2 Hardware Administration

This chapter provides instructions for an administrator to verify the appliance hardware configuration, collect detailed information about the hardware components, and perform standard actions such as starting and stopping a component or provisioning a compute node.

Displaying Rack Component Details

In the Service Enclave, administrators can obtain details about the appliance and its installed components. This can be done using either the Service Web UI or the Service CLI. The two interfaces display the results in a slightly different way.

Viewing Appliance Details

The administrator can retrieve certain appliance properties, which may be required when communicating with Oracle, for troubleshooting purposes, or to configure or verify settings.

Using the Service Web UI

  1. In the PCA Config navigation menu, click Appliance Details.

    The detail page contains system properties such as realm, region and domain. The information is read-only, except for the name.

  2. To change the rack name and add an optional description, click the Edit button.

    The System Details window appears. Enter a Rack Name and Description. Click Save Changes.

The Service CLI provides additional information about hardware discovery and synchronization. Any faults are displayed at the end of the command output.

Using the Service CLI

  1. Display system parameters and global status with a single command: show PcaSystem.

    PCA-ADMIN> show PcaSystem
    Command: show PcaSystem
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-19 11:20:13,937 UTC
      Id = 934732b6-9f08-4f44-a4fc-fddcdb9967e4
      Type = PcaSystem
      System Config State = Complete
      Initial Hardware Discovery Time = 2021-07-31 00:37:49,763 UTC
      Initial Hardware Discovery Status = Resync Success
      Initial Hardware Discovery Details = Error retrieving hardware data from the hardware layer.
      Resync Hardware Time = 2021-08-10 14:32:13,020 UTC
      Resync Hardware Status = Success
      Resync Hardware Details = Resync succeeded.
      System Name = oraclepca
      Domain Name = my.example.com
      Availability Domain = ad1
      Realm = 1742XC3024
      Region = oraclepca
      ASR Reminder = true
      Name = pca
      Work State = Normal
      FaultIds 1 = id:55f8de1e-ab25-4fc6-b6f4-a9ddd283605b  type:Fault  name:PcaSystemInitialHwDiscoveryStatusStatusFault(pca)
      FaultIds 2 = id:5c532489-6dad-45e1-a065-6c7649514ce1  type:Fault  name:PcaSystemReSyncHwStatusStatusFault(pca)
  2. Use the edit PcaSystem command to change these parameters:

    • description

    • name

    • ASR reminder (whether or not to display the Oracle Auto Service Request configuration screen when an administrator logs in to the Service Web UI)

    Note that the system name and domain name cannot be modified after the initial setup of the appliance.

    PCA-ADMIN> edit PcaSystem name=myPca description="My Private Cloud" domainName=my.example.com systemName=mycloud asrReminder=False
    Command: edit PcaSystem name=myPca description="My Private Cloud" domainName=my.example.com systemName=mycloud asrReminder=False
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-19 11:58:50,442 UTC
    JobId: 80cd1fb2-9328-42a0-89e2-7f3196246a28

    Use the job ID to check the status of your edit command.

    PCA-ADMIN> show Job id=80cd1fb2-9328-42a0-89e2-7f3196246a28

Using the Rack Units List

The Rack Units list provides an overview of installed hardware components, and lets you drill down into more detailed component information.

Using the Service Web UI

  1. In the PCA Config navigation menu, click Rack Units.

    The Rack Units table displays all hardware components installed in the rack and detected by the appliance software. For each component you see its host name, component type, global status information, and the rack unit number where the component is installed.

  2. To view more detailed information about a component, click its host name in the table.

    The detail pages for switches, storage controllers and management nodes are read-only. For compute nodes there are controls available to execute specific administrator tasks. For more information, see Performing Compute Node Operations.

The Service CLI allows you to list rack units by component type or category. It also includes an option to display information about the rack as a component.

Using the Service CLI

  1. To display a list of all rack units, use the list RackUnit command.

    PCA-ADMIN> list RackUnit
    Command: list RackUnit
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-19 12:23:55,300 UTC
      id                                     objtype            name
      --                                     -------            ----
      29f68a0e-4744-4a92-9545-7c48fa365d0a   ComputeNode        pcacn001
      7a0236f4-b00e-461d-93a0-b22673a18d9c   ComputeNode        pcacn003
      dc8ae567-b07f-48e0-89bd-e57069c20010   ComputeNode        pcacn002
      6fb5ed14-b242-4dd5-842c-532d1c94d43f   LeafSwitch         pcaswlf01
      279fe518-0dff-40cb-aa3a-fa0966adc946   LeafSwitch         pcaswlf02
      a13b5b83-0240-4014-b533-ef4a822e2a4b   ManagementNode     pcamn01
      c24f0d26-8c22-4b2b-b8f5-be98cb25c06e   ManagementNode     pcamn03
      c4e6bcc8-1e4c-44d5-8ca4-0ef9cd04d396   ManagementNode     pcamn02
      23c35224-d01e-4185-9ec6-22b538f5a5e1   ManagementSwitch   pcaswmn01
      8c4ecc55-7ac5-4704-bbd2-1023acf7c468   SpineSwitch        pcaswsp01
      231276bd-be1f-454f-923f-ffc09f68c294   SpineSwitch        pcaswsp02
      379690d6-4097-4637-9564-28ae890a20d2   ZFSAppliance       pcasn02
      ca637f6f-5269-48be-81b9-ceda76a90daf   ZFSAppliance       pcasn01
  2. To display only rack units of a specific type, use one of these commands instead:

    • list ManagementNode: displays a list of management nodes

    • list LeafSwitch: displays a list of leaf switches

    • list SpineSwitch: displays a list of spine switches

    • list ManagementSwitch: displays a list of 1Gbit management switches

    • list ZFSAppliance: displays a list of ZFS storage controllers

    • list ComputeNode: displays a list of compute nodes

    • list Rack: displays a list of racks that are part of the environment


    PCA-ADMIN> list ManagementNode
    Command: list ManagementNode
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-19 12:34:09,429 UTC
      id                                     name
      --                                     ----
      a13b5b83-0240-4014-b533-ef4a822e2a4b   pcamn01
      c24f0d26-8c22-4b2b-b8f5-be98cb25c06e   pcamn03
      c4e6bcc8-1e4c-44d5-8ca4-0ef9cd04d396   pcamn02
  3. To view more detailed information about a component, use the show command with the component type and its name or ID.

