Modifying a TimesTen Client Instance

The ttInstanceModify utility modifies the attributes of the instance. The relevant ttInstanceModify options for a client instance are the -install and the -tnsadmin options.

The client instance that is modified is the instance that the $TIMESTEN_HOME environment variable references. Ensure you run the ttInstanceModify utility from the $TIMESTEN_HOME/bin directory.

See ttInstanceModify in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference for more information.

These sections illustrate how to use the ttInstanceModify:

Use the ttInstanceModify Utility Interactively

This example runs ttInstanceModify interactively. The utility asks if you want to change the installation that the instance points to. This is equivalent to running ttInstanceModify with the -install option.

This example upgrades from the ttinstall installation to the ttinstalllatest installation. The current directory is timesten_home for the clientmac instance.

% $TIMESTEN_HOME/bin/ttInstanceModify
Instance Info
Name:           clientmac
Location:       /scratch/ttuser/clientmac
Installation:   /swdir/TimesTen/ttinstallations/ttinstall/tt22.
* Client-Only Installation
Would you like to change the installation that this instance points to? [ no ] yes
Please provide the path to the new installation? [  ]
Are you sure you want to point this instance to the installation in
/swdir/TimesTen/ttinstallations/ttinstalllatest/tt22. [ no ] yes

Instance Info (UPDATED)
Name:           clientmac
Location:       /scratch/ttuser/clientmac
Installation:   /swdir/TimesTen/ttinstallations/ttinstalllatest/tt22.
* Client-Only Installation
The instance clientmac now points to the installation in

Use the ttInstanceModify Utility with the -install Option

The example runs the ttInstanceModify utility with the -install option to upgrade from the ttinstall installation to the ttinstalllatest installation. The current directory is timesten_home for the clientmac instance.

% $TIMESTEN_HOME/bin/ttInstanceModify -install
Instance Info (UPDATED)
Name:           clientmac
Location:       /scratch/ttuser/clientmac
Installation:   /swdir/TimesTen/ttinstallations/ttinstalllatest/tt22.
* Client-Only Installation
The instance clientmac now points to the installation in