Upgrading JDK on Database Servers Using ULN

Before starting this step, make sure you have completed the steps in Stop the MS Process.

After you have configured the YUM repository and registered your database server with ULN, you can download the RPM from the ULN channel.

For Oracle Exadata System Software versions to, the Oracle Exadata Database Server includes the JDK 7 package installed as an RPM. To update the RPM, use the ULN channel Java SE 7 for Oracle Linux. Make sure you look for JDK 7--do not use JDK 8 or later.

For Oracle Exadata System Software versions and later, the Oracle Exadata Database Server includes the JDK 8 package installed as an RPM. To update the RPM, use the ULN channel Java SE 8 for Oracle Linux. Make sure you look for the JDK 8.


Do not register your storage servers with ULN.
  1. With a web browser, log in to https://linux.oracle.com/.
  2. Find the Oracle Exadata Database Server on which you want to install Oracle Java SE and click on the name of that system.

    In the following image, the server names have been blanked out.

    Description of uln_registered_systems.jpg follows
    Description of the illustration uln_registered_systems.jpg
  3. Click in Manage Subscriptions.
  4. Using the arrow buttons, move the desired Java SE channel from the Available channels list to the Subscriber Channels list, then click Save Subscriptions.
  5. When prompted, click Accept to accept the license agreement.
  6. On the database server, from the yum.repos.d directory, upgrade the JDK.
    # yum check-update jdk
    Loaded plugins: rhnplugin, ulninfo
    This system is receiving updates from ULN.
    By downloading and/or using this software program you agree that your use is 
    subject to the applicable license agreement at https://linux.oracle.com
    exadata_dbserver_18.                        | 1.2 kB   00:00
    exadata_dbserver_18.                | 436 kB   00:00
    exadata_dbserver_18.                                     470/470
    ol6_x86_64_JavaSE7_public                                      | 1.2 kB   00:00
    ol6_x86_64_JavaSE7_public/primary                              | 5.9 kB   00:00
    ol6_x86_64_JavaSE7_public                                                     16/16
    ol6_x86_64_ksplice                                             | 1.2 kB   00:00
    ol6_x86_64_ksplice/primary                                     | 160 kB   00:00
    ol6_x86_64_ksplice                                                        1436/1436
    public_ol6_latest                                                       40132/40132
    Running transaction
      Installing : jdk1.8.0_172-1.8.0_172-fcs.x86_64                                        1/1 
    Unpacking JAR files...
      Verifying  : jdk1.8.0_172-1.8.0_172-fcs.x86_64                                       1/1 
      jre.x86_64 0:1.8.0_172-fcs                                                
To complete the JDK update, continue with the steps in Reconfigure and Restart Management Server (MS).