AHF Release 23.6

Top-Down View of Network Abnormalities Across the System

AHF Insights metrics section now includes Aggregated NICs data as part of the Network section.

Understanding the cause of network issues often meant trawling through different log files and trying to spot that one line that was different.

AHF now brings together all relevant data from the network interface card into one easy-to-understand screen, showing:
  • Receive Rate
  • Transmit Rate
  • Total Space
  • Error Rate
  • Received Packet Count
  • Transmitted Packet Count
  • Errored Received Datagram Count
  • Error Rate for Transmitted Packets
  • Drop Rate for Received Packets

Each graph shows data of one type across all sources, easily enabling visualization of abnormalities. To explore the NICs data: Operating System Issues > Metrics > Network > Aggregated NICS.

For more information about Operating System Issues, see Operating System Issues.

For more information about AHF Insights, watch: Exadata Master Class: Maximize System Performance with Autonomous Health Framework Insights.

View Process Metrics for All Hosts at a Glance

AHF Insights adds a new Process metrics tab.

When triaging operating system issues, it's useful to understand various process metrics such as real-time process count or number of blocked processes.

AHF surfaces all process metrics in one screen under the Metrics Process tab.

The Process section shows:

  • Process Count
  • Blocked Process Count
  • Real-Time Process Count
  • D State Process Count
  • Process on CPU Count
  • Total File Descriptors

Data for each host is overlaid on the same chart, enabling easy comparison. To explore the Process data: Operating System Issues > Metrics > Process.

For more information about Operating System Issues, see Operating System Issues.

Capture Up-To-The-Minute Insights Data

AHF Insights can now collect fresh data without using the cache.

To make Insights data collection fast, AHF caches important information. Sometimes, however, it's useful to capture all data fresh at the time of collection.

AHF Insights can now be generated using the --refresh option to avoid the use of cache. When the refresh option is used collection time will be longer as everything is collected on-demand as requested.

To generate AHF Insights without caching, run the command:

ahf analysis create --type insights --refresh

For more information, see ahf analysis.

AHF Provides Complete Support for the X10M Platform

AHF now provides complete support for Oracle Exadata X10M.

In June, Oracle released the latest Exadata X10M platform.

AHF EXAchk compliance checks have been extended to provide X10M support.

This new support covers the new database server system model, the new Exadata smart flash cache size and new Exadata versions.

Specific checks updated include:

  1. Verify Exadata Smart Flash Cache is created.
  2. Verify RAID disk controller CacheVault capacitor condition [Storage Server].
  3. Exadata storage server system model number.
  4. Exadata software validation on storage server and database server for platinum certification.
  5. Verify Exadata Smart Flash Cache is created.
  6. Verify RAID disk controller CacheVault capacitor condition [Storage Server].
  7. Exadata storage server system model number.
  8. Exadata software validation on storage server and database server for platinum certification.

AHF Insights then visualizes the results of these compliance checks along with a complete bird's-eye view of the Platform.


AHF provides built-in support for ARM architectures in the cloud and on-premises.

Oracle Database on ARM provides customers with:

  • Predictable performance at a lower cost
  • Energy-efficient and sustainable design
  • Flexible VM shapes to size to workloads
  • Cloud automation tools to simplify management
  • Free credits for open source developers, research universities, industry partners, and customers

AHF now provides native support for ARM. On-premise AHF downloads for ARM are available on the AHF download page.

Read more about Oracle Database for ARM in the Cloud and On-premise.

Dynamically Change the Diagnostic Storage Location for AHF Without Reinstallation

AHF command-line option to move installed AHF data directory to a different location.

AHF stores all compliance results, diagnostic collections as well as AHF logs within the AHF data directory. Overtime as systems change it may be useful to move that data directory to a different location.

Previously, moving the data directory required an uninstall and reinstall of AHF using a different data_dir path. AHF has now made it easier to move the data directory without the need to uninstall.

Use the new command: ahfctl movedatadir <new_directory>.

New Oracle Orachk and Oracle Exachk Best Practice Checks

Release 23.6 includes the following new Oracle Orachk and Oracle Exachk best practice checks.

Oracle Orachk Specific Best Practice Checks

  • Verify number of inactive patches for database home

All checks can be explored in more detail via the Health Check Catalogs: