Monitoring Cluster Status

You can retrieve cluster status and message log files.

The following sections describe how to retrieve the status of the cluster:

Obtaining Cluster Status

The ttCWAdmin -status command reports information about all of the active standby pairs in a TimesTen instance that are managed by the same instance administrator.

If you specify the DSN, the utility reports information for the active standby pair with that DSN.

When you run the ttCWAdmin -status command after you have created an active standby pair replication scheme but have not yet started replication, the status appears as follows:

% ttCWAdmin -status
TimesTen Cluster status report as of Thu Nov 11 13:54:35 2010
TimesTen daemon monitors:
Host:HOST1 Status: online
Host:HOST2 Status: online
TimesTen Cluster agents
Host:HOST1 Status: online
Host:HOST2 Status: online
Status of Cluster related to DSN MYDSN:
1. Status of Cluster monitoring components:
Monitor Process for Active datastore:NOT RUNNING
Monitor Process for Standby datastore:NOT RUNNING
Monitor Process for Master Datastore 1 on Host host1: NOT RUNNING
Monitor Process for Master Datastore 2 on Host host2: NOT RUNNING
2.Status of  Datastores comprising the cluster
Master Datastore 1:
Master Datastore 2:
The cluster containing the replicated DSN is offline

After you have started the replication scheme and the active database is running but the standby database is not yet running, ttCWAdmin -status returns:

% ttCWAdmin -status
TimesTen Cluster status report as of Thu Nov 11 13:58:25 2010
TimesTen daemon monitors:
Host:HOST1 Status: online
Host:HOST2 Status: online
TimesTen Cluster agents
Host:HOST1 Status: online
Host:HOST2 Status: online
Status of Cluster related to DSN MYDSN:
1. Status of Cluster monitoring components:
Monitor Process for Active datastore:RUNNING on Host host1
Monitor Process for Standby datastore:RUNNING on Host host1
Monitor Process for Master Datastore 1 on Host host1: RUNNING
Monitor Process for Master Datastore 2 on Host host2: RUNNING
2.Status of  Datastores comprising the cluster
Master Datastore 1:
Master Datastore 2:
The cluster containing the replicated DSN is online

After you have started the replication scheme and the active database and the standby database are both running, ttCWAdmin -status returns:

% ttCWAdmin -status
TimesTen Cluster status report as of Thu Nov 11 13:59:20 2010
TimesTen daemon monitors:
Host:HOST1 Status: online
Host:HOST2 Status: online
TimesTen Cluster agents
Host:HOST1 Status: online
Host:HOST2 Status: online
Status of Cluster related to DSN MYDSN:
1. Status of Cluster monitoring components:
Monitor Process for Active datastore:RUNNING on Host host1
Monitor Process for Standby datastore:RUNNING on Host host2
Monitor Process for Master Datastore 1 on Host host1: RUNNING
Monitor Process for Master Datastore 2 on Host host2: RUNNING
2.Status of  Datastores comprising the cluster
Master Datastore 1:
Master Datastore 2:
The cluster containing the replicated DSN is online

Message Log Files

The monitor processes report events and errors to the ttcwerrors.log and ttcwmsg.log files.

The files are located in the daemon_home/info directory. The default size of these files is the same as the default maximum size of the user log. The maximum number of log files is the same as the default number of files for the user log. When the maximum number of files has been written, additional errors and messages overwrite the files, beginning with the oldest file.

For the default values for number of log files and log file size, see Error, Warning, and Informational Messages in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide.