Deleting a TimesTen Client Installation

To delete (uninstall) the client installation, the instance administrator performs these steps:

  1. Ensures that there are no Timesten instances, databases or important files located under the TimesTen installation.
  2. Ensures that no TimesTen instances use the installation. (There is no automated way to do this, as TimesTen does not maintain any inventory of TimesTen installations or instances.)

    If there are instances that use the installation, then before the installation is deleted, the instances must be either modified to point to a different installation or deleted. See "Modifying a TimesTen Client Instance" for details.

  3. Grants write permission to the installation, such as through the chmod -R command. For example, from the installation directory where a TimesTen tt22. installation was extracted:
    % chmod -R 750 installation_dir/tt22.
  4. Deletes the tt22. directory and all files and subdirectories that it contains, such as through the rm -rf command. From the installation directory:
    % rm -rf installation_dir/tt22.
  5. If the installation directory is empty, optionally deletes it.