  4. Syntax (entered on a single line):

    id=<component_id> OR name=<component_name>


    PCA-ADMIN> show SpineSwitch id=8c4ecc55-7ac5-4704-bbd2-1023acf7c468
    Command: show SpineSwitch id=8c4ecc55-7ac5-4704-bbd2-1023acf7c468
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-19 12:50:39,570 UTC
      Id = 8c4ecc55-7ac5-4704-bbd2-1023acf7c468
      Type = SpineSwitch
      HW Id = FDO24290PQC
      MAC Address = 3c:13:cc:bd:3a:7c
      Ip Address =
      Hostname = pcaswsp01
      Firmware Version = 9.3(2)
      Serial Number = FDO24290PQC
      State = OK
      Rack Elevation = 22
      Validation State = Validated
      RackId = id:dba2962d-c477-4a32-bdff-a3a256bf7972  type:Rack  name:PCA X9-2 Base1
      Name = pcaswsp01
      Work State = Normal
    PCA-ADMIN> show RackUnit name=pcamn02
    Command: show RackUnit name=pcamn02
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-19 12:48:51,852 UTC
      Id = c4e6bcc8-1e4c-44d5-8ca4-0ef9cd04d396
      Type = ManagementNode
      HW Id = 1749XC302R
      MAC Address = 00:10:e0:da:cb:7c
      Ip Address =
      Hostname = pcamn02
      Firmware Version = 3.0.1
      Serial Number = 1749XC302R
      State = running
      Rack Elevation = 6
      Validation State = Validated
      RackId = id:dba2962d-c477-4a32-bdff-a3a256bf7972  type:Rack  name:PCA X9-2 Base1
      Name = pcamn02
      Work State = Normal

Viewing CPU and Memory Usage By Fault Domain

The getFaultDomainInfo command provides an overview of memory and CPU usage across a fault domain.

Using the Service Web UI

  1. In the PCA Config navigation menu, click Fault Domains.

    The table displays CPU and memory usage data by fault domain.

  2. To view more detailed information about a component, click its host name in the table.

Using the Service CLI

  1. To display a list of the CPU and memory usage in a fault domain, use the getFaultDomainInfo command.

    The UNASSIGNED row refers to compute nodes that are not currently assigned to a fault domain. Because these compute nodes do not belong to a fault domain, their memory and CPU usage in a fault domain is zero. You can access memory and CPU usage per compute node by viewing the Compute Node Information page in the Service Web UI.

    PCA-ADMIN> getFaultDomainInfo
    Command: getFaultDomainInfo
    Status: Success
    Time: 2022-06-17 14:43:13,292 UTC
      id           totalCNs   totalMemory   freeMemory   totalvCPUs   freevCPUs  
      --           --------   -----------   ----------   ----------   ---------  
      UNASSIGNED   11         0.0           0.0          0            0          
      FD1          1          984.0         968.0        120          118        
      FD2          1          984.0         984.0        120          120        
      FD3          1          984.0         984.0        120          120   

Performing Compute Node Operations

From the Rack Units list of the Service Web UI, an administrator can execute certain operations on hardware components. These operations can be accessed from the Actions menu, which is the button with three vertical dots on the right hand side of each table row. In practice, only the View Details and Copy ID operations are available for all component types.

For compute nodes, several other operations are available, either from the Actions menu or from the compute node detail page. Those operations are described in detail in this section, including the equivalent steps in the Service CLI.

Provisioning a Compute Node

Before a compute node can be used to host your compute instances, it must be provisioned by an administrator. The appliance software detects the compute nodes that are installed in the rack and cabled to the switches, meaning they appear in the Rack Units list as Ready to Provision. You can provision them from the Service Web UI or Service CLI.

Using the Service Web UI

  1. In the navigation menu, click Rack Units.

  2. In the Rack Units table, click the host name of the compute node you want to provision.

    The compute node detail page appears.

  3. In the top-right corner of the page, click Controls and select the Provision command.

Using the Service CLI

  1. Display the list of compute nodes.

    Copy the ID of the compute node you want to provision.

    PCA-ADMIN> list ComputeNode
    Command: list ComputeNode
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-20 08:53:56,681 UTC
      id                                     name       provisioningState   provisioningType
      --                                     ----       -----------------   ----------------
      29f68a0e-4744-4a92-9545-7c48fa365d0a   pcacn001   Ready to Provision  Unspecified
      7a0236f4-b00e-461d-93a0-b22673a18d9c   pcacn003   Ready to Provision  Unspecified
      dc8ae567-b07f-48e0-89bd-e57069c20010   pcacn002   Ready to Provision  Unspecified
  2. Provision the compute node with this command:

    PCA-ADMIN> provision id=7a0236f4-b00e-461d-93a0-b22673a18d9c
    Command: provision id=7a0236f4-b00e-461d-93a0-b22673a18d9c
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-20 11:35:40,152 UTC
    JobId: ea93cac4-4430-4663-aafd-d70701593fb2

    Use the job ID to check the status of your provision command.

    PCA-ADMIN> show Job id=ea93cac4-4430-4663-aafd-d70701593fb2
      Done = true
      Name = MODIFY_TYPE
      Run State = Succeeded
  3. Repeat the provision command for any other compute nodes you want to provision at this time.

  4. Confirm that the compute nodes have been provisioned.

    PCA-ADMIN> list ComputeNode
    Command: list ComputeNode
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-20 11:38:29,509 UTC
      id                                     name       provisioningState   provisioningType
      --                                     ----       -----------------   ----------------
      29f68a0e-4744-4a92-9545-7c48fa365d0a   pcacn001   Provisioned         KVM
      7a0236f4-b00e-461d-93a0-b22673a18d9c   pcacn003   Provisioned         KVM
      dc8ae567-b07f-48e0-89bd-e57069c20010   pcacn002   Provisioned         KVM

Disabling Compute Node Provisioning

Several compute node operations can only be performed on condition that provisioning has been disabled. This section explains how to impose and release a provisioning lock.

Using the Service Web UI

  1. In the navigation menu, click Rack Units.

  2. In the Rack Units table, click the host name of the compute node you want to make changes to.

    The compute node detail page appears.

  3. In the top-right corner of the page, click Controls and select the Provisioning Lock command.

    When the confirmation window appears, click Lock to proceed.

    After successful completion, the Compute Node Information tab shows Provisioning Locked = Yes.

  4. To release the provisioning lock, click Controls and select the Provisioning Unlock command.

    When the confirmation window appears, click Unlock to proceed.

    After successful completion, the Compute Node Information tab shows Provisioning Locked = No.

Using the Service CLI

  1. Display the list of compute nodes.

    Copy the ID of the compute node for which you want to disable provisioning operations.

    PCA-ADMIN> list ComputeNode
    Command: list ComputeNode
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-23 09:25:56,307 UTC
      id                                     name       provisioningState   provisioningType
      --                                     ----       -----------------   ----------------
      3e62bf25-a26c-407e-ab8b-df01a4ad98b6   pcacn002   Provisioned         KVM
      f7b8356b-052f-4911-babb-447e6ab9c78d   pcacn003   Provisioned         KVM
      4e06ebdf-faed-484e-996d-d77af786f123   pcacn001   Provisioned         KVM
  2. Set a provisioning lock on the compute node.

    PCA-ADMIN> provisioningLock id=f7b8356b-052f-4911-babb-447e6ab9c78d
    Command: provisioningLock id=f7b8356b-052f-4911-babb-447e6ab9c78d
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-23 09:29:46,568 UTC
    JobId: 6ee78c8a-e227-4d31-a770-9b9c96085f3f

    Use the job ID to check the status of your command.

    PCA-ADMIN> show Job id=6ee78c8a-e227-4d31-a770-9b9c96085f3f
    Command: show Job id=6ee78c8a-e227-4d31-a770-9b9c96085f3f
      Done = true
      Name = MODIFY_TYPE
      Run State = Succeeded
  3. When the job has completed, confirm that the compute node is under provisioning lock.

    PCA-ADMIN> show ComputeNode id=f7b8356b-052f-4911-babb-447e6ab9c78d
      Provisioning State = Provisioned
      Provisioning Locked = true
      Maintenance Locked = false

    All provisioning operations are now disabled until the lock is released.

  4. To release the provisioning lock, use this command:

    PCA-ADMIN> provisioningUnlock id=f7b8356b-052f-4911-babb-447e6ab9c78d
    Command: provisioningUnlock id=f7b8356b-052f-4911-babb-447e6ab9c78d
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-23 09:44:58,531 UTC
    JobId: 523892e8-c2d4-403c-9620-2f3e94015b46

    Use the job ID to check the status of your command.

    PCA-ADMIN> show Job id=523892e8-c2d4-403c-9620-2f3e94015b46
      Done = true
      Name = MODIFY_TYPE
      Run State = Succeeded
  5. When the job has completed, confirm that the provisioning lock has been released.

    PCA-ADMIN> show ComputeNode id=f7b8356b-052f-4911-babb-447e6ab9c78d
      Provisioning State = Provisioned
      Provisioning Locked = false
      Maintenance Locked = false

Locking a Compute Node for Maintenance

For maintenance operations, compute nodes must be placed in maintenance mode. This section explains how to impose and release a maintenance lock. Before you can lock a compute node for maintenance, you must disable provisioning first.

Using the Service Web UI

  1. Make sure that provisioning has been disabled on the compute node.

    See Disabling Compute Node Provisioning.

  2. In the navigation menu, click Rack Units.

  3. In the Rack Units table, click the host name of the compute node that requires maintenance.

    The compute node detail page appears.

  4. In the top-right corner of the page, click Controls and select the Maintenance Lock command.

    When the confirmation window appears, click Lock to proceed.

    After successful completion, the Compute Node Information tab shows Maintenance Locked = Yes.

  5. To release the maintenance lock, click Controls and select the Maintenance Unlock command.

    When the confirmation window appears, click Unlock to proceed.

    After successful completion, the Compute Node Information tab shows Maintenance Locked = No.

Using the Service CLI

  1. Display the list of compute nodes.

    Copy the ID of the compute node that requires maintenance.

    PCA-ADMIN> list ComputeNode
    Command: list ComputeNode
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-23 09:25:56,307 UTC
      id                                     name       provisioningState   provisioningType
      --                                     ----       -----------------   ----------------
      3e62bf25-a26c-407e-ab8b-df01a4ad98b6   pcacn002   Provisioned         KVM
      f7b8356b-052f-4911-babb-447e6ab9c78d   pcacn003   Provisioned         KVM
      4e06ebdf-faed-484e-996d-d77af786f123   pcacn001   Provisioned         KVM
  2. Make sure that provisioning has been disabled on the compute node.

    See Disabling Compute Node Provisioning.

  3. Lock the compute node for maintenance.

    PCA-ADMIN> maintenanceLock id=f7b8356b-052f-4911-babb-447e6ab9c78d
    Command: maintenanceLock id=f7b8356b-052f-4911-babb-447e6ab9c78d
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-23 09:56:05,443 UTC
    JobId: e46f6603-2af2-4df4-a0db-b15156491f88

    Use the job ID to check the status of your command.

    PCA-ADMIN> show Job id=e46f6603-2af2-4df4-a0db-b15156491f88
      Done = true
      Name = MODIFY_TYPE
      Run State = Succeeded
  4. When the job has completed, confirm that the compute node has been locked for maintenance.

    PCA-ADMIN> show ComputeNode id=f7b8356b-052f-4911-babb-447e6ab9c78d
      Provisioning State = Provisioned
      Provisioning Locked = true
      Maintenance Locked = true

    The compute node is now ready for maintenance.

  5. To release the maintenance lock, use this command:

    PCA-ADMIN> maintenanceUnlock id=f7b8356b-052f-4911-babb-447e6ab9c78d
    Command: maintenanceUnlock id=f7b8356b-052f-4911-babb-447e6ab9c78d
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-23 10:00:53,902 UTC
    JobId: 625af20e-4b49-4201-879f-41d4405314c7

    Use the job ID to check the status of your command.

    PCA-ADMIN> show Job id=625af20e-4b49-4201-879f-41d4405314c7
      Done = true
      Name = MODIFY_TYPE
      Run State = Succeeded
  6. When the job has completed, confirm that the provisioning lock has been released.

    PCA-ADMIN> show ComputeNode id=f7b8356b-052f-4911-babb-447e6ab9c78d
      Provisioning State = Provisioned
      Provisioning Locked = true
      Maintenance Locked = false

Migrating Instances from a Compute Node

Some compute node operations, such as some maintenance operations, can only be performed if the compute node has no running compute instances. As an administrator, you can migrate all running instances away from a compute node, also known as evacuating the compute node. Instances are live migrated to other compute nodes in the same fault domain.


If some instances cannot be accommodated in other compute nodes in the current fault domain, those instances might be migrated to compute nodes in other fault domains.

If some instances cannot be migrated to any other compute node, those instances are still running in the compute node that you are trying to evacuate. You can request that instance owners take actions in the Compute Enclave such as reconfiguring instances to use fewer resources, stopping instances that are not needed currently, or terminating any instances that are no longer needed. You could stop all instances in the compute node as described in Starting, Resetting or Stopping a Compute Node.

To check fault domain and compute node resources, see Viewing CPU and Memory Usage By Fault Domain.

Using the Service Web UI

  1. Disable provisioning on the compute node.

    See Disabling Compute Node Provisioning.

  2. In the navigation menu, click Rack Units.

  3. In the Rack Units table, click the host name of the compute node that you want to evacuate.

    The compute node details page appears.

  4. In the top-right corner of the compute node details page, click Controls and select the Migrate All Vms command.

    The Compute service migrates the running instances to other compute nodes. See the Important note at the beginning of this section.

Using the Service CLI

  1. Display the list of compute nodes.

    Copy the ID of the compute node that you that you want to evacuate.

    PCA-ADMIN> list ComputeNode
    Command: list ComputeNode
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-23 09:25:56,307 UTC
      id                                     name       provisioningState   provisioningType
      --                                     ----       -----------------   ----------------
      3e62bf25-a26c-407e-ab8b-df01a4ad98b6   pcacn002   Provisioned         KVM
      f7b8356b-052f-4911-babb-447e6ab9c78d   pcacn003   Provisioned         KVM
      4e06ebdf-faed-484e-996d-d77af786f123   pcacn001   Provisioned         KVM
  2. Disable provisioning on the compute node.

    See Disabling Compute Node Provisioning.

  3. Use the migrateVm command to migrate all running compute instances off the compute node.

    PCA-ADMIN> migrateVm id=7a0236f4-b00e-461d-93a0-b22673a18d9c
    Command: migrateVm id=7a0236f4-b00e-461d-93a0-b22673a18d9c
    Status: Running
    Time: 2021-08-20 10:37:05,781 UTC
    JobId: 6f1e94bc-7d5b-4002-ada9-7d4b504a2599

    Use the job ID to check the status of your command.

    PCA-ADMIN> show Job id=6f1e94bc-7d5b-4002-ada9-7d4b504a2599
      Done = true
      Name = MODIFY_TYPE
      Run State = Succeeded

    The Compute service migrates the running instances to other compute nodes. See the Important note at the beginning of this section.

Starting, Resetting or Stopping a Compute Node

The Service Enclave allows administrators to send start, reboot and shutdown signals to the compute nodes.

Using the Service Web UI

  1. Make sure that the compute node is locked for maintenance.

    See Locking a Compute Node for Maintenance.

  2. In the navigation menu, click Rack Units.

  3. In the Rack Units table, locate the compute node you want to start, reset or stop.

  4. Click the Action menu (three vertical dots) and select the appropriate action: Start, Reset, or Stop.

  5. When the confirmation window appears, click the appropriate action button to proceed.

    A pop-up window appears for a few seconds to confirm that the compute node is starting, stopping, or restarting.

  6. When the compute node is up and running again, release the maintenance and provisioning locks.

Using the Service CLI

  1. Display the list of compute nodes.

    Copy the ID of the compute node that you want to start, reset or stop.

    PCA-ADMIN> list ComputeNode
    Command: list ComputeNode
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-23 09:25:56,307 UTC
      id                                     name       provisioningState   provisioningType
      --                                     ----       -----------------   ----------------
      3e62bf25-a26c-407e-ab8b-df01a4ad98b6   pcacn002   Provisioned         KVM
      f7b8356b-052f-4911-babb-447e6ab9c78d   pcacn003   Provisioned         KVM
      4e06ebdf-faed-484e-996d-d77af786f123   pcacn001   Provisioned         KVM
  2. Make sure that the compute node is locked for maintenance.

    See Locking a Compute Node for Maintenance.

  3. Start, reset or stop the compute node using the corresponding command:

    PCA-ADMIN> start ComputeNode id=f7b8356b-052f-4911-babb-447e6ab9c78d
    Command: start ComputeNode id=f7b8356b-052f-4911-babb-447e6ab9c78d
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-23 09:26:06,446 UTC
    PCA-ADMIN> reset id=f7b8356b-052f-4911-babb-447e6ab9c78d
    Command: reset id=f7b8356b-052f-4911-babb-447e6ab9c78d
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-23 09:27:06,434 UTC
    PCA-ADMIN> stop ComputeNode id=f7b8356b-052f-4911-babb-447e6ab9c78d
    Command: stop ComputeNode id=f7b8356b-052f-4911-babb-447e6ab9c78d
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-23 09:31:38,271 UTC
  4. When the compute node is up and running again, release the maintenance and provisioning locks.

Deprovisioning a Compute Node

If you need to take a compute node out of service, for example to replace a defective one, you must deprovision it first, so that its data is removed cleanly from the system databases.

Using the Service Web UI

  1. In the navigation menu, click Rack Units.

  2. In the Rack Units table, click the host name of the compute node you want to deprovision.

    The compute node detail page appears.

  3. In the top-right corner of the page, click Controls and select the Provisioning Lock command.

    When the confirmation window appears, click Lock to proceed.

    After successful completion, the Compute Node Information tab shows Provisioning Locked = Yes.

  4. Make sure that no more compute instances are running on the compute node.

    Click Controls and select the Migrate All Vms command. The system migrates the instances to other compute nodes.

  5. To deprovision the compute node, click Controls and select the Deprovision command.

    When the confirmation window appears, click Deprovision to proceed.

    After successful completion, the Compute Node Information tab shows Provisioning State = Ready to Provision.

Using the Service CLI

  1. Display the list of compute nodes.

    Copy the ID of the compute node you want to deprovision.

    PCA-ADMIN> list ComputeNode
    Command: list ComputeNode
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-20 08:53:56,681 UTC
      id                                     name       provisioningState   provisioningType
      --                                     ----       -----------------   ----------------
      29f68a0e-4744-4a92-9545-7c48fa365d0a   pcacn001   Provisioned         KVM
      7a0236f4-b00e-461d-93a0-b22673a18d9c   pcacn003   Provisioned         KVM
      dc8ae567-b07f-48e0-89bd-e57069c20010   pcacn002   Provisioned         KVM
  2. Set a provisioning lock on the compute node.

    PCA-ADMIN> provisioningLock id=7a0236f4-b00e-461d-93a0-b22673a18d9c
    Command: provisioningLock id=7a0236f4-b00e-461d-93a0-b22673a18d9c
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-20 10:30:00,320 UTC
    JobId: ed4a4646-6d73-41f9-9cb0-73ea35e0d766

    Use the job ID to check the status of your command.

