AHF Release 23.11

Upgraded Java Version

AHF 23.11.0 is shipped with Java version 11.0.21.

Option to View Operating System and Database Parameter Values

AHF 23.11 includes a new command option tfactl param to view the values of operating system and database parameters specified.


tfactl run param will be deprecated in a future release. It will be replaced by tfactl param.
For more information, see:
  • tfactl run
  • tfactl param

Related Topics

Database Anomalies Advisor

AHF Insights adds the Database Anomalies Advisor, which shows database anomalies, their cause, and recommended actions.

AHF detects database anomalies and identifies the cause and corrective action. This is now made available via AHF Insights in the new Database Anomalies Advisor.

The Database Anomalies Advisor shows a summary timeline of anomalies for hosts and database instances. Findings can be drilled into to understand the cause and recommendation action.

To view the Database Anomalies Advisor and it’s recommendations, run ahf analysis create --type insights, open the resulting report, and click Database Anomalies Advisor.

AHF Support for Oracle Linux 9

AHF adds support for OL9 for both Intel-64/AMD-64 (x86_64) and Arm (aarch64)

Oracle Linux is an optimized and secure operating environment for application development and deployment. Oracle Linux 9 provides kernel, performance, and security enhancements.

AHF is now supported on Oracle Linux 9 on both Intel-64/AMD-64 (x86_64) and Arm (aarch64).

For more information, see Announcing Oracle Linux 9 general availability .

AHF Insights Space Usage Analytics for Diagnostic Destinations

A new section Space Analysis has been added in release 23.11 that renders Disk Utilization and Diagnostice Space Usage data in visual and tabular format.

You can view the directory structure and space consumed by directories and files in a visual and tree format across all diagnostic directories and nodes.

Get Insights from Exawatcher Data

AHF Insights now includes Exawatcher data.

Exawatcher is an Exadata specific tool that collects performance data from Exadata storage cells. Previously, Exawatcher data was not available within AHF Insights.

AHF Insights now includes Exawatcher data, in the same easy to explore interface as all other diagnostic data.

Insights Timeline Includes Patch Information

AHF Insights timeline now includes details about when patches were applied.

AHF Insights provides a bird’s eye view of your entire system, with the ability to spot problems, drill into the root cause and understand how to resolve.

When triaging issues, it can be useful to understand when patches were applied.

The AHF Insights Timeline now shows datapoints highlighting when new patches were applied. In addition, several other usability improvements have been added:

  • The timeline can be viewed in a Database Faceted format.
  • Operating System Issues data has been rounded to 2 decimal places in the Report section tables.
  • Node names in the drop-downs selections are sorted alphabetically.