All Classes and Interfaces

This MBean represents an Admin's operational parameters.
AnyAtomicDef is the type that contains all kinds of atomic values.
AnyDef is the most generic data type; it contains all kinds of values.
AnyJsonAtomicDef is the type that contains all kinds of atomic values that appear in JSON documents.
AnyRecordDef is the type that contains all kinds of record values.
This MBean represents an Arbiter node's operational parameters.
ArrayDef is an extension of FieldDef to encapsulate an array of values.
ArrayValue extends FieldValue to add methods appropriate for array values.
This exception is thrown if an application passes invalid credentials to a KVStore authentication operation.
This exception is thrown when a secured operation is attempted and the client is not currently authenticated.
BinaryDef is an extension of FieldDef to encapsulate a Binary type.
BinaryValue extends FieldValue to represent a byte array value.
BooleanDef is an extension of FieldDef to encapsulate a Boolean.
BooleanValue extends FieldValue to represent a simple boolean value.
Represents a Statement that has been compiled and an execution plan generated for it.
BulkWriteOptions is used to configure bulk write operations.
This interface defines a mechanism for translating an Oracle Coherence cache key object into an Oracle NoSQL Database Key.
Exception that is raised when a subscriber fails to make a checkpoint.
Thrown when an attempt is made to exceeded a table's child limit.
Used to provide consistency guarantees for read operations.
A consistency policy which describes the amount of time the Replica is allowed to lag the Master.
A consistency policy which ensures that the environment on a Replica node is at least as current as denoted by the specified Key-Value pair Consistency.Version.
Thrown when a single or multiple-operation transaction fails because the specified Consistency could not be met, within the allowed timeout period.
Used to indicate a status condition or result that is not expressed through the return value, and that should normally be handled by the caller of the method.
Used with multiple-key and iterator operations to specify whether to select (return or operate on) the key-value pair for the parent key, and the key-value pairs for only immediate children or all descendants.
Interface to the per-partition and per-shard metrics returned by and oracle.kv.ParallelScanIterator#getShardMetrics().
Used with iterator operations to specify the order that keys are returned.
DoubleDef is an extension of FieldDef to encapsulate the Double type.
DoubleValue extends FieldValue to represent a double.
Defines the durability characteristics associated with a standalone write (put or update) operation, or in the case of KVStore.execute with a set of operations performed in a single transaction.
A replicated environment makes it possible to increase an application's transaction commit guarantees by committing changes to its replicas on the network.
Defines the synchronization policy to be used when committing a transaction.
Thrown when write operations cannot be initiated because a quorum of Replicas as determined by the Durability.ReplicaAckPolicy was not available.
The stream interface that supplies the data (Row or Key/Value pair) to be batched and loaded into the store.
EnumDef is a extension of FieldDef to support an enumeration type.
EnumValue extends FieldValue to represent a single value in an enumeration.
Class contains several options for the execution of an SQL statement (DDL or DML).
An ExecutionFuture is a Future that provides a handle to an administrative statement that has been issued and is being processed by the kvstore.
since 3.3 in favor of ExecutionFuture
A subinterface of Subscription implemented by subscriptions supplied when a Subscriber subscribes to a Publisher associated with the asynchronous execution of a query.
Runtime Exception for anything related to ExternalTables.
A common exception base class to support internal serialization facilities.
Used to indicate an error condition that cannot normally be handled by the caller of the method, except by retrying the operation.
FieldDef represents an immutable metadata object used to represent a single data type.
The type of a field definition.
FieldRange defines a range of values to be used in a table or index iteration or multiGet operation.
FieldValue represents an item, that is, a value and its associated type.
Factory class to create FieldValue instance objects.
FixedBinaryDef is an extension of FieldDef to encapsulate a fixed length binary value.
FixedBinaryValue extends FieldValue to represent a fixed-size byte array.
FloatDef is an extension of FieldDef to encapsulate the Float type.
FloatValue extends FieldValue to represent a float.
Formatter is an interface to a user-specified class used for formatting NoSQL Database records into Strings which are appropriate for importing into a specific Oracle External Table.
Index represents an index on a table in Oracle NoSQL Database.
The type of an index.
IndexKey is a specialization of RecordValue to represent a key used to access a specific index defined on a table.
Thrown when an attempt is made to exceeded a table's index limit.
Holds a Stream and Version that are associated with a LOB.
IntegerDef is an extension of FieldDef to encapsulate an Integer.
IntegerValue extends FieldValue to represent an integer.