    PCA-ADMIN> show Job id=ed4a4646-6d73-41f9-9cb0-73ea35e0d766
      Done = true
      Name = MODIFY_TYPE
      Run State = Succeeded
  3. Confirm that the compute node is under provisioning lock.

    PCA-ADMIN> show ComputeNode id=7a0236f4-b00e-461d-93a0-b22673a18d9c
      Provisioning Locked = true
  4. Migrate all running compute instances off the compute node you want to deprovision.

    PCA-ADMIN> migrateVm id=7a0236f4-b00e-461d-93a0-b22673a18d9c
    Command: migrateVm id=7a0236f4-b00e-461d-93a0-b22673a18d9c
    Status: Running
    Time: 2021-08-20 10:37:05,781 UTC
    JobId: 6f1e94bc-7d5b-4002-ada9-7d4b504a2599

    Use the job ID to check the status of your command.

    PCA-ADMIN> show Job id=6f1e94bc-7d5b-4002-ada9-7d4b504a2599
    Command: show Job id=6f1e94bc-7d5b-4002-ada9-7d4b504a2599
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-20 10:39:59,025 UTC
      Done = true
      Name = MODIFY_TYPE
      Run State = Succeeded
  5. Deprovision the compute node with this command:

    PCA-ADMIN> deprovision id=7a0236f4-b00e-461d-93a0-b22673a18d9c
    Command: deprovision id=7a0236f4-b00e-461d-93a0-b22673a18d9c
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-20 11:30:43,793 UTC
    JobId: 9868fdac-ddb6-4260-9ce1-c018cf2ddc8d

    Use the job ID to check the status of your deprovision command.

    PCA-ADMIN> show Job id=9868fdac-ddb6-4260-9ce1-c018cf2ddc8d
      Done = true
      Name = MODIFY_TYPE
      Run State = Succeeded
  6. Confirm that the compute node has been deprovisioned.

    PCA-ADMIN> list ComputeNode
    Command: list ComputeNode
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-20 08:53:56,681 UTC
      id                                     name       provisioningState   provisioningType
      --                                     ----       -----------------   ----------------
      29f68a0e-4744-4a92-9545-7c48fa365d0a   pcacn001   Provisioned         KVM
      7a0236f4-b00e-461d-93a0-b22673a18d9c   pcacn003   Ready to Provision  Unspecified
      dc8ae567-b07f-48e0-89bd-e57069c20010   pcacn002   Provisioned         KVM

Configuring the Active Directory Domain for File Storage

The file storage service in Oracle Private Cloud Appliance enables users of Microsoft Windows instances to map a network drive, or mount a network share. Both the NFS and SMB protocols are supported, but for SMB it is required that the Microsoft Windows instances and Private Cloud Appliance belong to the same Active Directory domain. This section provides instructions to set up the Active Directory domain in the Service Enclave.

Using the Service Web UI

  1. Verify that DNS is configured on the appliance.

    1. In the navigation menu, click Network Environment.

    2. In the Network Environment Information detail page, select the DNS Servers tab and make sure that DNS servers are configured.

    DNS is required because, during domain configuration, the system searches for a matching SRV record in order to locate the controllers of the Active Directory domain.

  2. In the navigation menu, click Active Directory Domain.

  3. Verify that no Active Directory domain is currently configured. The configuration details should show "Status = disabled" and "Domain = Not Available".

  4. Click Edit to change the Active Directory domain configuration.

  5. In the Active Directory Domain Setting window, enter these parameters:

    • the name of the Active Directory domain the appliance is meant to join

    • a user name and password that enable the appliance to join the domain

    • optionally, an organizational unit

  6. Click Submit to apply the new configuration.

  7. Verify that the Active Directory is configured correctly. The configuration details should show "Status = online" and the newly configured domain name should appear in the Domain field.

Using the Service CLI

  1. Gather the information that you need to run the command:

    • the name of the Active Directory domain the appliance is meant to join

    • an account (user name and password) with authorization to join the Active Directory domain

  2. Verify that DNS is configured on the appliance. During domain configuration, the system searches for a matching SRV record in order to locate the controllers of the Active Directory domain.

    PCA-ADMIN> show NetworkConfig
    Command: show NetworkConfig
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-12-17 12:20:51,238 UTC
      Uplink Port Speed = 100
      Uplink Port Count = 2
      Uplink Vlan Mtu = 9216
      DNS Address1 =
      DNS Address2 =
      DNS Address3 =
      Management Node1 Hostname = mypca-mn1
      Management Node2 Hostname = mypca-mn2
      Management Node3 Hostname = mypca-mn3
      Network Config Lifecycle State = ACTIVE
  3. Verify that no Active Directory domain is currently configured.

    PCA-ADMIN> show ZFSAdDomain
    Command: show ZFSAdDomain
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-12-17 12:17:42,734 UTC
      Status = disabled
      Mode = workgroup
      Service href = /api/service/v2/services/ad
      Domain href = /api/service/v2/services/ad/domain
      Workgroup href = /api/service/v2/services/ad/workgroup
      PasswordSet = false
      Preexist = false
      Workgroup = WORKGROUP
  4. Configure the Active Directory domain by entering the name of the domain, and a user name and password that enables the appliance to join the domain.

    PCA-ADMIN> configZFSAdDomain domain=ad.example.com user=Administrator password=************
    Command: configZFSAdDomain domain=ad.example.com user=Administrator password=*****
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-12-17 12:24:25,333 UTC
    JobId: 7e6abf2d-9f6a-4c32-8f18-5142f6eda3c5
  5. Use the job ID to check the status of your command.

    When the job has completed successfully, verify the Active Directory zone configuration and status.

    PCA-ADMIN> show ZFSAdDomain
    Command: show ZFSAdDomain
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-12-17 12:35:04,944 UTC
      Status = online
      Mode = domain
      Service href = /api/service/v2/services/ad
      Domain href = /api/service/v2/services/ad/domain
      Workgroup href = /api/service/v2/services/ad/workgroup
      PasswordSet = false
      Preexist = false

Reconfiguring the Network Environment

From the Network Environment list of the Service Web UI, an administrator can edit the network environment information provided during initial system setup. Carefully plan any changes you make in this area, as these parameters provide the connections from your data center to the Private Cloud Appliance and can potentially disrupt system operations.

Editing Routing Information


It is not supported to change your routing information for your dynamic or static network topology.

Editing Management Node Information

This section explains how to edit IP and hostname information for your management nodes.


Changing management node parameters can cause system disruption.

Using the Service Web UI

  1. In the navigation menu, click Network Environment.

  2. In the Network Environment Information page, click the Management Nodes tab.

    The Management Nodes details appear.

  3. In the top-right corner of the page, click Edit.

  4. Click Next to navigate to the page you want to edit, then update the appropriate fields.

    For field descriptions, see the Initial Installation Checklist section in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Installation Guide.

  5. Click Save Changes.

Using the Service CLI

  1. Display the current network configuration information using the show NetworkConfig command.

    PCA-ADMIN> show NetworkConfig
    Command: show NetworkConfig
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-09-28 17:31:33,990 UTC
      Uplink Port Speed = 100
      Uplink Port Count = 2
      Uplink Vlan Mtu = 9216
      Spine1 Ip = 10.n.n.12
      Spine2 Ip = 10.n.n.13
      Uplink Netmask =
      Management VIP Hostname = ukpca01mn
      Management VIP 100g = 10.n.n.8
      NTP Server(s) = 100.n.n.254
      Uplink Port Fec = auto
      Public Ip range/list = 10.n.n.2/32,10.n.n.3/32,10.n.n.4/32,10.n.n.5/32,10.n.n.6/32,10.n.n.7/32
      DNS Address1 = 206.n.n.1
      DNS Address2 = 206.n.n.2
      DNS Address3 = 10.n.n.197
      Management Node1 Hostname = ukpca01-mn1
      Management Node2 Hostname = ukpca01-mn2
      Management Node3 Hostname = ukpca01-mn3
      100g Management Node1 Ip = 10.n.n.9
      100g Management Node2 Ip = 10.n.n.10
      100g Management Node3 Ip = 10.n.n.11
      Object Storage Ip = 10.n.n.1
      Enable Admin Network = false
      Static Routing = true
      Spine VIP = 10.n.n.14
      Uplink Gateway = 10.n.n.1
      Uplink VLAN = 799
      Uplink Hsrp Group = 61
      BGP Authentication = false
  2. Use the edit NetworkConfig command to change any of these management node parameters:

    • Management Node 1 IP

    • Management Node 1 Hostname

    • Management Node 2 IP

    • Management Node 2 Hostname

    • Management Node 3 IP

    • Management Node 3 Hostname

    • Management Node VIP

    • Management Node VIP Hostname

    PCA-ADMIN> edit NetworkConfig mgmt01Ip100g=172.n.n.190 mgmt02Ip100g=172.n.n.191
    Command: edit NetworkConfig mgmt01Ip100g=172.n.n.190 mgmt02Ip100g=172.n.n.191
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-09-27 14:25:00,603 UTC
    JobId: 52f5177d-402a-4a52-98fe-1cff9c1f26be

This section explains how to edit uplink information for your configuration.


Reconfiguring the Private Cloud Appliance connection to the data center causes an interruption of all network connectivity to and from the appliance. No network traffic is possible while the physical connections are reconfigured. All connections are automatically restored when the configuration update is complete.

Using the Service Web UI

Using the Service CLI

Updating NTP Server Information

This section explains how to edit or add NTP server IP addresses.

Using the Service Web UI

  1. In the navigation menu, click Network Environment.

  2. In the Network Environment Information page, click the NTP tab.

    The NTP details appear.

  3. In the top-right corner of the page, click Edit.

  4. Click Next to navigate to the page you want to edit, then update the appropriate fields.

    For field descriptions, see the Initial Installation Checklist section in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Installation Guide.

  5. Click Save Changes.

Using the Service CLI

  1. Display the current network configuration information using the show NetworkConfig command.

    PCA-ADMIN> show NetworkConfig
    Command: show NetworkConfig
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-09-28 17:31:33,990 UTC
      Uplink Port Speed = 100
      Uplink Port Count = 2
      Uplink Vlan Mtu = 9216
      Spine1 Ip = 10.n.n.12
      Spine2 Ip = 10.n.n.13
      Uplink Netmask =
      Management VIP Hostname = ukpca01mn
      Management VIP 100g = 10.n.n.8
      NTP Server(s) = 100.n.n.254
      Uplink Port Fec = auto
      Public Ip range/list = 10.n.n.2/32,10.n.n.3/32,10.n.n.4/32,10.n.n.5/32,10.n.n.6/32,10.n.n.7/32
      DNS Address1 = 206.n.n.1
      DNS Address2 = 206.n.n.2
      DNS Address3 = 10.n.n.197
      Management Node1 Hostname = ukpca01-mn1
      Management Node2 Hostname = ukpca01-mn2
      Management Node3 Hostname = ukpca01-mn3
      100g Management Node1 Ip = 10.n.n.9
      100g Management Node2 Ip = 10.n.n.10
      100g Management Node3 Ip = 10.n.n.11
      Object Storage Ip = 10.n.n.1
      Enable Admin Network = false
      Static Routing = true
      Spine VIP = 10.n.n.14
      Uplink Gateway = 10.n.n.1
      Uplink VLAN = 799
      Uplink Hsrp Group = 61
      BGP Authentication = false
  2. Use the edit NetworkConfig command to change the NTP servers. Enter multiple IP addresses in a comma-separated list:

    PCA-ADMIN> edit NetworkConfig ntpIps=100.n.n.254,100.n.n.253
    Command: edit NetworkConfig ntpIps=100.n.n.254,100.n.n.253
    Time: 2021-09-27 14:31:00,605 UTC
    JobId: 42f5137f-122a-4a52-98fe-1cfv9c1f26ve

Editing Administration Network Information

If you use the optional Administration Network, you can update the parameters using these procedures.

Using the Service Web UI

  1. In the navigation menu, click Network Environment.

  2. In the Network Environment Information page, click the Admin Network tab.

    The Admin Network details appear.

  3. In the top-right corner of the page, click Edit.

  4. Click Next to navigate to the page you want to edit, then update the appropriate fields.

    For field descriptions, see the Initial Installation Checklist section in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Installation Guide.

  5. Click Save Changes.

Using the Service CLI

  1. Display the current network configuration information using the show NetworkConfig command.

    PCA-ADMIN> show NetworkConfig
    Command: show NetworkConfig
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-09-28 17:31:33,990 UTC
      Uplink Port Speed = 100
      Uplink Port Count = 2
      Uplink Vlan Mtu = 9216
      Spine1 Ip = 10.n.n.12
      Spine2 Ip = 10.n.n.13
      Uplink Netmask =
      Management VIP Hostname = ukpca01mn
      Management VIP 100g = 10.n.n.8
      NTP Server(s) = 100.n.n.254
      Uplink Port Fec = auto
      Public Ip range/list = 10.n.n.2/32,10.n.n.3/32,10.n.n.4/32,10.n.n.5/32,10.n.n.6/32,10.n.n.7/32
      DNS Address1 = 206.n.n.1
      DNS Address2 = 206.n.n.2
      DNS Address3 = 10.n.n.197
      Management Node1 Hostname = ukpca01-mn1
      Management Node2 Hostname = ukpca01-mn2
      Management Node3 Hostname = ukpca01-mn3
      100g Management Node1 Ip = 10.n.n.9
      100g Management Node2 Ip = 10.n.n.10
      100g Management Node3 Ip = 10.n.n.11
      Object Storage Ip = 10.n.n.1
      Enable Admin Network = false
      Static Routing = true
      Spine VIP = 10.n.n.14
      Uplink Gateway = 10.n.n.1
      Uplink VLAN = 799
      Uplink Hsrp Group = 61
      BGP Authentication = false
  2. Use the edit NetworkConfig command to change any of these administration network parameters:

    • Admin Network

    • Admin Port Speed

    • Admin Port Count

    • Admin Port MTU

    • Admin Port FEC

    • Admin VLAN

    • Admin Gateway IP

    • Admin Netmask

    • Admin CIDR

    • Admin Spine1 IP

    • Admin Spine2 IP

    • Admin Spine VIP

    PCA-ADMIN> edit NetworkConfig adminPortSpeed=25
    Command: edit NetworkConfig adminPortSpeed=25
    Time: 2021-11-24 11:01:00,605 UTC
    JobId: 62f8137f-772a-4a52-98f4-1cfv9c1f24te

Updating DNS Information

This section explains how to edit or add DNS IP addresses.

Using the Service Web UI

  1. In the navigation menu, click Network Environment.

  2. In the Network Environment Information page, click the DNS tab.

    The DNS details appear.

  3. In the top-right corner of the page, click Edit.

  4. Click Next to navigate to the page you want to edit, then update the appropriate fields.

    For field descriptions, see the Initial Installation Checklist section in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Installation Guide.

  5. Click Save Changes.

Using the Service CLI

  1. Display the current network configuration information using the show NetworkConfig command.

    PCA-ADMIN> show NetworkConfig
    Command: show NetworkConfig
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-09-28 17:31:33,990 UTC
      Uplink Port Speed = 100
      Uplink Port Count = 2
      Uplink Vlan Mtu = 9216
      Spine1 Ip = 10.n.n.12
      Spine2 Ip = 10.n.n.13
      Uplink Netmask =
      Management VIP Hostname = ukpca01mn
      Management VIP 100g = 10.n.n.8
      NTP Server(s) = 100.n.n.254
      Uplink Port Fec = auto
      Public Ip range/list = 10.n.n.2/32,10.n.n.3/32,10.n.n.4/32,10.n.n.5/32,10.n.n.6/32,10.n.n.7/32
      DNS Address1 = 206.n.n.1
      DNS Address2 = 206.n.n.2
      DNS Address3 = 10.n.n.197
      Management Node1 Hostname = ukpca01-mn1
      Management Node2 Hostname = ukpca01-mn2
      Management Node3 Hostname = ukpca01-mn3
      100g Management Node1 Ip = 10.n.n.9
      100g Management Node2 Ip = 10.n.n.10
      100g Management Node3 Ip = 10.n.n.11
      Object Storage Ip = 10.n.n.1
      Enable Admin Network = false
      Static Routing = true
      Spine VIP = 10.n.n.14
      Uplink Gateway = 10.n.n.1
      Uplink VLAN = 799
      Uplink Hsrp Group = 61
      BGP Authentication = false
  2. Use the edit NetworkConfig command to change the DNS IP addresses:

    • DNS IP1

    • DNS IP2

    • DNS IP3

    PCA-ADMIN> edit NetworkConfig DnsIp2=206.n.n.2
    Command: edit NetworkConfig DnsIp2=206.n.n.2
    Time: 2021-09-27 14:21:00,605 UTC
    JobId: 42f5137f-122a-4a52-98fe-1cfv9c1f26ve

Updating Public IP Information

This section explains how to edit the public IP addresses for your appliance. You can add public IP addresses, or change the currently configured IP addresses.


Changing public IP addresses that are in use can cause system disruption.

Using the Service Web UI

  1. In the navigation menu, click Network Environment.

  2. In the Network Environment Information page, click the Uplink tab.

    The Uplink details appear.

  3. In the top-right corner of the page, click Edit.

  4. Click Next to navigate to the page you want to edit, then update the appropriate fields.

    For field descriptions, see the Initial Installation Checklist section in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Installation Guide.

  5. Click Save Changes.

Using the Service CLI

  1. Display the current network configuration information using the show NetworkConfig command.

    PCA-ADMIN> show NetworkConfig
    Command: show NetworkConfig
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-09-28 17:31:33,990 UTC
      Uplink Port Speed = 100
      Uplink Port Count = 2
      Uplink Vlan Mtu = 9216
      Spine1 Ip = 10.n.n.12
      Spine2 Ip = 10.n.n.13
      Uplink Netmask =
      Management VIP Hostname = ukpca01mn
      Management VIP 100g = 10.n.n.8
      NTP Server(s) = 100.n.n.254
      Uplink Port Fec = auto
      Public Ip range/list = 10.n.n.2/32,10.n.n.3/32,10.n.n.4/32,10.n.n.5/32,10.n.n.6/32,10.n.n.7/32
      DNS Address1 = 206.n.n.1
      DNS Address2 = 206.n.n.2
      DNS Address3 = 10.n.n.197
      Management Node1 Hostname = ukpca01-mn1
      Management Node2 Hostname = ukpca01-mn2
      Management Node3 Hostname = ukpca01-mn3
      100g Management Node1 Ip = 10.n.n.9
      100g Management Node2 Ip = 10.n.n.10
      100g Management Node3 Ip = 10.n.n.11
      Object Storage Ip = 10.n.n.1
      Enable Admin Network = false
      Static Routing = true
      Spine VIP = 10.n.n.14
      Uplink Gateway = 10.n.n.1
      Uplink VLAN = 799
      Uplink Hsrp Group = 61
      BGP Authentication = false
  2. Use the edit NetworkConfig command to change the public IP addresses or the object storage public IP address:

    • Object Storage Public IP

    • Public IP Range/List

    PCA-ADMIN> edit NetworkConfig PublicIps= 10.n.n.17/32,10.n.n.18/32,10.n.n.19/32
    Command: edit NetworkConfig PublicIps= 10.n.n.17/32,10.n.n.18/32,10.n.n.19/32
    Time: 2021-09-27 14:21:00,605 UTC
    JobId: 42f5137f-122a-4a52-98fe-1cfv9c1f26ve

Creating and Managing Exadata Networks

Oracle Private Cloud Appliance supports direct connectivity to Oracle Exadata clusters. In order to use an Exadata network, the VCNs containing compute instances that connect to the database nodes, must have a dynamic routing gateway (DRG) configured, and a route rule in the enabled subnet that has the Exadata CIDR as a destination and the DRG as target. For more information about Oracle Exadata Integration, see the "Network Infrastructure" section in the Hardware Overview chapter of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Concepts Guide.

