Class GetResult

    • Constructor Detail

      • GetResult

        public GetResult()
    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        public MapValue getValue()
        Returns the value of the returned row, or null if the row does not exist
        the value of the row, or null if it does not exist
      • getJsonValue

        public String getJsonValue()
        Returns a JSON string representation of the returned row, or null if the row does not exist.
        the JSON string value of the row, or null if it does not exist
      • getVersion

        public Version getVersion()
        Returns the Version of the row if the operation was successful, or null if the row does not exist.
        the version of the row, or null if the row does not exist
      • getExpirationTime

        public long getExpirationTime()
        Returns the expiration time of the row. A zero value indicates that the row does not expire. This value is valid only if the operation successfully returned a row (getValue() returns non-null).
        the expiration time in milliseconds since January 1, 1970, or zero if the row never expires or the row does not exist
      • getModificationTime

        public long getModificationTime()
        Returns the modification time of the row. This value is valid only if the operation successfully returned a row (getValue() returns non-null).
        the modification time in milliseconds since January 1, 1970, or zero if the row does not exist
      • getReadKB

        public int getReadKB()
        Returns the read throughput consumed by this operation, in KBytes. This is the actual amount of data read by the operation. The number of read units consumed is returned by getReadUnits() which may be a larger number if the operation used Consistency.ABSOLUTE
        the read KBytes consumed
      • getWriteKB

        public int getWriteKB()
        Returns the write throughput consumed by this operation, in KBytes.
        the write KBytes consumed
      • getReadUnits

        public int getReadUnits()
        Returns the read throughput consumed by this operation, in read units. This number may be larger than that returned by getReadKB() if the operation used Consistency.ABSOLUTE
        the read units consumed
      • getWriteUnits

        public int getWriteUnits()
        Returns the write throughput consumed by this operation, in write units.
        the write units consumed
      • setClient

        public void setClient​(oracle.nosql.driver.http.Client client)