3.1.4 Running Compliance Checks in Silent Mode

Run compliance checks automatically by scheduling them with the Automated Daemon Mode operation.


Silent mode operation is maintained for backwards compatibility for the customers who were using it before the daemon mode was available. Silent mode is limited in the checks it runs and Oracle does not actively enhance it any further.

Running compliance checks in silent mode using the -s option does not run any checks on the storage servers and switches.

Running compliance checks in silent mode using the -S option excludes checks on database server that require root access. Also, does not run any checks on the storage servers and database servers.

To run compliance checks silently, configure passwordless SSH equivalency. It is not required to run remote checks, such as running against a single-instance database.

When compliance checks are run silently, output is similar to that described in On-Demand Mode Operation.


If not configured to run in silent mode operation on an Oracle Engineered System, then the tool does not perform storage server or InfiniBand switch checks.

Including Compliance Checks that Require root Access

Run as root  or configure sudo  access to run compliance checks in silent mode and include checks that require root access.

To run compliance checks including checks that require root access, use the –s  option followed by other required options:
$ orachk –s
$ exachk –s

Excluding Compliance Checks that Require root Access

To run compliance checks excluding checks that require root access, use the –S  option followed by other required options:
$ orachk –S
$ exachk –S