Class WriteMultipleResult.OperationResult

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class WriteMultipleResult.OperationResult
    extends WriteResult
    The Result associated with the execution of an individual operation in the request.
    • Constructor Detail

      • OperationResult

        public OperationResult()
    • Method Detail

      • getSuccess

        public boolean getSuccess()
        Returns the flag indicates whether the operation succeeded. A put or delete operation may be unsuccessful if the condition is not matched.
        true if the operation succeeded
      • getVersion

        public Version getVersion()
        Returns the version of the new row for put operation, or null if put operations did not succeed or the operation is delete operation.
        the version if it exists
      • getExistingVersion

        public Version getExistingVersion()
        Returns the existing row version associated with the key if available.
        the existing version if set
      • getExistingValue

        public MapValue getExistingValue()
        Returns the previous row value associated with the key if available.
        the existing value if set
      • getExistingModificationTime

        public long getExistingModificationTime()
        Returns the previous modification time associated with the key if available.
        the modification time if set, in milliseconds sine Jan 1, 1970
      • getGeneratedValue

        public FieldValue getGeneratedValue()
        Returns the value generated if the operation created a new value. This can happen if the table contains an identity column or string column declared as a generated UUID. If the table has no such columns this value is null. If a value was generated for the operation, it is non-null. This value is only valid for a put operation on a table with an identity column or string as uuid column.
        the generated value