Managing an Attribute Set Using Cloud Control

This section contains information on how to edit or delete an attribute set using Cloud Control.

To edit an attribute set:

You can edit the existing properties of a media manager attribute set to modify your tape backup job settings at a job-specific level.

  1. Complete the steps "Accessing Recovery Appliance in Cloud Control".

  2. From the Recovery Appliance Menu, select Media Managers.

  3. From the list of attribute sets, select one attribute set that you need to edit.

  4. Make the required changes to the Pool ID, Media Management Vendor Parameters, and Media Management Vendor Command values.

  5. Click OK.

To delete an attribute set:

You can delete an existing attribute set after all associated tape backup jobs are complete and you no longer require the job parameters specified in the attribute set.

  1. Complete the steps in "Accessing Recovery Appliance in Cloud Control".

  2. From the Recovery Appliance Menu, select Media Managers.

  3. In the Attribute Sets section, select the attribute list that you want to delete.

  4. Click Delete.

    A message asks you to confirm deletion of this attribute set.

  5. Click Yes.