A subinterface of Subscription implemented by subscriptions supplied when a Subscriber subscribes to a Publisher associated with an asynchronous table iteration.
JsonDef is an extension of FieldDef to define schemaless data modeled as JSON.
Login credentials for Kerberos authentication.
The Key in a Key/Value store.
A wrapper class for return values from TableAPI.tableKeysIterator(IndexKey, MultiRowOptions, oracle.kv.table.TableIteratorOptions) This classes allows the iterator to return all field value information that can be obtained directly from the index without an additional fetch.
Defines a range of Key components for use in multiple-key operations and iterations.
Represents a key/value pair.
Represents a key/value pair along with its version.
A Hadoop InputFormat class for reading data from an Oracle NoSQL Database.
This is the base class for Oracle NoSQL Database InputFormat classes.
The KVLargeObject interface defines the operations used to read and write Large Objects (LOBs) such as audio and video files.
The enumeration defines the states associated with a LOB.
KVLocal is a handle for managing embedded Oracle NoSQL Database.
Represents the configuration parameters used to create a KVLocal object.
Base builder class used to set configuration parameters common to both TCP sockets and Unix domain sockets.
InetBuilder to help construct a KVLocalConfig instance using TCP sockets.
Builder class to help construct a KVLocalConfig instance using Unix domain sockets.
Generic exception class for generating runtime exceptions for KVLocal.
The KVSecurityConstants interface defines constants used for security configuration.
The common abstract base class of KVStore security-related exceptions.
Statistics associated with accessing the KVStore from a client via the KVStore handle.
KVStore is the handle to a store that is running remotely.
Represents the configuration parameters used to create a handle to an existing KV store.
Factory class used to produce handles to an existing KVStore.
Oracle NoSQL DB version information.
The common interface of KVStore credential class implementations.
LongDef is an extension of FieldDef to encapsulate a Long.
LongValue extends FieldValue to represent a long.
MapDef is an extension of FieldDef to define an unordered map, where all entries are constrained to a single type.
MapValue extends FieldValue to define a container object that holds a map of FieldValue objects all of the same type.
The exception is thrown when an expected piece of metadata is not found.
Defines parameters used in multi-row operations.
The metrics associated with a node in the KVS.
Oracle NoSQL Database implementation of the BinaryEntryStore interface.
Object represents a NoSQLPublisher which publishes changes to the NoSQL store on order, an implementation of Reactive Streams Publisher interface.
Configuration used to create an instance of NoSQLPublisher.
Builder to help construct a NoSQLPublisherConfig instance
Generic exception class for generating runtime exceptions whose messages are derived from a locale specific message file.
Subscription stream mode used to configure the starting point for a NoSQL subscription.
The subscriber interface is to be implemented by the application.
Object to represent a subscriber id in a subscription group.
A NoSQL subscription to the source kvstore.
Configuration used by the NoSQL Publisher to create a subscription.
Builder to construct a NoSQLSubscriptionConfig instance
NumberDef is an extension of FieldDef to encapsulate the BigDecimal type.
NumberValue extends FieldValue to represent a BigDecimal.
Denotes an Operation in a sequence of operations passed to the KVStore.execute method.
The type of operation, as determined by the method used to create it.
Used to indicate a failure to execute a sequence of operations.
A factory to create operations that can be batched for execution by KVStore.execute.
Aggregates the metrics associated with a KVS operation.
The Result associated with the execution of an Operation.
Interface to the specialized Iterator type returned by the Parallel Scan version of storeIterator().
Username/password credentials.
This class provides Coherence Portable Object Format (POF) serialization of the Key class.
Represents a Statement that has been compiled and an execution plan generated for it.
The Preproc utility is invoked by Oracle Database whenever a SELECT is performed on an External Table that has been associated with an Oracle NoSQL Database using the Publish utility.
PrimaryKey is a specialization of Row to represent a primary key used to access records in a table using the TableAPI.
The Publish utility writes information about how to connect to an Oracle NoSQL Database from an Oracle Database External Table.
Exception that will be raised when NoSQL Publisher cannot be created due to errors, or experiences irrecoverable errors and must be closed.
ReadOptions is passed to read-only store operations to specify arguments that control non-default behavior related to consistency and operation timeouts.
Thrown when a read operation cannot be completed because the read throughput rate limit has been exceeded.
A callback interface used when KVStore authentication has expired and requires renewal.
RecordDef represents a record type, which specifies a set of RecordValues that conform to this type.
RecordValue extends FieldValue to represent a record value.
This MBean represents the RepNode's status, performance metrics, and operational parameters.
Describes how requests may be limited so that one or more nodes with long service times don't end up consuming all available threads in the KVS client.
Thrown when a request cannot be processed because it would exceed the maximum number of active requests for a node as configured via KVStoreConfig.setRequestLimit(oracle.kv.RequestLimitConfig).
Thrown when a request cannot be processed because the configured timeout interval is exceeded.
A common exception base class for exceptions related to resource usage.
ReturnRow is used with put and delete operations to return the previous row value and version.
Specifies whether to return the row value, version, both or neither.
Used with put and delete operations to return the previous value and version.
Specifies whether to return the value, version, both or neither.
Row is a specialization of RecordValue to represent a single record, or row, in a table.
IdentityDef represents an immutable metadata object used to represent the properties of an identity column in a table.
Thrown when the server is unable to handle a request because of resource constraints.
Exception raised when publisher does not hear from source shard for a given period of time.
Thrown when a KVStore instance is no longer valid.
Base interface for all statements.
A StatementResult provides information about the execution and outcome of a table statement.
since 3.3 in favor of StatementResult
Shows the kind of StatementResult.
This MBean represents the Storage Node's operational parameters.
since 3.4, no longer supported.
The operation (Put, Delete) that was delivered over the NoSQL stream.
Used to signal a Delete operation
Used to signal a Put operation
A SequenceId uniquely identifies a stream operation associated with a Publisher.
The type of the operation.
A StreamPosition represents a position in a subscription stream.
StringDef is an extension of FieldDef to encapsulate a String.
StringValue extends FieldValue to represent a string.
Exception raised when change cannot be applied to the running subscription, and the subscription is unchanged.
Describes the reason that a change was not applied.
Exception raised when a subscription fails.
Exception used to indicate that the logs on at least one shard were insufficient for the purposes of the stream.
Object represents a set of statistics of a single subscription.
Exception raised when one or more tables are not found in kvstore when performing an operation on a subscription.
Table is a handle on a table in the Oracle NoSQL Database.
Thrown when an operation to a table cannot be completed due to limits on write and possibly read access.
TableAPI is a handle for the table interface to an Oracle NoSQL store.
TableFormatter is an interface to a user-specified class used for formatting rows in NoSQL Database tables into Strings which are appropriate for importing into a specific Oracle External Table.
A Hadoop InputFormat class for reading data from an Oracle NoSQL Database.
This is the base class for Oracle NoSQL Database InputFormat classes that can be used to run MapReduce against data stored via the Table API.
Special class that wraps the static get method of the TopologyLocator utility.
Concrete implementation of the InputSplit interface required to perform Hadoop MapReduce.
Interface to the specialized Iterator type returned by the iterator methods in the oracle.kv.table package.
TableIteratorOptions extends ReadOptions and is passed to read-only store operations that return iterators.
Denotes a TableOperation in a sequence of operations passed to the TableAPI.execute method.
The type of operation, as determined by the method used to create it.
A factory to create operations that can be batched for execution by TableAPI.execute.
The Result associated with the execution of a TableOperation.
Provides information about a failure from the sequence of operations executed by TableAPI.execute(List<TableOperation>, WriteOptions)
Thrown when write operations cannot be completed because a partition size limit has been exceeded.
Concrete implementation of TableRecordReaderBase that reads table rows from an InputSplit using a PrimaryKey.
Thrown when write operations cannot be completed because a table size limit has been exceeded.
TableUtils is a utility class that encapsulates a number of useful functions that do not belong in any specific interface.
Thrown when read or write operations cannot be completed because a throughput rate limit has been exceeded.
TimestampDef is an extension of FieldDef to encapsulate a Timestamp type.
TimestampValue extends FieldValue to represent a Timestamp value.
TimeToLive is a utility class that represents a period of time, similar to Java 8's java.time.Duration, but specialized to the needs of Oracle NoSQL Database.
This exception is thrown from methods where an authenticated user is attempting to perform an operation for which they are not authorized.
The Value in a Key/Value store.
Identifies the format of a value.
as of 4.0, use the table API instead.
Holds a Value and Version that are associated with a given Key.
A Version refers to a specific version of a key-value pair.
WriteOptions is passed to store operations that can update the store to specify non-default behavior relating to durability, timeouts and expiry operations.
Thrown when a write operation cannot be completed because the write throughput rate limit has been exceeded.