Class NoSQLSubscriptionConfig.Builder

Enclosing class:

public static class NoSQLSubscriptionConfig.Builder extends Object
Builder to construct a NoSQLSubscriptionConfig instance
  • Constructor Details

    • Builder

      public Builder(String ckptTableName)
      Makes a builder for NoSQLSubscriptionConfig with required parameter for single subscriber, that is, the NoSQLSubscriberId.getTotal() is 1.

      The checkpoint table can be specified in one of following formats:

      1. tablename, e.g., "MyCkptTable". The given table should be existent or will be created in system default table space.
      2. namespace:tablename, e.g., "MyNameSpace:MyTable". The given table should be existent or will be created in in the given name space.

      ckptTableName - the full namespace name of checkpoint table. The checkpoint table cannot be a child table.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the checkpoint table name is null or empty
    • Builder

      public Builder(Function<NoSQLSubscriberId,String> ckptTableMapper)
      Makes a builder for NoSQLSubscriptionConfig with required parameter for multiple sharded subscribers, that is, the NoSQLSubscriberId.getTotal() is greater than 1. Sets a function that maps a subscriber ID to the name of the associated checkpoint table. The checkpoint table name format should be consistent with that in Builder(String).
      ckptTableMapper - a mapper function to build the checkpoint table name from subscriber id
      IllegalArgumentException - if the checkpoint table name mapper function is null
  • Method Details

    • build

      public NoSQLSubscriptionConfig build()
      Builds a NoSQLSubscriptionConfig instance from builder
      a NoSQLSubscriptionConfig instance
    • setSubscribedTables

      public NoSQLSubscriptionConfig.Builder setSubscribedTables(Set<String> tables)
      Sets the subscribed tables under given namespace. Each table should be specified in one of following formats:
      1. tablename, e.g., "MyTable". The given table should be existent in system default table space. See TableAPI.SYSDEFAULT_NAMESPACE_NAME.
      2. namespace:tablename, e.g., "MyNameSpace:MyTable". The given table should be existent in the given table space.
      If not set or set to null or empty set, the stream will subscribe all user tables from all name spaces.
      tables - set of table names to subscribe
      this instance
    • setSubscribedTables

      public NoSQLSubscriptionConfig.Builder setSubscribedTables(String... tables)
      Sets the subscribed tables under given namespace. Each table should be specified in one of following formats:
      1. tablename, e.g., "MyTable". The given table should be existent in initial table space.
      2. namespace:tablename, e.g., "MyNameSpace:MyTable". The given table should be existent in given table space.
      If not set or set to null or empty set, the stream will subscribe all user tables.
      tables - set of table names to subscribe
      this instance
    • setSubscriberId

      Sets the subscriber id which owns the subscription. If it is not set, the subscription is considered a singleton subscription with single subscriber streaming from all shards.
      id - subscriber id
      this instance
    • setStartStreamPosition

      public NoSQLSubscriptionConfig.Builder setStartStreamPosition(StreamPosition position)
      Sets the start stream position. Depending on stream mode, the start stream position has different semantics as follows.

      If stream mode is set to NoSQLStreamMode.FROM_CHECKPOINT, which is the default if stream mode is not set, the stream will start from the checkpoint persisted in the specified checkpoint table, and any specified stream position will be ignored. If the checkpoint table does not exist, the stream will create a new checkpoint table for user if allowed. If the checkpoint table is empty, or if the position specified by the checkpoint table is not available, subscription will stream from the next available position.

      If stream mode is set to NoSQLStreamMode.FROM_EXACT_CHECKPOINT, the stream will start from the checkpoint persisted in the specified checkpoint table, and any specified stream position will be ignored. If the table does not exist, the stream will create a new checkpoint table for user if allowed. If the checkpoint table is empty, subscription will to stream from the first available entry. If a checkpoint has been saved but that stream position is not available, the subscription will fail and the publisher will signal SubscriptionInsufficientLogException to the subscriber via NoSQLSubscriber.onError(java.lang.Throwable).

      If stream mode is set to NoSQLStreamMode.FROM_STREAM_POSITION the stream will start from specified stream position if set. If the start stream position is not available, the subscription will stream from the next available position. If the start stream position is not set or is set to null, IllegalArgumentException will be raised when the configuration is created.

      If stream mode is set to NoSQLStreamMode.FROM_EXACT_STREAM_POSITION, the stream will start from specified stream position if set. If the specified position is not available, the subscription will fail and the publisher will signal SubscriptionInsufficientLogException to the subscriber via NoSQLSubscriber.onError(java.lang.Throwable). If the start stream position is not set or set to null, IllegalArgumentException will be raised when the configuration is created.

      If stream mode is set to NoSQLStreamMode.FROM_NOW, the stream will start from the latest available stream position and any specified start stream position will be ignored.

      position - stream position to start stream
      this instance
    • setCreateNewCheckpointTable

      public NoSQLSubscriptionConfig.Builder setCreateNewCheckpointTable(boolean allow)
      Sets if publisher is allowed to create a new checkpoint table if it does not exist. If not set, the default is that publisher would create a new checkpoint table if it does not exist.
      allow - true if publisher is allowed to create a new checkpoint table for user if it does not exist; false otherwise, and subscription will fail if checkpoint table does not exist.
      this instance
    • setStreamMode

      Sets the stream mode. If not set, the stream mode defaults to NoSQLStreamMode.FROM_CHECKPOINT.
      mode - the stream mode
      this instance
      IllegalArgumentException - if specified stream mode is null.
    • setEmptyStreamDuration

      public NoSQLSubscriptionConfig.Builder setEmptyStreamDuration(int emptyStreamSecs) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Sets the empty stream duration. A stream is considered empty if all subscribed tables have been removed from the subscription. An empty stream is considered to be no longer empty when at least one subscribed table is added successfully to the empty stream. If a stream is empty, the publisher would keep the empty stream alive for a period of time specified, and the publisher would shut down the empty stream when it times out.

      If not set, the empty stream stream duration defaults to 60 seconds.

      emptyStreamSecs - empty stream lifetime in seconds
      this instance
      IllegalArgumentException - if specified empty stream lifetime is non-positive.
    • setChangeTimeoutMs

      public NoSQLSubscriptionConfig.Builder setChangeTimeoutMs(long changeTimeoutMs) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Sets the subscription change timeout in milliseconds. When the user changes the subscription by adding or removing table, the request would be sent to kvstore and it would timeout if the kvstore does not respond the request within the time period.

      If not set, change timeout defaults to 30000 milliseconds.

      changeTimeoutMs - change timeout in milliseconds
      this instance
      IllegalArgumentException - if specified change timeout is non-positive.
    • setLocalWritesOnly

      public NoSQLSubscriptionConfig.Builder setLocalWritesOnly(boolean localWritesOnly)
      Sets that when subscribing multi-region tables, whether only local writes are streamed.
      this instance
    • setMaxReconnect

      public NoSQLSubscriptionConfig.Builder setMaxReconnect(long maxReconnect)
      Sets the max number of reconnect if stream is down
      this instance
    • setOutputQueueSizeMB

      public NoSQLSubscriptionConfig.Builder setOutputQueueSizeMB(int sz)
      Sets the output queue size in megabytes.
      sz - size of output queue in megabytes
      IllegalArgumentException - if size is smaller than the default queue size NoSQLSubscriptionConfig.DEFAULT_OUTPUT_QUEUE_SIZE_MB