This section describes creating and managing Exadata networks from the Service CLI. Before you can create an Exadata network, you must physically connect your Private Cloud Appliance to an Oracle Exadata rack. For instructions, see the "Optional Connection to Exadata" section in the chapter Configuring Oracle Private Cloud Appliance of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Installation Guide.

In order to use an Exadata network you need a DRG and a route rule in the enabled subnet that has the Exadata CIDR as destination and the DRG as target.

Creating an Exadata Network

Using the Service CLI

  1. Determine the parameters for the Exadata network.

    Parameter Example Value Description



    Choose a VLAN from 2 to 3899 that is not in use by the uplink VLAN or other Oracle Exadata VLANs. (VLAN 3900 to 3967, and VLAN 3968 to 4095 are reserved).



    A valid IP address in the CIDR specified.



    A valid IP address in the CIDR specified.



    A valid IP address in the CIDR specified.



    Choose a valid CIDR range that is within the CIDR range of the Oracle Exadata.



    Valid ports are '7/1','7/2','7/3','7/4','8/1','8/2','8/3','8/4', '9/1','9/2','9/3','9/4','10/1','10/2','10/3','10/4'.



    True or False - enables or disables the visibility of the Exadata network to the customer's datacenter servers. advertiseNetwork=true is only available for dynamic routing configurations.

  2. Create the Exadata network by entering the parameters.

    PCA-ADMIN> exaDataCreateNetwork cidr="10.nn.nn.0/24" vlan=2001 spine1Ip="10.nn.nn.101" \
    spine2Ip="10.nn.nn.102" spineVip="10.nn.nn.1" ports="7/1,7/2"
    Command: exaDataCreateNetwork cidr="10.nn.nn.0/24" vlan=2001 spine1Ip="10.nn.nn.101" \ 
    spine2Ip="10.nn.nn.102" spineVip="10.nn.nn.1" ports="7/1,7/2"
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-11-22 06:10:05,260 UTC
    Data: ocid1.exadata.unique_id
  3. Next, add a subnet to the Exadata network. See Enabling Oracle Exadata Access.

Enabling Oracle Exadata Access

Using the Service CLI

  1. Get the OCID of the Exadata network you want to enable, using the exaDataGetNetwork command.

  2. Enable access to a configured Exadata network.

    PCA-ADMIN> exaDataEnableAccess exadataNetworkId=ocid1.exadata.unique_id \
    Command: exaDataEnableAccess exadataNetworkId=ocid1.exadata.unique_id \
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-11-17 18:56:45,251 UTC
    Data: id -- ocid1.vcn.unique_id

List Exadata Networks

Use the exaDataListNetwork command to view Exadata networks, including their OCIDs.

Using the Service CLI

  1. Display configured Exadata networks.

    PCA-ADMIN> exaDataListNetwork
    Command: exaDataListNetwork
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-11-22 06:10:17,617 UTC
      id                        vlan   cidr            spine1Ip       spine2Ip       spineVip     ports
      --                        ----   ----            --------       --------       --------     -----
      ocid1.exadata.unique_id   2001   10.nn.nn.0/24   10.nn.nn.101   10.nn.nn.102   10.nn.nn.1   7/1,7/2

Get Exadata Network Details

Use the exaDataGetNetwork command to find details about a specific Exadata network, including the state of the network, subnet and VCN IDs.

Using the Service CLI

  1. Get the OCID of the Exadata network for which you want details, using the exaDataListNetwork command.

  2. Display Exadata network details.

    PCA-ADMIN> exaDataGetNetwork exadataNetworkId=ocid1.exadata.unique_id
    Command: exaDataGetNetwork exadataNetworkId=ocid1.exadata.unique_id
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-11-22 19:34:56,917 UTC
      CIDR = 10.nn.nn.0/24
      Vlan = 2001
      Spine1Ip = 10.nn.nn.101
      Spine2Ip = 10.nn.nn.102
      SpineVip = 10.nn.nn.1
      Ports = 7/1,7/2
      advertiseNetwork = false
      Access List 1 - Vcn Id = ocid1.vcn.unique_id
      Access List 1 - Subnet Ids 1 = ocid1.subnet.unique_id
      Lifecycle State = AVAILABLE

Disabling Oracle Exadata Access

Using the Service CLI

  1. Get the OCID of the Exadata network you want to disable, using the exaDataListNetwork command.

  2. Get the OCID of the subnet ID for the Exadata network using the exaDataGetNetwork command.

  3. Disable access to a configured Exadata network.

    PCA-ADMIN> exaDataDisableAccess exadataNetworkId=ocid1.exadata.unique_id \
    Command: exaDataDisableAccess exadataNetworkId=ocid1.exadata.unique_id  \
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-11-02 11:29:49,873 UTC
    PCA-ADMIN> exaDatadisableAccess exadataNetworkId=ocid1.exadata.unique_id \ 
    subnetId=ocid1.subnet.unique_id \
    Command: exaDatadisableAccess exadataNetworkId=ocid1.exadata.unique_id \ 
    subnetId=ocid1.subnet.unique_id \
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-12-15 11:26:40,344 UTC
      ocid1.vcn.unique_id \

Deleting an Exadata Network

Using the Service CLI

  1. Make sure that, for the Exadata network you intend to delete, access has been disabled first.

  2. Get the OCID of the Exadata network you want to delete, using the exaDataListNetwork command.

  3. Delete the Exadata network.

    PCA-ADMIN> exaDatadeleteNetwork exadataNetworkId=ocid1.exadata.unique_id
    Command: exaDatadeleteNetwork exadataNetworkId=ocid1.exadata.unique_id
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-11-16 05:59:54,177 UTC