Class JsonReader

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AutoCloseable, Iterable<MapValue>

    public class JsonReader
    extends Object
    implements Iterable<MapValue>, AutoCloseable
    JsonReader reads a file or string that has JSON objects in it that may represent rows and makes them available using the Iterable interface. The source of the JSON, either a File or String, is expected to contain one or more JSON objects, separated by white, or no space. While white space, or no space between objects is explicitly supported, the JSON parser is flexible and forgiving and will silently ignore and skip unexpected characters between JSON objects.

    As an iteration proceeds it may return any number of valid MapValue instances before it encounters a problem in the input stream such as a bad object or unexpected end of file. It is up to the application to handle error conditions. There is no mechanism for restarting in the middle of a file or string. If a JsonParseException is thrown it will contain the location of the exception in the parse stream to help isolate problems.

    An instance of this class can only be used to create a single iterator. This is to ensure that the Iterator can be closed explicitly by the caller. If an attempt is made to create an additional iterator IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

    Instances of this class must be closed when done to free parser resources. It implements AutoCloseable to assist but in the event it is not called inside a try-with-resources block an explicit close() should be used.

    • Constructor Detail

      • JsonReader

        public JsonReader​(File file,
                          JsonOptions options)
        Creates an iterator over JSON objects in the specified file.
        file - the file to be used
        options - if desired, this can be null
      • JsonReader

        public JsonReader​(String jsonString,
                          JsonOptions options)
        Creates an iterator over JSON objects in a string.
        jsonString - the String to use
        options - if desired, this can be null
      • JsonReader

        public JsonReader​(InputStream input,
                          JsonOptions options)
        Creates an iterator over JSON objects provided by the InputStream. The caller is responsible for closing the InputStream if necessary.
        input - the InputStream to use
        options - if desired, this can be null
    • Method Detail

      • iterator

        public Iterator<MapValue> iterator()
        Returns an Iterator<MapValue> over the source provided. This method can only be called once for a given instance of JsonReader. An additional call will result in IllegalArgumentException being thrown.
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface Iterable<MapValue>
        IllegalArgumentException - if called twice