Stop a Service

Exascale system components are implemented using a series of software services.

Typically, the Exascale cluster automatically contains the required Exascale storage services. However, as an Exascale administrator, you may occasionally need to stop a software service instance.


By default, Exascale uses automatic service placement to ensure that the required storage services are available across the Exascale cluster. Consequently, if you manually stop a software service instance (as described below), a replacement service instance is automatically started on another node (if possible).

To stop an Exascale storage service, use the ESCLI chservice command with the --stop option.

If you issue a command to stop service that is not running, then the command completes successfully but it has no effect.

  • To stop an Exascale storage service on an Exadata storage server, the command syntax is:

    @> chservice --attributes name=service_cell --stop

    To identify the service instance you want to stop on an Exadata storage server, specify the name attribute using the format: name=service_cell.

    In the attribute value:

    • service: Specifies the service that you want to act on, which is one of the following:

      • cellsrv: Specifies the core Exadata cell services (CELLSRV, MS, and RS).

      • egs: Specifies the Exascale cluster service, also known as Exascale global service (EGS).

      • ers: Specifies the Exascale control service, also known as Exascale RESTful service (ERS).

      • syseds: Specifies the system vault manager service.

      • usreds: Specifies the user vault manager service.

      • bsm: Specifies the block store manager service.

      • bsw: Specifies the block store worker service.

    • cell: Specifies the name of the storage server (cell) that hosts the service.

      The cell must be identified by its name. Use the lscell command to find all cell names.

  • To stop an Exascale storage service on an Exadata compute server, the command syntax is:

    @> chservice --attributes name=service_compute --stop

    To identify the service instance you want to stop on an Exadata compute server, specify the name attribute using the format: name=service_compute.

    In the attribute value:

    • service: Specifies the service that you want to act on, which is one of the following:

      • egs: Specifies the Exascale cluster service, also known as Exascale global service (EGS).

      • bsw: Specifies the block store worker service.

    • compute: Specifies the name of the compute server (dbserver) that hosts the service.

      Depending on the required service location, specify either the name of a specific compute node virtual machine (VM) or the Exadata compute node host domain (KVM host or Dom0).