Manually Update the JDK Package on Oracle Exadata System Software versions to

Update the JDK 7 package to the latest release by downloading the latest version of the package and using the rpm utility to install it.

Before starting this step, make sure you have completed the steps in Stop the MS Process.

With Oracle Exadata System Software versions to, the Oracle Exadata Storage Server includes the JDK 7 package installed as an RPM.

Following any upgrades to the server image (using dbnodeupdate or patchmgr), check the JDK version. If the JDK package is reverted to an older version during the upgrade, then use the procedures here to update the JDK package to the latest version.

  1. Download the latest version of JDK 7 using the links found in My Oracle Support Doc ID 1439822.1. Do not download JDK 8 or later.
  2. Extract the contents of the ZIP file.
  3. Locate the JDK RPM.
    The name of the file is similar to jdk-version-linux-x64.rpm, for example jdk-7u91-linux-x64.rpm.
  4. Copy only the RPM file to the target server.
    The file can be placed in a temporary directory, such as /tmp.
  5. As the root user, determine the current version of the installed JDK RPM.
    # rpm -q jdk
  6. If the JDK package is installed and needs to be updated, then use the rpm command to install the update.
    # rpm -Uvh /tmp/jdk-version-linux-x64.rpm
  7. Verify the JDK package was updated.
    # rpm -q jdk
  8. Removed the staged update file.
    # rm -f /tmp/jdk-version-linux-x64.rpm
To complete the JDK update, continue with the steps in Reconfigure and Restart Management Server (MS).