Restart a Service

Exascale system components are implemented using a series of software services.

Typically, the Exascale cluster automatically contains the required Exascale storage services. However, as an Exascale administrator, you may occasionally need to restart a software service instance.

To restart an Exascale storage service, use the ESCLI chservice command with the --restart option.

If you issue a command to restart a stopped or disabled service, then the command starts the service and completes successfully.

  • To restart an Exascale storage service on an Exadata storage server, the command syntax is:

    @> chservice --attributes name=service_cell[,frontend={true|false}] --restart

    To identify the service instance you want to restart on an Exadata storage server, specify the name attribute using the format: name=service_cell.

    In the attribute value:

    • service: Specifies the service that you want to act on, which is one of the following:

      • cellsrv: Specifies the core Exadata cell services (CELLSRV, MS, and RS).

      • egs: Specifies the Exascale cluster service, also known as Exascale global service (EGS).

      • ers: Specifies the Exascale control service, also known as Exascale RESTful service (ERS).

      • syseds: Specifies the system vault manager service.

      • usreds: Specifies the user vault manager service.

      • bsm: Specifies the block store manager service.

      • bsw: Specifies the block store worker service.

    • cell: Specifies the name of the storage server (cell) that hosts the service.

      The cell must be identified by its name. Use the lscell command to find all cell names.

    Additionally, when you restart ERS only, you can optionally set the frontend attribute to control the front-end server processes on the ERS instance. To enable the front-end server processes on the ERS instance, specify frontend=true. To disable the front-end server processes on the ERS instance, specify frontend=false. The frontend attribute only applies to ERS.

  • To restart an Exascale storage service on an Exadata compute server, the command syntax is:

    @> chservice --attributes name=service_compute --restart

    To identify the service instance you want to restart on an Exadata compute server, specify the name attribute using the format: name=service_compute.

    In the attribute value:

    • service: Specifies the service that you want to act on, which is one of the following:

      • egs: Specifies the Exascale cluster service, also known as Exascale global service (EGS).

      • bsw: Specifies the block store worker service.

    • compute: Specifies the name of the compute server (dbserver) that hosts the service.

      Depending on the required service location, specify either the name of a specific compute node virtual machine (VM) or the Exadata compute node host domain (KVM host or Dom0).