AHF Release 23.5

AHF Insights New Features and Performance Improvements

AHF Insights now includes several new features and performance improvements.

  • The pertinent charts are annotated to highlight anomalies detected.
  • The newly added System Overview section presents key metrics from the following areas:
    • OS
    • CPU
    • Memory
    • Network
    • I/O
  • For easy comparison, Cluster-Wide OS charts are now available with metrics from multiple cluster nodes overlayed in the same chart.
  • A new Configuration Section has been added for viewing CPU and Memory configuration details.
  • Chart size and rendering performance has been improved.
  • Insights visualizations size has been reduced by 45%, which significantly reduces the size of overall Insights report.
  • The user interface now performs deferred rendering of visualizations that improves the page load time and user experience.

AHF Print Collections Improvements

AHF now makes it easier to understand any diagnostic collections, which are queued for execution.

When a collection is requested, AHF will review available resources and may queue that collection for execution later when more resources are available.

A new print collections option has been added to show the status of any queued collections:
tfactl print collections -status queued

Related Topics

Diagnostic Collection Improvements

AHF now makes it easier to list the contents of nested diagnostic collections or to list the contents of multiple zip files from the same collection.

  • To list the contents of diagnostic collection including any nested zip files, use:
    tfactl collection list-contents -collectionzip zip
  • To list the contents of all zip files within a specific collection, use:
    tfactl collection list-contents -collectionname collection-name

Related Topics

Optimization of AHF Compliance Results and Log Storage

Cleanup of AHF compliance results and log data has been improved.

Results and log data management has been available for many releases:
  • Automatic retention: COLLECTION_RETENTION=n
  • On-demand retention: user_collection_retention=n

AHF now includes a new option -purge_size to specify the retention size to manage results and log data.

For example, to purge compliance data larger than 1024 MB, use:
ahfctl compliance -purge_size 1024