Class FieldValue

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    ArrayValue, BinaryValue, BooleanValue, DoubleValue, IntegerValue, JsonNullValue, LongValue, MapValue, NullValue, NumberValue, StringValue, TimestampValue

    public abstract class FieldValue
    extends Object
    implements Comparable<FieldValue>
    FieldValue is the base class of all data items in the Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud system. Each data item is an instance of FieldValue allowing access to its type and its value as well as additional utility methods that operate on FieldValue.

    FieldValue instances are typed, based on the FieldValue.Type enumeration. The type system is similar to that of JSON with extensions. It is a subset of the database types in Oracle NoSQL Database in that these objects do not inherently conform to a fixed schema and some of the database types, such as RECORD and ENUM, require a schema. The mappings of types is described here and is not reproduced in this documentation.

    FieldValue instances used for put operations are not validated against the target table schema in the driver. Validation happens where the table schema is available. If an instance does not match the target table an exception is thrown.

    Returned FieldValue instances always conform to a table schema, or to the shape implied by a query projection.

    FieldValue instances are created in several ways:

    • From JSON input. In this path the JSON is parsed and mapped to correspondings types.
    • Construction. Applications can construct instances manually, adding and setting fields and types as needed. This mechanism can be more efficient than parsing from JSON and it gives the application more control over the types used when the mapping from JSON may not be precise.
    • Returned by operations on a table. These instances are created internally by operations that return data and will have the schema implied by the table or query.

    There are special cases for handling types that are not in the JSON type system when creating a FieldValue instance from JSON. These are described in the documentation for createFromJson(java.lang.String, oracle.nosql.driver.values.JsonOptions).

    Numeric values are an extension to JSON which has only a single numeric type, Number. For this reason the system is generous in mapping numeric types among one another and will allow any lossless mapping without error. Mappings default to the most efficient valid format.

    FieldValue has convenience interfaces to return values of atomic types such as number, string, and boolean. These interfaces will allow implicit type coercions (e.g. integer to long) as long as the coercion is lossless; otherwise ClassCastException is thrown. The determination of lossless is based on both type and actual value. For example a long can return an integer value as long as the value of the long is a valid integer value. String coercions always work for atomic types but an atomic type value cannot always be returned from a string. MapValue, ArrayValue, and BinaryValue cannot be coerced. BooleanValue can only be coerced to and from StringValue. If a coercion that can result in loss of information is desired it should be done manually by the application.

    FieldValue instances are not thread-safe. On input, they should not be reused until the operation that uses them has returned.

    • Constructor Detail

      • FieldValue

        public FieldValue()
    • Method Detail

      • getType

        public abstract FieldValue.Type getType()
        Returns the type of the object
        the type
      • getInt

        public int getInt()
        Returns an integer value for the field if the value can be represented as a valid integer without loss of information. Numbers are coerced using Java rules and strings are parsed according to Java rules.
        an integer value
        ClassCastException - if the coercion cannot be performed based on the type of the value
        ArithmeticException - if a numeric coercion would lose information
        NumberFormatException - if the underlying type is a StringValue and it cannot be coerced
      • getLong

        public long getLong()
        Returns a long value for the field if the value can be represented as a valid long without loss of information. Numbers are coerced using Java rules and strings are parsed according to Java rules.
        a long value
        ClassCastException - if the coercion cannot be performed without loss of information
        NumberFormatException - if the underlying type is a StringValue and it cannot be coerced
      • getDouble

        public double getDouble()
        Returns a double value for the field if the value can be represented as a valid double without loss of information. Numbers are coerced using Java rules and strings are parsed according to Java rules.
        a double value
        ClassCastException - if the coercion cannot be performed without loss of information
        NumberFormatException - if the underlying type is a StringValue and it cannot be coerced
      • getNumber

        public BigDecimal getNumber()
        Returns a BigDecimal value for the field if the value can be represented as a valid BigDecimal without loss of information. Numbers are coerced using Java rules and strings are parsed according to Java rules.
        a BigDecimal value
        ClassCastException - if the coercion cannot be performed without loss of information
        NumberFormatException - if the underlying type is a StringValue and it cannot be coerced
      • castAsDouble

        public double castAsDouble()
        Casts a numeric value to double, possibly with loss of information about magnitude, precision or sign.
        a double value
        ClassCastException - if this value is not numeric
      • getBinary

        public byte[] getBinary()
        Returns a binary byte array value for the field if the value is binary
        a byte array
        ClassCastException - if this is not a BinaryValue
      • getBoolean

        public boolean getBoolean()
        Returns a boolean value for the field if the value is a boolean or a string. If it is a StringValue the rules used for Java Boolean.parseBoolean() are applied.
        the boolean value
        ClassCastException - if this is not a BooleanValue or StringValue
      • getString

        public String getString()
        Returns a String value for the field. The String value cannot be created for MapValue, ArrayValue and BinaryValue. String values that are coerced use Java rules for representation.
        a String value
        ClassCastException - if this cannot be represented as a String
      • getTimestamp

        public Timestamp getTimestamp()
        Returns a TimestampValue as a Timestamp value.
        a Timestamp value
        ClassCastException - if this is not a TimestampValue
      • asInteger

        public IntegerValue asInteger()
        Casts the object to IntegerValue.
        an IntegerValue
        ClassCastException - if this is not an IntegerValue
      • asString

        public StringValue asString()
        Casts to StringValue.
        a StringValue
        ClassCastException - if this is not a StringValue
      • asLong

        public LongValue asLong()
        Casts the object to LongValue.
        a LongValue
        ClassCastException - if this is not a LongValue
      • asNumber

        public NumberValue asNumber()
        Casts the object to NumberValue.
        a NumberValue
        ClassCastException - if this is not a NumberValue
      • asBoolean

        public BooleanValue asBoolean()
        Casts the object to BooleanValue.
        a BooleanValue
        ClassCastException - if this is not a BooleanValue
      • asArray

        public ArrayValue asArray()
        Casts the object to ArrayValue.
        a ArrayValue
        ClassCastException - if this is not a ArrayValue
      • asBinary

        public BinaryValue asBinary()
        Casts the object to BinaryValue.
        a BinaryValue
        ClassCastException - if this is not a BinaryValue
      • asMap

        public MapValue asMap()
        Casts the object to MapValue.
        a MapValue
        ClassCastException - if this is not a MapValue
      • asDouble

        public DoubleValue asDouble()
        Casts to DoubleValue.
        a DoubleValue
        ClassCastException - if this is not a DoubleValue
      • asJsonNull

        public JsonNullValue asJsonNull()
        Casts to JsonNullValue.
        a JsonNullValue
        ClassCastException - if this is not a JsonNullValue
      • isInteger

        public boolean isInteger()
        Returns whether this is an IntegerValue
        true if this FieldValue is of type IntegerValue, false otherwise
      • isLong

        public boolean isLong()
        Returns whether this is an LongValue
        true if this FieldValue is of type LongValue, false otherwise
      • isDouble

        public boolean isDouble()
        Returns whether this is an DoubleValue
        true if this FieldValue is of type DoubleValue, false otherwise
      • isNumber

        public boolean isNumber()
        Returns whether this is an NumberValue
        true if this FieldValue is of type NumberValue, false otherwise
      • isBinary

        public boolean isBinary()
        Returns whether this is an BinaryValue
        true if this FieldValue is of type BinaryValue, false otherwise
      • isBoolean

        public boolean isBoolean()
        Returns whether this is an BooleanValue
        true if this FieldValue is of type BooleanValue, false otherwise
      • isArray

        public boolean isArray()
        Returns whether this is an ArrayValue
        true if this FieldValue is of type ArrayValue, false otherwise
      • isMap

        public boolean isMap()
        Returns whether this is an MapValue
        true if this FieldValue is of type MapValue, false otherwise
      • isString

        public boolean isString()
        Returns whether this is an StringValue
        true if this FieldValue is of type StringValue, false otherwise
      • isTimestamp

        public boolean isTimestamp()
        Returns whether this is an TimestampValue
        true if this FieldValue is of type TimestampValue, false otherwise
      • isAtomic

        public boolean isAtomic()
        Returns whether this is an atomic value, that is, not an array or map value.
        Whether this is an atomic value.
      • isNumeric

        public boolean isNumeric()
        Returns whether this is a numeric value (integer, long, double, or number) value.
        Whether this is a numeri value.
      • isNull

        public boolean isNull()
        Returns whether this is an SQL NULL value.
        true if this FieldValue is of type NullValue, false otherwise
      • isJsonNull

        public boolean isJsonNull()
        Returns whether this is a json null value.
        true if this FieldValue is of type JsonNullValue, false otherwise
      • isAnyNull

        public boolean isAnyNull()
        Returns whether this is either a JSON null or a SQL NULL value.
        true if this FieldValue is of type NullValue or JsonNullValue, false otherwise
      • toJson

        public String toJson()
        Returns a JSON representation of the value using a default configuration for output format.
        the JSON representation of this value.
      • toJson

        public String toJson​(JsonOptions options)
        Returns a JSON representation of the value using the options, if specified.
        options - configurable options used to affect the JSON output format of some data types. May be null.
        the JSON representation of this value.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns a String representation of the value, consistent with representation as JSON strings.
        toString in class Object
        the String value
      • getSerializedSize

        public int getSerializedSize()
        Returns the serialized size of this value. This value can be used to estimate amount of throughput used by a sample value. This size will always be larger than the actual space consumed because the server serializes in a more compact format.
        the size, in bytes, used by the serialized format of this value.
      • createFromJson

        public static FieldValue createFromJson​(String jsonInput,
                                                JsonOptions options)
        Constructs a new FieldValue instance based on the JSON string provided.

        Two of the types in the driver type system are not part of the JSON data model -- TIMESTAMP and BINARY -- and will never be created using this method. If a table schema includes these types, as well as the ENUM type supported by Oracle NoSQL Database, they should be input as follows:

        • BINARY should be a Base64-encoded String
        • TIMESTAMP may be either a long value representing milliseconds since January 1, 1970, or a String value that is in a valid ISO 8601 formatted string.
        • ENUM should be a String that matches one of the valid enumeration values
        If one of these types is to be used inside a JSON data type, there is no schema in the database server and the type cannot be inferred by the system and interpretation is left to the application.

        jsonInput - a JSON formatted String
        options - configurable options used to affect the JSON output format of some data types. May be null.
        a new FieldValue instance representing the JSON string
        JsonParseException - if the string is not valid JSON
      • createFromJson

        public static FieldValue createFromJson​(Reader jsonInput,
                                                JsonOptions options)
        Constructs a new FieldValue instance based on JSON read from the Reader provided.
        jsonInput - a Reader containing JSON
        options - configurable options used to affect the JSON output format of some data types. May be null.
        a new FieldValue instance representing the JSON string
        JsonParseException - if the input is not valid JSON
      • createFromJson

        public static FieldValue createFromJson​(InputStream jsonInput,
                                                JsonOptions options)
        Constructs a new FieldValue instance based on JSON read from the InputStream provided.
        jsonInput - an InputStream containing JSON
        options - configurable options used to affect the JSON output format of some data types. May be null.
        a new FieldValue instance representing the JSON string
        JsonParseException - if the input is not valid JSON