setOperationId

        public GetTableRequest setOperationId​(String operationId)
        Sets the operation id to use for the request. The operation id can be obtained via TableResult.getOperationId(). This parameter is optional. If non-null, it represents an asynchronous table operation that may be in progress. It is used to examine the result of the operation and if the operation has failed an exception will be thrown in response to a NoSQLHandle.getTable(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetTableRequest) operation. If the operation is in progress or has completed successfully, the state of the table is returned.
        operationId - the operationId. This is optional.
      • getOperationId

        public String getOperationId()
        Returns the operation id to use for the request, null if not set.
        the operation id
      • setNamespace

        public GetTableRequest setNamespace​(String namespace)
        Sets the optional namespace. On-premises only. This overrides any default value set with NoSQLHandleConfig.setDefaultNamespace(java.lang.String). Note: if a namespace is specified in the table name for the request (using the namespace:tablename format), that value will override this setting.
        namespace - the namespace to use for the operation
      • getTypeName

        public String getTypeName()
        Description copied from class: Request
        Returns the type name of the request. This is used for stats.
        Specified by:
        getTypeName in class Request
        the type name of the request