Using the Service Web UI

The Service Web UI is the graphical interface to the Service Enclave. You can use the Service Web UI on its own or with the Service CLI to complete tasks. The Service Web UI provides the same core functionality as the Service CLI, however, the Service CLI does have some additional operations that do not have a UI equivalent.

This section provides general guidelines for using the Service Web UI. The actual commands and their functions are documented throughout the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Administrator Guide as part of the step-by-step instructions.

Logging In

To log into the Service Web UI, complete the following steps:

  1. In a supported browser, enter the URL for your Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.

    For example, where pcasys1 is the name of your Private Cloud Appliance and is your domain.

    The Sign In page is displayed.

  2. Enter your Username and Password, and then click Sign In.

    The Private Cloud Appliance dashboard displays with quick action tiles.


If this is the first log in after a Private Cloud Appliance installation, the dashboard displays the ASR Phone Home page so you can register your system with My Oracle Support.

For more information, see Registering Private Cloud Appliance for Oracle Auto Service Request.

Navigating the Dashboard

When you log into the Service Enclave, the dashboard is displayed with a Quick Actions area containing clickable tiles for common tasks, such as viewing rack unit, tenancy, and appliance details and managing users and the network environment.

In the Observability & Management part of the dashboard, there is a quick action tile for Monitoring. When you click Monitoring, the Grafana console opens. For more information, see Using Grafana.

In the top bar of the dashboard you can locate the realm and the system and domain names for your Private Cloud Appliance. You will see your user name in the top bar, as well, with links to your profile information, hardware data sync,, and the ability to sign out.


The dashboard is static and not configurable.

The navigation menu, which you can click on or tab to, lists appliance components and resources that you can manage within the Service Enclave of Private Cloud Appliance. When you click on an item in the navigation menu, a page is displayed that contains information about the component or resource. The following table provides details about what you can expect to find on these component and resource pages.

Component or Resource Information Provided

Appliance Details

Read-only appliance configuration details and an option to edit rack name and description.

For more information, see Displaying Rack Component Details.

Network Environment

Read-only network configuration information and an Edit button that opens a Configure Network Params wizard where you can modify:

  • Routing uplink gateway, VLAN, and HSRP group, and spine virtual IP

  • Management nodes IPs and hostnames

  • Uplink port speed, count, port FEC, VLAN MTU, and netmask and spine IPs

  • NTP servers IP addresses

  • Admin network status

  • DNS servers IP addresses

  • Public IP ranges and object storage IP

For more information, see Reconfiguring the Network Environment.

Rack Units

Read-only list of all hardware components installed in the rack and detected by the appliance software and the following information for each:

  • Name

  • Rack unit type

  • State

  • Rack elevation

Each component also has an Actions menu (three dots) with a View Details link to a component's detail page. For management nodes, switches, and storage controllers, the detail pages provide read-only rack unit and system information.

For more information, see Displaying Rack Component Details.

For each compute node in the list, you can see additional information:

  • Provisioning state

  • Maintenance lock

  • Provisioned lock

A compute node's detail page provides read-only compute node, rack unit, and system information. Additionally, from either its detail page or the Actions menu, you can perform several actions on a compute node, such as locking for maintenance, migrating all virtual machines, stopping, deprovisioning. For more information, see Performing Compute Node Operations.


Read-only list of all tenancies in the system and the following information for each:

  • Name

  • Description

  • Action menu

    Contains options to view a tenancy's details page, edit a tenancy's description, or delete a tenancy.

    You can also edit or delete a tenancy from its details page.

A Create Tenancy button.

For more information, see Tenancy Management.

Identity Providers

Read-only list of identity providers and the following information for each:

  • Name

  • Force Authentication

  • Encrypt Assertion

  • Action menu

    Contains options to view an identity provider's details page and edit or delete the identity provider.

    You can also edit or delete an identity provider from its details page.

A Create Identity Provider button.

For more information, see Federating with Microsoft Active Directory.

IDP Group Mappings

Read-only list of IDP group mappings in the system and the following information for each:

  • Name

  • IDP Group Name

  • Admin Group Name

  • Description

  • Action menu

    Contains options to view read-only information on an IDP group mapping details page. MORE...

A Create Group Mapping button.

For more information, see Federating with Microsoft Active Directory.


Read only list of users in the system and the following information for each:

  • Name

  • Authorization Group

  • Default User

  • Action menu

    Contains options to view read-only information on a user's details page, change a user password, or delete a user.

    You can also change a user password or delete a user from its details page.

A Create User button.

For more information, see Administrator Account Management.


Read-only list of jobs that ran and the following information for each:

  • Object type

  • Start and end times

  • Run status - Active, Succeeded, Failed, or Aborted

  • Action menu

    Contains an option to view read-only information on a job's details page, which includes the user account that the job ran from.

Upgrade & Patching

Read-only list of upgrade and patching jobs that ran and the following information for each:

  • Job name

  • Request and job IDs

  • Start and end times

  • Command name

  • Result - Passed, Failed, Not Run, Canceled, or None

A Create Upgrade or Patch button, where you can select:

  • Upgrade Request - includes several types of upgrades, such as compute node, host, ILOM, Kubernetes, and platform.

  • Patch Request - includes several types of patches, such as compute node, host, ILOM, Kubernetes, OCI Images, and platform.

For more information, refer to the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrade Guide and Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Patching Guide.

ASR Phone Home

Read-only auto service request information and a Register button where you can register your Private Cloud Appliance.

For more information, see Using Oracle Auto Service Request.